It's like being under a magic spell. The voice at the bottom of my heart repeats and tells again and again, and reminds the valley master of the medicine king of the past that he doesn't want to face

"No, no, it's not like that." The medicine King Valley master held his brain and cried out in pain.

There are two different thoughts in his mind, two different souls in his body. In the past, he could easily control his manic and tyrannical personality, but today he can't!

Today, the manic, timid and violent personality seems to grow up suddenly. He begins to fight back, trying to suppress him, to control the body, to be the master of the body, and to keep him in the corner forever.

"Don't think about it. You can't control my body. You are just a little wretch I created. I can create you and destroy you. " The medicine King Valley master is sweating and fighting with another person in his body.

Gu Qiancheng sat and watched the play in silence. After watching it for a while, he was finally able to make sure that the owner of Yaowang valley was not pretending. His other personality was fighting for the control of his body.

"This is really..." Gu Qiancheng looked at the sky speechless, and knew that it couldn't be solved for a moment, so he asked people to open the door of the darkroom, light the candlestick, and let the light in.

If she stays in the dark room for a long time, her mood will be affected, and if she doesn't open the door, how can she disturb the water?

Sure enough, as soon as the official lit the candle, the tyrannical personality in the main body of Yaowang Valley yelled at Gu Qiancheng, "put out the candle, I don't need light."

The medicine King Valley master's normal personality is afraid of the dark and resists the dark from the bottom of his heart. So in the dark, tyrannical personality is more dominant.

Of course, Gu Qiancheng knows this, but why does she want to help each other?

"What's in it for me to help you?" She won't do anything that's not good.

"Put out the candle and I'll give you the prescription you want. I've been quietly hiding in his body, he will, I will, even I do better than him The tyrannical medicine King Valley master doesn't care about this at all. What he wants now is to control the body. As for the others?

Wait until he's in control of the body.

"Your condition is very exciting, but it's not enough. And now I've helped you. When you control this sentence, what will you do if you finally refuse to give me the prescription? You can do that. " Gu Qiancheng was not in a hurry.

The tyrannical personality of the valley master of medicine king is a madman, and madmen are terrible at some times, because they have no bottom line and have no fear!

Gu Qiancheng is more willing to deal with the normal personality of the valley master, because that personality knows fear and has a bottom line.

The normal personality of the valley master of medicine king heard this, and his eyes brightened, "Gu Qiancheng, you take me away from here, I'll give you all the prescriptions you want, and I'll give them to you word for word. I can give you the prescription you want right now. "

He must not give control of his body to another personality. Once another personality takes control, doesn't he have to hide in a dark corner like the other person and come out when the other person needs it?

No, he must not let himself fall into such a miserable situation!

"Medicine King..." Gu Qiancheng is about to agree, tyrannical personality burst out again, "you don't believe him, he is a hypocrite, he will cheat you. The prescription he gave you last time deceived you. The prescription is short of one medicine, which is useless for people who have been poisoned for more than ten years. He is a mean and shameless person. If you don't believe him, you believe me, I won't cheat you. "

"Is that true?" Gu Qiancheng's face changed, and his gentle smile was replaced by his fierce murderous spirit. His tyrannical personality changed his face without thinking that Gu Qiancheng would change his face.

"No! Don't listen to his nonsense. " The normal personality medicine King Valley master spent a lot of effort to occupy the control, difficult way: "my prescription is not less medicine, just replaced a medicine. The medicine he said can't be found in the world. "

"What medicine?" Gu Qiancheng asked with disbelief.

"Deep sea flame stone! This thing is only available in changshengmen. We can't find it at all. I used another kind of medicine to replace the deep-sea flame stone. Although the effect is not as good as the deep-sea flame stone, it's not much different. People who have been poisoned for more than ten years will also react to my medicine, but the degree of reaction varies. " In order to occupy the body of the main power, the normal personality of the medicine King Valley master is also fighting.

It can be seen from here that he is the one who is afraid of death.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?" There is no lie detector here. In fact, it is useless even if there is a lie detector. Some people with strong psychological quality can't tell whether they are telling the truth or lying even if they are using a lie detector.

Not to mention that the valley master of medicine king has a double personality. The second personality doesn't admit what the first personality does, and the polygraph can't detect whether he is lying or not.

"I don't have to lie to you for such a trifle. It's none of my business if the spies of changshengmen can catch me." Maybe there is light in the house, and the situation of the valley master of medicine king is getting better, and his tyrannical personality is temporarily settled.

"Trust you once." Gu Qiancheng doesn't believe in it and has no way to do it now. "Come in, take ink, paper and inkstone."Gu Qiancheng decided to finish the work at one time while the valley master of medicine was in a bad state. Otherwise, when the valley master of medicine recovered, it would not be so easy.

"What do you want?" Without the threat of the second personality, the valley master of medicine king is basically no longer in trouble, at least normal thinking is not a problem.

"The way to defend loyal insects, the way to dispel them, the way to collect them, the way to cultivate them, and the way to identify their mother." These are the highest requirements. If the owner of Yaowang Valley can't do it, she can accept a little discount.

"It's easy to defend against loyalty. I'll write you a prescription later. There is a strange medicine, but I know you can find it. As for the way to solve the problem of loyalty? " "I only know one way, that is, I don't know if you dare to use it."

"What can I do?"

"It's simple You know Tang Wanjin's special constitution. The best part of his body is his heart. He takes his heart out of soup and eats it. " Medicine King Valley Master said while looking at Gu Qiancheng, see Gu Qiancheng not anxious not angry, let him finish, not from sneer.

He thought that, according to Gu Qiancheng's maintenance of Tang Wanjin, he would angrily scold him. Now it seems that this is just the case.

Once something happens to someone close to him, Gu Qiancheng can still sell Tang Wanjin without being soft handed.

"Is that really the only way? I don't believe it. There must be something you can do. Gu Qiancheng is also concerned about what the valley master thinks. She knows what to do and what not to do.

Take out Tang Wanjin's heart?

She would never say such a thing. Even if Tang Wanjin would not die, she would not do it.

There must be a bottom line in life, some of which cannot be broken. Once broken, there will be no bottom line in the future

"I'm sorry, that's the only way I know now. It's very easy for you to get rid of Gu. Just take Tang Wanjin's heart. Anyway, according to his immortality, even if you dig a heart, you will grow another one in a day. Then you can dig until Until he doesn't grow

The voice of the valley master of medicine king is very low, and the tone is very strange, just like the demon king who tempts crime, with a sense of demagogy, which makes people feel excited , the fastest update of the webnovel!