Ziwei Emperor stands in the red world, and a group of demon nevus people fight against Kong Huangtian.

Each of the seven demon nevi people has his own natural pulse, which is full of momentum. The rolling force oppresses and breaks the void.

When Ziwei emperor was transformed into eight, Kong Huangtian soon calmed down and even showed a trace of excitement.

"One master one power, eight master at the same time? Hum, at least you can't master the position of emperor, right? Since they can't master it, their strength can only be regarded as a part of you. For me, such a battle is what I need most! " Kong Huangtian said in a deep voice.

While speaking, the hair instantly turned into long blue hair, and the long hair floated and opened. Suddenly, countless peacock plumes wrapped the heaven and earth.

"Broken!" A demon mole man cut out with a sword in an instant.

A large number of peacock plumes were cut, but Kong Huangtian didn't care. When his face was ferocious, he instantly killed into the demon nevus crowd.

The whole body is blue, and the divine flame goes straight up into the sky. Like the peerless God of war, the bronze sword in his hand was quickly cut out. For a time, the shadow of the bronze sword was all over the sky.

The swords cut through the void and tear the void outside the central territory.

"Boom "Boom "Boom!"

Among the seven demon nevi crowd, Kong Huangtian's sword is waving faster and faster. However, it is still being suppressed.

The demon nevus man, who is in charge of the heaven's pulse, is fast to the limit. At the beginning, Kong Huangtian couldn't keep up with the speed of others, so he could only parry.

Although there are only seven people, under this terrible speed, there are seven people everywhere. The speed is like tens of thousands of demon moles fighting against Kong emperor.

After all, the strength of the people is not much different from that of Ziwei emperor, and they suppress Kong Huangtian more severely.

But Kong Huangtian also has the natural vein of fighting.

Although the speed of fighting is not as fast as that of those who have the natural pulse, the powerful fighting spirit can stimulate Kong's infinite potential. In the battle, the stronger the Vietnam War! And it's getting faster and faster.

At the beginning of his whole body initiative, gradually, Kong Huangtian can barely support in the chaos of sword.

Every time the sword collides, it can bring out a rolling thunder light.

In the distance, countless practitioners could only see the dazzling thunder.

Kong Huangtian's potential was constantly forced out, and his sword wielding power was becoming stronger and stronger. Every sword seemed to have a track mark, which gradually changed from being in a mess to being able to handle it.

"Boom "Boom!"

The emperor's attack is gradually blocked.

Not far away, Ziwei emperor's eyes narrowed and he was surprised to see Kong Huangtian, who was constantly changing from his inferior position.

Far away, countless strong people are holding their breath and holding their fists.

"What a wonderful Kong emperor!"

"Ziwei emperor's sixteen heaven peak, Kong Huangtian is also the peak of sixteen heaven. Now seven Ziwei emperors can't help Kong Huangtian?"

"The peak of the 16th heaven? Does Kong Huangtian want to impact on higher cultivation? "

"Impact on the 17th heaven?"




All the four practitioners took a breath of cold air.

Seventeen days? This is like an insurmountable sky. In the second period, there were countless people dying for it, but who reached the seventeen fold sky?

No, at least not one of the great emperors. Most of the great emperors are still at the peak of the 15th heaven, while Ziwei emperor has reached the peak of the 16th heaven, which is worthy of being the first emperor in the world, but still has not reached the 17th heaven.

However, Ziwei emperor had the position of emperor, and under the power of mobilizing Ziwei heaven, his strength was even as high as 17. This is the ultimate of Ziwei emperor.

But Kong Huangtian wanted to attack the seventeen heaven.

Tertiary period? Is the tertiary really inferior to the second?

The battle continued. It was three days and three nights. The huge sound, causes the entire Yang everywhere is the endless thunder sound.

Countless people kneel down. I'm scared.


Kong Huangtian's face is ferocious, his long hair is fluttering and his whole body is like a top in the wind. He can't catch his figure or his movement. Fast and fast!

Kill, kill, kill!


Finally, under the cover of the fight, Kong Huangtian injured a demon mole for the first time.

This seems to be just a beginning, Kong Huangtian's action does not stop, quickly rushes to a group of demon mole people.

"Roar, asshole!"

"Ah, it hurt me?"





A group of demon Mole People roared with fear.

Not far away, Ziwei, standing on the throne of the great emperor, looks gloomy.

"Kong Huangtian's strength is still rising? The more we fight, the stronger? " Ziwei emperor's face was extremely ugly.At this moment, Kong Huangtian seems to be not fighting, but understanding the estrangement between the 16th heaven and the 17th heaven, but this gap is always a little bit worse.

A little bit short?


A demon mole man instantly arrived at the Empress Dowager and stabbed his back with a sword.

But empress Kong's back seemed to have eyes, and suddenly a sword went against her.



Kong Huangtian cut off the head of the demon mole man with a sword.

"What?" The faces of the people around him suddenly changed.

Is this Kong Huangtian who was suppressed by himself just now? It's only three days. How can I grow to this stage?

The demon mole man's head was cut off, but he didn't die. He quickly dodged, grabbed his head and connected it.

