"Who are you?" Qian Ping quickly stepped back and hid behind the bodyguard. He looked at them suspiciously. As soon as his question came to an end, he saw that no matter upstairs or downstairs, the people of Mo camp and Tianji camp were all scattered on both sides. From the tower to the bottom of the city, they separated. The melodious sound of the zither fluttered, and then several figures seemed to fall from the sky, slowly falling down from the channel left by the ink camp. Headed by a girl in white. Her skin is as white as snow, shining in the sun. Her eyes were full of light, and the corners of her eyes were slightly lifted, as if enchanting and leisurely. Qian Ping swallowed his saliva and straightened his eyes. Never had he seen such a beautiful girl? Just looking at it from a distance, it's as if the whole soul has been taken away. No matter who this person is, if you can have a good time, it's really more free than immortals. However, as the girl got closer and closer. Qian Ping's expression began to become suspicious. Why does he think the girl in front of him looks familiar? Only three feet away from Qian Qing did the girl stop at ease. Purplish red lips slightly raised, beautiful face, showing a smile like if there is no, "I heard, you look for me?" Qian Ping's suspicions became more and more serious. His eyes fell on her face for a moment. "Who are you?"“ Master Meiyi, master Meiyi, you have finally come to save us Dr. Yu and others, who suddenly came back to their senses, rushed to Mu Yan with tears on their faces. They were afraid and embarrassed. Qian Ping suddenly glared, "are you the charming doctor and Mu Yan?" Standing behind Muyan, Ruyan, like juggling, got a chair and put it behind Muyan. Mu Yan smiles and does it. He gently plucks the string of the demon Qin and looks at Qian Ping. Behind her, Yan Haotian, Feng Haitang, Ruyan and Bai Yichen, like four patrons, hold her firmly“ Yes, I am Jun Mu Yan. " Her eyebrows smile, Jiao Yan Ruhua, "you are not saying that as long as I dare to come, you will let me be doomed?" Qian Ping's body trembled slightly, his eyes widened, but he didn't answer the question, "Jun Muyan, you are really Jun Muyan, the woman who was pregnant with immortal fetus..." "tut..." Mu Yan frowned slightly, and the smile disappeared. "It's really boring, how can you casually meet an old acquaintance? Since you can recognize me, it proves that you also participated in the events of that year. " Qian Ping shivered at her chilly eyes. He opened his mouth to say something. Mu Yan but already a wave hand, cold way: "kill no amnesty!" The voice just fell, the people of Tianji camp and Moying moved. Just for a moment, the head of the man in black fell to the ground. Qian Ping, who had been removed, crawled at Mu Yan's feet, uttering a cry of sadness and supplication. Mu Yan light way: "money clear?"“ Shifu... Shifu is in the underground palace in the middle of the city... Cultivating jincangu... Forgive me... Wuwuwu... I don't want to die! " Mu Yan hands the string to stir, Qian Ping's head was unloaded immediately. Her eyes fell on the direction of the center of the lotus city and said slowly, "use thunder and fire to blow up Qianqing from the underground palace for me!"