Muyan said: "the specific situation can only be determined when I see your elder brother, but I probably know what his etiology is. Before we go back, we need to go to the ghost city of Jingcheng country to refine the pills for your elder brother, and we also need to collect some rare medicinal materials. " As for the ghost market of Xia'an city in the red flame Kingdom, well, it has been almost raided by her. I'm afraid we can't find any rare medicinal materials“ Master, you are so powerful! It's Alchemy! There is no way to compare Gong Qianxue and Jian Feng with Shifu! " Xiao Bao raised his head and adored: "mother is the best!" Mu Yan is inexplicable and guilty. She promised to refine pills to Moying, tianjiying and luobeiyu. But she hasn't tried alchemy since the spirit pulse was reshaped. Muyan's eyes on his son and apprentice's trust and worship were a little sad. In case of failure... Her dignity as mother and master will be lost=== King orange country, Wangjiang City, ghost city“ Several guests, if you want to enter the ghost market, please pay 200 gold coins first. " Mu Yan and his party were stopped by ghost messengers at the gate of ghost city. Hear Wangjiang City ghost bad words, such as smoke can't help smacking, "here ghost city admission fee, unexpectedly than Xia'an city is twice as expensive." Stop their ghost bad, see them a group of men's handsome extraordinary, women's beauty unparalleled. Where dare to neglect, his face has been hanging a warm smile. Hearing Ruyan's words, he couldn't help but raise his chin and said with pride: "where can the ghost market of Xia'an city compare with that of Wangjiang city. No matter fighting animals or rare medicinal materials here, they are more than twice as many as Xia'an city. "“ What kind of treasures do you want and what kind of entertainment do you enjoy? There is nothing you can't get in our Wangjiang ghost city. " Mu Yan smile, did not take out the gold coin, but directly took out a token, sent to the ghost in front of the poor. Ghost difference is first Leng Leng, then bow to see that token. When I saw the word "Shencha" written in official script on the token, I suddenly widened my eyes“ You... You are the new God tea Lord of the ghost king? " All the three ghost cities have received orders from his Highness the ghost king that a new tea was born. No matter which ghost city the tea appears in, it's better to have a reception. If you dare to neglect Shencha, you will not want to stay in the ghost market“ Lord Shencha, please come inside That ghost poor nervous voice all some stammer, "small immediately invite judge to entertain you." Looking at the guicha respectfully leading the way. Mu Yan couldn't help looking up at the Emperor Ming Jue and said, "you say, the ghost king and I don't know each other. Why do you want to send me such a precious tea token?" Emperor Ming Jue's face remained unchanged, and her expression was light: "how do you know, maybe you think you will become his future mother, so please in advance." Muyan: "what is the future mother? However, without waiting for her to ask again, the Emperor Ming Jue had already picked up Xiaobao in one hand and walked forward with her in the other. Xiaobao's big eyes keep looking around. His eyes are full of curiosity and excitement that a four-year-old should have. But there was no previous tension when entering the ghost market with Muyan. Perhaps in his heart, with this apprentice, his mother would not be in danger. Therefore, he can send out his nature without reservation.