But at this moment, Kong Huangtian was no longer bullied by his predecessor.

He was proud of the speed, but also quickly catch up with Kong Huangtian.

Go, go, go! Kill, kill, kill!

"Not enough, not enough!" Kong Huangtian cried as he killed.

"Kill!" A group of demon mole people again.

"Boom "Boom

In the middle of the war, two more demon nevi people were cut off in an instant. Kong Huangtian's swordsmanship became stronger, stronger and fiercer.

The rampant killing road is climbing rapidly.

In the distance, the leader of Tongtian cult looked at Kong Huangtian's sword. For a moment, he seemed to feel something. Suddenly, there were bursts of black light around his body, as if he had realized the beauty.

On the other side, Bai Qi's whole body killing way appears. Looking at the distance, the whole body's killing intention becomes more and more popular. Kong Huangtian's killing way makes Bai Qi have a great feeling.

As for other people, there is no such feeling, but Kong Huangtian's powerful, but can deeply understand, it is a kind of feeling that is getting stronger and stronger.

Before long, the seven demon nevi people were no longer the opponents of Kong Huangtian.

Under the ferocious killing, the seven demon nevi people were quickly cut off. Although the strong vitality constantly recovers itself, facing Kong Huangtian, it is directly chopping vegetables and melons.

"Not enough, almost, almost!" Kong Huangtian cried with a frown.

On the other side, the emperor Ziwei can't sit still.

"The great emperor!"


At the foot of Ziwei emperor, the great emperor's position suddenly released a dazzling purple light, which covered Ziwei emperor in an instant.

A huge breath rushed out.

All of a sudden, the whole Ziwei heaven was filled with innumerable Qi and virtues. Countless fortunes and fortunes poured into Ziwei emperor's body.

Ziwei emperor also took out a long sword and quickly entered the battlefield.

Ziwei emperor's entry immediately changed the situation once again.


Kong Huangtian's left shoulder was stabbed a big hole by Ziwei emperor in an instant.

"Not enough, I can be stronger!" Kong Huangtian kills fiercely with his sword, regardless of his own injury.

The sword in the hand, faster, more fierce toward the Ziwei emperor.

"Looking for death!" Ziwei's eyes were staring.


Ziwei emperor instantly suppressed Kong Huangtian.

"I can win him, seventeen days, I will break through seventeen days!" Kong Huangtian exclaimed.

Kong Huangtian once again wielded his sword. Each sword would bring out a super thunder and lightning. The thunder and lightning was like a huge whip, wildly killing all directions.

"Ah A group of demon mole people suddenly and violently called out.

It was cut off just now, because the speed of wielding the sword was too fast. If the body was broken, it could be connected quickly. However, when the thunder and lightning broke off, it exploded suddenly, and the flesh and blood were blurred.


Kong Huangtian roared and the whole body's flame soared wildly.

In the red world, Ziwei emperor suppressed Kong Huangtian while Kong Huangtian cut a lot of demon nevus people.

This is not the most important, the most important thing is that Kong Huangtian's strength seems to be climbing all the time.

It's getting stronger and stronger.

The suppression of Ziwei emperor gradually reached the limit.

"How could it be? How can his strength continue to rise endlessly The emperor Ziwei said impatiently.


Under the suppression of Ziwei emperor, the divine flame of emperor Kong suddenly changed from blue to gold.

"I feel as if I have found it!" When Kong Huangtian was fighting, his eyes suddenly burst out with a strong excitement.

Feel it? What have you found? Ziwei the great emperor unconsciously burst into a burst of heart tremor.

"Emperor Qinglong!" The emperor called.


At the entrance of Ziwei hall, the emperor Qinglong steps out of the altar and rushes towards the battlefield."Hum!"

Beside the emperor Qinglong, two long swords suddenly appeared. Above the swords, they were rolling out.

"Sword of potential?" In the distance, Yan Chuan's eyes were frozen.

"Meow, Ziwei emperor's potential sword has also been given to Qinglong emperor. Has he got two?" Meow meow.

"Emperor Ziwei wants help from emperor Qinglong?" Mo Yu Xi's expression moved.

The great emperor of Qinglong was very aggressive and was about to enter the battlefield in a twinkling of an eye.

"Ziwei emperor and Kong Huangtian fight, outsiders, do not participate in it!" In the distance, suddenly came the voice of killing the emperor.

"Please turn around, baby!"


A white knife light, straight to the Green Dragon Emperor.


Killing emperor stepped out to block the help of emperor Qinglong.

In the sky, Ziwei emperor's face sank: "bastard!"

But at the moment, not only did they kill the emperor, but also the golden emperor appeared. They did not interfere with Kong emperor's battle, and they all stopped the help of emperor Qinglong.

Ziwei emperor could only suppress Kong Huangtian by himself.

Kong Huangtian's strength, like a blowout, has increased rapidly. Although it is still the peak of the sixteenth heaven, it has already approached the 17th heaven. At least with Ziwei emperor's current strength, he can only suppress Kong Huangtian. It is very difficult to kill Kong Huangtian.

"It's almost there!" Kong Huangtian, who was suppressed, was constantly changing colors.

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