Surrounded by these women, Zhao Tianxiang, while holding the instruments of torture, abusing these people, at the same time, let out sharp and wanton laughter. Many of the people in Moying came out of the ten thousand people cave in ghost city. I've also seen the miserable situation of the people who were engulfed and controlled by the ghost eating insects. But never a scene can shock them more than the scene in front of them. This is not the ugliness of human nature, but... "Zhao Tianxiang, a scum and beast!! He should die! " There was a shivering roar. This roar awakened Zhao Tianxiang. He looked over with a pair of red eyes. He could not speak clearly. He called out: "who are you? Who let you in..." suddenly, his voice burst out. A pair of half narrowed eyes suddenly widened, just like dementia, staring at the direction of the door. With a sniff, his saliva flowed down. Unexpectedly, he even looked at the pain of his fractured leg and went to the door“ Beautiful, beautiful! There are so many women in my life. I have never seen such a beautiful thing. Little beauty, are you here to throw yourself in the arms of my son? " At the door of the main hall, a girl in green clothes walked in with Guqin in her hand. The night wind blew up her train and long hair, and the candles in the hall reflected on her snow like skin. A beautiful face, just like that, showed in front of Zhao Tianxiang's eyes. Zhao Tianxiang has abused and defiled countless beauties in his life, but no woman can make his heart beat as if his whole blood were boiling. Did god treat him too well. Seeing that he was robbed by his father of the crabapple, he sent him a one hundred times better than the crabapple“ Little beauty, what's your name? Follow me, I promise you will be popular in the future... "Before he finished his words, there was a melody in his ear. In front of her eyes, the girl's delicate hands plucked the strings, and her white fingertips set off the black sound of the piano, which was particularly Soul-catching. At the thought of letting such hands serve him, Zhao Tianxiang was very excited. He touched Mu Yan's face, but suddenly, he found that his hand could not reach the girl's face. His body seemed to have shrunk in an instant. Zhao Tianxiang didn't seem to react. After a while, he lowered his head and looked under his body. Then, he saw a scene that made his heart beat“ Ah... Ah! My leg, where's my leg It's not that his body is short, but his legs. His legs have disappeared. On the ground, splashed with dripping blood, and a few pieces of broken bones. At this time, Zhao Tianxiang finally felt the pain and lay on the ground screaming like a pig. Ruyan sneered and stepped on Zhao Tianxiang's lower body. Only listen to the sound of the card, Zhao Tianxiang's lower body is a piece of flesh and blood fuzzy, finally unable to support, faint in the past“ What are you? You dare to speak rudely to our young lady The hall was full of crying and howling. Soon, Zhao Tianxiang's men were killed. Guan Hu rushed to report, "Miss, in this room, there is no boss and wind girl found everywhere." Mu Yan frowned and looked around. I saw these miserable women, still in the licentious smile, while showing a happy expression, while tearing their own clothes.