With the Regent princess inside, Qin Jiyan knew the bottom line of the Northern Qi Dynasty in advance. When he met the next day, Qin Jiyan put forward his request.

"The people and horses gathered at the border in the Northern Qi Dynasty must return immediately. To hand over the corpse of Prince an, I want to find out whether this case is right or wrong. I can't rely on a word from the Northern Qi Dynasty. If the killers are the people of Daqin, Daqin will hand over the killers; if not, please give Daqin an explanation. " Qin Jiyan won't talk about it in front of the hall, because it's definitely not his business.

"The Northern Qi Dynasty caused chaos in the border city of Daqin for many years, which brought irreparable harm to the people of Daqin. It needs to compensate the people of the border city for 100000 liang of silver." Qin Jiyan repeatedly stressed that the money must be given to the people in the border city, not the imperial court.

After the rebellion of the officials in the border town, Qin Jiyan was very disappointed with the officials of Daqin and didn't trust to give them a large amount of money.

"The people of the Northern Qi Dynasty were suspected of participating in and leading the case of the goddess Temple of the great Qin Dynasty. The people of the Northern Qi Dynasty must hand over the mastermind." It goes without saying who the mastermind is.

Although Qin Jiyan knew that the bottom line of the Northern Qi people was very low, he didn't ask too much. After all The Regent of the Northern Qi Dynasty and the Empress Dowager have now agreed to him. Turning around, the emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty can turn his face and refuse to recognize others. He simply asks for what can be done now. As for other things?

What he wanted for Daqin was so good that his grandfather doubted that he had done something wrong in the Northern Qi Dynasty.

"Yes." The Regent was full of answers and did not bargain with Qin Jiyan at all. If it's not that Wu Yuzhi is too important, it's that the Regent doesn't intend to make repeated appointments from beginning to end.

Alliances are used to betray, promises are used to break, and contracts are naturally used to tear up. Qin Jiyan was not surprised by this, so he got what he wanted step by step.

"In this way, I will wait for the regent to hand them over."

The Regent said, "I can give you the corpse of young master an, LIULANG of Yang family immediately. When Qin Jiyan left the Northern Qi Dynasty, our country will present it, but the premise is that you must hand over the third prince first."

This is the only goal of the Regent, as long as Wu Yuzhi is safe. As for the contract with Qin Jiyan? Does he need to give face to the eldest grandson of the emperor of Qin? The emperor of Qin is more or less the same.

"The case of Prince an has been found out. After the case of Goddess tower has been tried, I will ask his royal highness Wu Yuzhi to return to the palace." At this time, Qin Jiyan still refused to make a mistake, and did not let the people of the Northern Qi Dynasty grasp him.

As for 100000 taels of silver and withdrawal? This can be slowed down, and then he can use Wu Yuzhi's life to change it to the emperor of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

"King Qin, don't go too far." The Regent slapped the table angrily. Qin Jiyan took a look at him and said, "regent, it's you who are too much. Whether it's Anjia or yang, it's all your choice in the Northern Qi Dynasty. It's normal for Daqin to ask you to hand over the people. " Are they really bullying?

"You..." The Regent choked and reached for Qin Jiyan.

Qin Jiyan opened the Regent's finger with a force that he could not refuse. "Regent, I don't like being pointed at. Besides, don't think Daqin will be afraid of hoarding 300000 troops in the side mirror. Do you really think Daqin is empty? "

As soon as Hubu Yinzhuang built the national treasury, he would have money, and if he had money, he would fight a war. He would ask for the accounts of 15 years from the Northern Qi Dynasty one by one.

The Regent's face changed slightly, but he did not dare to fight with Qin Jiyan, because there were 300000 people and horses in the border area of the great Qin Dynasty, and no one could win a good fight between the two sides.

The Regent queen retreated. "The king of Qin joked. The Northern Qi Dynasty and the great Qin Dynasty were always friendly. How could they have such an idea. I'll send them to the post station later. But the Empress Dowager missed the third prince and asked the king of Qin to let him come back earlier. "

"Yes." Qin Jiyan is full of answers. When will he fulfill his promise?

See when he's happy!

The news given by the Regent is correct. The Regent is a reckless man. In order to fulfill the Empress Dowager's orders, he can sacrifice everything, including his own son.

The result of the negotiation was very gratifying. That night, the Regent sent someone to transport the body of Prince an to Beiyuan. Gu Qiancheng roughly confirmed that it was undoubtedly Prince an, and then sent someone to the torture room. She went to test how Prince an died.

Qin Jiyan wanted to accompany her to the autopsy, but Yang LIULANG was secretly tied up at this time, and the person who tied Yang LIULANG insisted on meeting Qin Jiyan.

"Who must see my king?" When Qin Jiyan came out, he saw Yang LIULANG, who was unconscious on the ground, and a middle-aged man who looked elegant but actually dressed as a soldier.

"I'm Meng, the Royal concubine's family uncle. I came to find his Royal Highness the king of Qin at the Royal concubine's order. His highness will give orders to his subordinates on what to look for, what to do and what to investigate in the Northern Qi Dynasty, and they will not refuse to die. " After the visitor shows his identity, he also explains his intention.

"The princess has a heart." For the Regent Princess and her people, Qin Jiyan held three points of trust and seven points of defense. But when the other party comes to the door, Qin Jiyan won't let it go. The free labor around is not in vain.Of course, for the sake of safety, Qin Jiyan won't let them check the important things. Qin Jiyan will give them the things about the goddess pagoda family, so that they can find out what the Yang family wanted to do in the goddess pagoda? What did you do?

Meng, the maiden name of the Regent princess, has been passed down for seven generations in the Northern Qi Dynasty. This kind of family is placed in Daqin, which is also a famous family. Their family has its own way. It is not difficult for them to investigate the affairs of the Yang family. The family uncle of the Regent princess is full of answers.

Yang LIULANG is in a coma, but Qin Jiyan doesn't mean to bring Yang LIULANG up for trial for the time being, so he is not in a hurry. Instead of asking Yang LIULANG for something that he doesn't know is true or false, it's better to wait for the Meng family to find out and have the bottom of their heart.

Qin Jiyan arranges for people, and goes to the morgue to find Gu Qiancheng. But he doesn't want Gu Qiancheng to come out of the morgue. He changes his clothes and washes his hands over and over again.

Seeing that Gu Qiancheng washed his hands red and continued to wash them there, Qin Jiyan shook his head with a smile and took a clean towel to cover Gu Qiancheng's hands: "if they are all red, can't you treat them better?"

You don't have to wash it in hot water on such a cold day.

After cleaning, Qin Jiyan rubs Gu Qiancheng's hands to make them soft. Gu Qiancheng doesn't refuse, but he doesn't want to use his cold hands to ice Qin Jiyan's face as usual. Instead, he looks dignified and has something to say, but he doesn't know how to open his mouth

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