"young master, it's time to get up."

Outside the door came Xiao Yun's gentle knock on the door.

Li Shi looked out of the window. The sun was shining on the earth, but it was about noon.

Yesterday, I wrote a poem about the rising sun. As a result, I slept until noon today.

What a slap in the face!

When he finished washing and gargling, he came to the dining room, only to find that everyone did not eat breakfast, all waiting for Li Shiyi.

Seeing that it was almost noon, uncle Mao simply asked people to withdraw the breakfast table and replace it with lunch.

Li Shi had a headache. These were not his rules.

Even if he stressed in every way in the government, don't attach too much importance to the superiority and inferiority, you can be at will.

However, Mao Shu, Xiao Yun, Wei Ziling and Zhao man, who lived in the xuanhuang continent since childhood, could not be as free and easy as Li Shi, and the concept of superiority and inferiority had already penetrated into their bones.

In their understanding, as long as Li Shi, the head of the family, has not eaten, then they can not eat first!

"If this happens in the future, don't wait for me... What a waste of breakfast

Uncle Mao and other chickens pecked rice and nodded repeatedly, but Li Shi knew that they did not put their words in their hearts.

If this happens next time, they will choose the same as they do today.

He sighed in silence.

To be able to let them eat with themselves at the same table, in Li Shi's opinion, has been a great progress.

It seems that if we want to completely change this situation, we can only imperceptibly influence it and draw it slowly.

Li Shi was only half full of the meal.

Without him, Xiao Yun's suspicious eyes swept back and forth between Li Shi and Wei Ziling when he was eating.

She found that Li Shi and Wei Ziling's line of sight had never intersected. If she accidentally looked up, the next second would immediately be embarrassed to separate.

With a woman's natural intuition, she was keenly aware that something must have happened between them during the period from yesterday when she left the city Lord's house and came back late at night!

Li Shi was flustered by this kind of examination. Where could he eat his meal at ease and snatch two mouthfuls in a hurry, he ran away.

But Li Shiyue was so evasive that he became more and more sure of Xiaoyun's mind!

After dinner, Xiao Yun, Zhao man and Xiao Yu, who were in the party, blocked Wei Ziling to the corner of the wall, and "threatened" said, "say! What happened to you and the young master last night? "

Uncle Mao in the distance shook his head when he saw this scene.

Zhou Zhiruo, whose belly ran to the roof, let the breeze move her blue shirt. Listening to the sound of cheers coming from the room, she hardly showed a smile on her face.

Then Li Shi fell into a state of doing nothing for two days.

Wen has LAN Zi angding, lost Yang Dao's suppression, and he handles various affairs with ease.

A political talent is growing rapidly.

Wu has Zhao Yun and Zhao Lang, the two generals of Zhao family. There is hardly a second voice in the army.

Zhao Yun's powerful martial arts have been recognized and worshipped by nearly 50000 soldiers in the whole seven star city.

Not only that, relying on his personal charm, soldiers in the army, and even civilians in the city, have gradually emerged a wave of COS wearing silver armor and white robes and holding silver spears!

Every day, there are all kinds of young girls in bloom, running to the gate of the barracks to express their love to their "brother Zilong"!

Li Shi couldn't laugh or cry, and he was extremely jealous!

Laozi is also very handsome! Why is there no such treatment?!

So for a while, Li Shi, the shopkeeper, had nothing to do.

He was also happy to be at leisure. He took time out to accompany several beauties, go shopping and play mahjong.

Just as he was about to immerse himself in this wonderful life, a piece of news broke the calm.