no one knows that Yangqin is shocked.

Although on the surface, she is still calm, but her heart is like a storm.

She lived for three hundred years and met many strong monks, but none of them had lived more than 300 years and had already passed away.

Some of them died in the way of heaven, some of them died among enemies...

the last remaining Yangqin stands at the top of the world of friars.

Only by living can we have a chance to become stronger.

At the age of 300, Yangqin has finally become one of the few high-level people in Tianyuan!

The high level of Tianyuan realm integrates the rules into the body and strengthens the spirit.

Unless the time limit has come, otherwise the spirit will not perish, then the body will not be destroyed; if the body still exists, the soul can find the next alien body, which can theoretically achieve immortality and immortality!

One of the characteristics of the higher level of Tianyuan realm is the separation of soul and flesh!

That is, one body, two bodies, soul body and body.

Every body is both a separate body and itself. In a single thought, two bodies move in double.

Before reaching the high level of Tianyuan realm, ordinary people can't distinguish the soul and body of this person.

Therefore, when Chang'e points out that she is in a state of separation, Yang Qin's surprise can be imagined.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at Chang'e quietly, as if to see the details of Chang'e.

But when her breath touched Chang'e, she was shocked.

Seeing Chang'e, a light of faith suddenly emerged, blocking the detection of Yangqin.

"The power of faith... Are you practicing faith?"

[Channel], similar to Wen Dao, is a special way to practice!

If you practice faith, there must be people who believe in it!

The more people believe, the more smoothly the channel will go!

For example, the head of a country, the head of a religion... Can practice the channel.

There is a rumor that the leaders of the great sects in the mainland are all the channels of practice.

People who practice faith can gain some kind of magical bonus for themselves through the power of belief.

This kind of bonus can help them quickly cross certain cultivation thresholds.

That's why the sects have no brains to expand.

The more believers, the more religious belief, the strength of the religious sect will rise with the tide!

Chang'e, in a sense, is really just as Yang Qin said, cultivating faith.

Because her talent is: moon god (the more people believe in the moon, the stronger their own ability)! How many people believe in the moon on the mainland?

Although the power of these moon beliefs can not all be transformed into Chang'e, because there are many other religions that believe in the moon.

But at least those who join the moon god religion have a fanatical worship and belief in Chang'e!

With the establishment of the kingdom of Xuantang, Lunan religion expanded rapidly, and the belief power that Chang'e could receive became more and more strong.

Therefore, Chang'e's cultivation has been rising at a strange speed. She doesn't have to work hard to absorb the spirit of the holy yuan in heaven and earth as others do. She just needs to close her door and slowly transform the power of belief in her body into cultivation.

So before she closed down, she was only half a step to Tianyuan, and after that she had already arrived at the middle level of Tianyuan realm.

This is the terrifying power of cultivating faith!

"The power of the moon... Hum!"

Yang Qin sneered.

Since ancient times, the sun and the moon cannot shine together. People who believe in Sun God and moon god have always been enemies.

However, with the rapid expansion of cangri religion in recent years, there are few people who believe in moon god on the mainland except Tao Tang.