A madman, a madman with boundless power, appears at the gate of the city in the middle of the night, smashing the gate with a meat fist. To defend the city, the soldiers will open the gate

As the most important city, the gate of the imperial city is tens of feet thick, not to mention that it can't be knocked by a big tree with a fist. The gate of the imperial city did not know how many rebels and rebels were standing outside.

Yan Qing has absolute confidence in the gates and walls of the imperial city. Unless there are thousands of troops, the gates will not open and no one will break them. But

What happened tonight broke Yanqing's admission.

A madman, a complete madman, smashed the gate so loud!

"The army is attacking the city, the army is attacking the city!" The soldiers who were guarding the city were so scared that they yelled. The whole camp got up at the first time, and some of them didn't even put on their clothes.

"Come on, report to the general. Someone's attacking the city. Someone's attacking the city." Before the deputy general in charge of the vigil could find out what was the matter, he first sent for Yan Qing.

This call, not only Yan Qing, but also the prince of Pingxi got up and put on his armor, "Qing Er, go quickly, report the result as soon as you have it." One is not good, but it is who conspired.

It's absolutely a big thing that the gate is smashed. Yanqing dares not delay. He drives all the way to the gate with a whip. He thought he would see thousands of troops. Yanqing even thinks in his mind how to deal with the army outside the city with tens of thousands of people in the city. But as soon as he arrives at the gate, he hears the deputy general say: "general, you can come here. Hurry up, hurry up. There's a madman coming down the city, constantly smashing the gate, We open the gate. We shot at him with our arrows, but the madman was not afraid at all. All the arrows bounced back on him. "

"Isn't there a siege?" Yan Qing's face was frozen, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Lying about military information is a capital crime!

Knowing that he had reported the military situation, the deputy general bowed his head and said, "someone is attacking the city, but it's not an army. It's a man."

As soon as his words fell, he heard the gate ring again.

"Boom Dong

This is absolutely the sound of heavy objects hitting the city gate, which is very familiar. He admitted that the deputy general was not wrong. There was definitely someone attacking the city, but only one

"Open the city gate, open the city quickly, I want to enter the city!" Outside the city, the madman who smashed the gate was still shouting.

The deputy general was relieved and said, "general. The madman outside doesn't know who sent him. He's full of brute force. If you let him smash down like this, even if the gate doesn't touch, the wall will fall down. "

Every time the man outside smashed it, the wall would shake several times, and the rubble fell one after another

"The man is covered with copper and iron. He is invulnerable. There is no way for his subordinates to take him." The deputy general kept complaining, so that Yanqing could understand how hard he was.

Yan Qing ignored him, called his own soldiers, let him immediately back to Pingxi Prefecture, tell his father the truth.

Although it's true that someone is attacking the city tonight, it's really a big Wulong. If you enter the palace in a hurry and tell the emperor that there is a big army attacking the city, you may not know how much trouble there will be.

Knowing that the matter was urgent, the soldiers rushed back quickly and stopped the prince of Pingxi who wanted to report to the palace.

After the prince of Pingxi knew the whole story, he broke out in a cold sweat and sat down on the chair. He said angrily, "nonsense!"

It's just nonsense. If they don't know anything, they are clamoring for the army to attack the city. If they are not careful, something big will happen tonight.

However, it's no wonder that the Deputy General of the garrison. After all, no one can imagine that someone in this world can smash the city gate with a meat fist. It's just

I can't believe it!

Yes, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, Yanqing would never have believed it. The city gate, which weighs more than ten thousand jin, would have been knocked so casually.

In order not to let him knock down the gate of the city, Yanqing ordered: "send someone to negotiate with him, and ask about his origin and the purpose of entering the city."

"Yes." The deputy general replied, turning to the general, "which one of you would like to go out and have a talk with that strong man?" ,

"Shua..." A row of people brush back a, one by one like a mouse saw a cat, bowed his head dare not look at him.

I'm kidding. The man under the city can even smash the city gate. If one is not happy and hits it with one punch, won't they become meat mud?

"No one's going?" The deputy general called again, but no one moved. Today, he didn't say a word.

The deputy general realized in an instant and said, "general, I'll go myself." Retribution comes so fast!


The speech inclines to accurate, the deputy general again depressed also have to go out, negotiate with the madman under the city.

Armed, on horseback, through the gate

Normally, it was a big move, but the madman who smashed the city gate didn't see it. He was still there shouting: "open the city gate, I want to enter the city."

The deputy general couldn't, so he had to raise his voice and yelled: "strong man, strong man, stop first and listen to me..."After calling for dozens of times, the madman who smashed the gate noticed the existence of the deputy general and quickly walked up to him, "are you here to open the gate for me? Come on, open the gate. I'm going to the city

"Bang dang..." The Deputy fell off his horse in fright.

"Why are you so weak?" The madman picked up the assistant general like a chicken.

The deputy general is about to cry He's weak, he's weak?

He is nine feet tall. He is strong in the army, not to mention that he is wearing more than 50 Jin armor. In this way, he can be said to be weak. It's just unreasonable.

The deputy general was very upset, but he couldn't refute it. If he was not weak, he would not be picked up with one finger.

Wiping the tears on his face, the deputy general said: "I don't know the name of the strong man, where is he from? Where do you want to go? "

"People in the city are disgusting. They are very polite. They are really disgusting. Don't they just want to ask my name? My name is Tang Wanjin. I'm from Tangmen, Sichuan Province. I'm looking for my little daughter-in-law in the capital. Open the gate quickly. I want to enter the city. I know my little daughter-in-law is in the city. "

"What? Sichuan Tangmen? The Tang clan who made the poison? " The deputy general was well-informed, and he was sweating immediately when he heard this.

What's this, what's this?

Not long ago, a young lady from Yaowang valley came here. Even the people from Tangmen in Sichuan have come here. Is it necessary for the Jianghu sect to move to the capital?

"Yes, I am from Tangmen, Sichuan. If you use poison, open the gate quickly, or I will poison you. " As Tang Wanjin spoke, he picked up his deputy general and threw him directly at the gate of the city: "you should let someone open the gate quickly. I'll go to the city to see my little daughter-in-law."

"who are you, your little daughter-in-law?"

Words for readers: sleepy I hope I can wake up early tomorrow and write more early Weakly, ask for a guarantee at the end of the month.

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