Chapter 1194

in the air, Michael knelt down to Li Shi on one knee with a respectful expression.

Li Shi stood tall, purple eyes swept around the body.

The divine light is awe inspiring, the emperor is unparalleled!

Until countless years later, the audience still remember this shocking scene.

At this time, everyone completely realized that Michael was actually a subordinate of Li Shi.

If you can have divine consciousness as a subordinate, is that not to say...

in the hearts of the people, they are so scared that they fall to the ground and dare not look up at Li Shi for fear of offending Tianwei.

In the silence, Li Shi said to the three people who were stupidly staying in the same place: "don't be dazzled. Let's go."

Only then did the three react. They were surprised and pleased, and followed Li Shi behind.

Of course, before leaving, the three men did not forget to take down the tusks of the wild boar and monster, which were the spoils of their mercenary mission.

It was not until the party left for a long time that the crowd dared to stand up.

Half a day later, news of the presence of a deity in the wilderness spread all over okaf.

But most people in the city scoffed at the news.

"The gods have not appeared for 30000 years. How can they come to Tianxuan

"Is there a God in this world? Joke

At this time, a group of mercenaries were discussing the news enthusiastically in the hall of the mercenary guild in okraf City, which is nearest to the wilderness.

"It's true, my cousin saw it with his own eyes in the wilderness.

He said that the gods hold the starlight sword in their hands, and there are six winged envoys around them. "

"How can it be..."

just as the mercenaries in the hall argued about this, the guild gate was pushed open, and six figures swarmed into the hall.

The first one, purple and golden eyes, is unparalleled.

Beside him stood a little Laurie with purple hair and blue pupils, and a strange winged man with six pairs of wings and almost touched the ceiling.

Behind the three, there are three men and women who are too excited to find the north.

Someone in the guild recognized the three of them and exclaimed, "aren't those three kids of the wilderness devourer?"

"Why? I didn't expect them to come back alive. "

"Do you think the man in front of you looks like a wild God in the rumor?"

"Really! The man next to him had three pairs of wings...

so, the hall was quiet for a moment, and looked at them with suspicious eyes.

This group of people is no other than Li Shi.

After leaving the wilderness, according to Vogt and their memory, Li Shi and his party came to the nearest city, okraf.

Okraf city is a medium-sized city on the border of bisui Empire, with a population of more than 200000.

Along the way, Li Shi kept learning about the world from the three people.

Sure enough, as the other half of the mirror star, this world, like the netherworld, is a terrain surrounded by four seas.

The four seas are the East China Sea, the West Sea, the South China Sea and the North Sea.

But what's different from the Yin Ming world is that the land here is not called xuanhuang land, but Tianxuan continent.

There are also four empires on the mainland, which are also called bisui Empire, Lixuan Empire, Yanhan Empire and Youwu empire.

It's a terrifying country, but it's beyond the secular world.

It is the only imperial dynasty on the mainland, the ghost Dynasty.

The Ming and demon Empire occupied the central part of the mainland, and its strength was strong and numerous.

Originally, the hell and the four great empires did not invade the rivers, and the four empires were not stupid enough to provoke the demons, and they could maintain a minimum of peace.

However, in recent years, the emperor of Hades and Demons suddenly issued an order to conquer the four empires and unify the Tianxuan continent.