You can search Baidu for "the mythical emperor summoning system of the heavens to search for novels"( )”Find the latest chapter! Li Shiwei closed his eyes and meditated quietly.

The three opposite were slightly lowered, silent, afraid to disturb Li Shi thinking.

Tyranny, benevolence, Wang Dao, Emperor Dao...

a path slowly unfolded in Li Shi's mind.


These are all miscellaneous ways! I am not Li Shixin!

Li Shi consciousness instantly turned into a sharp edge, and all these miscellaneous thoughts were all cut out with a sword!

The overlord conquered the river mountain with iron blood, and the king taught the people with benevolence and righteousness.

And I Li Shi, to take a both nature, open, bright and big road!

This road is called the holy way!

The holy way is the saint, the sage and the saint!

If the holy way is great, all the people bow down!

Without a soldier, you can be the emperor of the emperor, supreme!

At this moment, Li Shi thought is clear, no longer confused, instantly confirmed his own life navigation mark!

Although Zhou Yu's best strategy is too bloody, his name is not right and bad. Even if he succeeds in the throne, he will bear various kinds of swearing and be rejected by all the people!

"Tell me the best." Lishi opens his mouth again.

But I don't know why, Zhou Yu always thinks Li Shi is like suddenly changing a person. Every word seems to have an indescribable power and momentum.

This time, Zhou Yu carefully said: "the best policy: take the Seven Star City as the cornerstone, keep the secret position, strengthen its own strength, and build the Seven Star City into the capital outside Chengdu!

Then... "Br >

when zhouyu was in kongton, Zhou Yu's Confucian face flashed a fierce and fierce:" please move the capital of Seven Star City to serve the Duke to make no official! "

After the three strategies are over, Zhou Yu closes his mouth again, and respectfully withdraws, waiting for lishiding to take it.

The blue son on the side already opened the mouth!

He has no end to worship and fear of Zhou Yu now!

He found that his own compared with Zhou Yu, it was like a frog in the bottom of the well.

Look at others, and you can say the top, middle and bottom three strategies as soon as you want!

And every strategy is that kind of wild, antelope!

Let blue son on want to break the head, can not come up with these things!

LAN Ziang can be sure that if you and Zhou Yu play the same stage, they will be killed by Zhou Yu without residue!

He had a desire to let the long history stand in hand!

Zhou Yu's words are up to now, but Li Shi has basically understood what he means.

Is it the trick of "holding the emperor to make the princes"?

Compared with the three strategies, this plan is in line with the holy way in Li Shi's heart.

But Zhou Yu came in at first, some of them did not know the current situation of Tao Tang Dynasty.

And not to say that Li Shi heart does not have his cheap father existence, other old-fashioned City owners, certainly will not give Li Shen much face.

So, you are holding the emperor to order the princes?

Sorry! That was what Tao Tang could have done decades ago.

But Zhou Yu said the first half sentence is right, the most important thing is to keep the secret of the Tao and improve the overall strength of the Seven Star City!

Lishi must be strong enough to let all forces lose the courage to dare to enter the Seven Star City!

"Zhou Yu."

"I am in the middle of my life."

"You are appointed by the government as the" supervision of the imperial history ", independent of all the officials of civil and military affairs, and directly responsible for the government, perfecting the Seven Star law, reviewing difficult and miscellaneous cases, and supervising internal and external information

"My Lord!"

Li Shi smiles with pride. Zhou Yu's talent of "law inflammation" has the function of lying detection by cow force, and must be used well.

Let him do these laws and cases, can effectively reduce the crime rate of Seven Star City, thus improving the value of the people!

Next, Lishi thought about how to be a powerful Seven Star City.

The first thought in his mind to flash was to build a special weapon!

Before, seven stars, because of the existence of Seven Star iron riding, made countless powerful enemies dare not enter the crime.

After the Seven Star iron riding was destroyed, seven star city needed a special weapon that could represent the New Seven Star City.