Chapter 67

EP.67 Inspector Arch Lichs Notebook

Grektors head fell to the ground.


The adventurers remained silent as they witnessed the scene.

Some shed tears at the gruesome sight, while others felt remorse.

Everyone wept silently.

S- Surely

Isrin murmured, seemingly unable to believe it.

Who is Grektor?

Wasnt he a formidable warrior boasting immense strength?

Though rough around the edges, he was a reliable comrade when together.

Moreover, he was a silver-ranked adventurer.

And yet, he was defeated by a mere orc?

Typically, orcs are 2-star monsters.

Silver-ranked adventurers are not a match even for 2-star monsters. A fight with bronze-ranked adventurers would suffice.

But the outcome was entirely different this time.

Isrin glanced around.

Just by looking at the monsters surrounding them, she could tell.

They stood in wait, obeying the orders of the orc that had defeated Grektor.

Indeed, that orc must be controlling the nearby monsters.

It wasnt an ordinary 2-star orc.

It was even higher.

Perhaps she should have intervened in the battle a little earlier?

If she had used magic, maybe Grektor wouldnt have died.

No, thats not it.

But she shook her head.

Even if she had saved Grektor that way,

What about the remaining monsters?

Would all those countless orcs and goblins have just stood idly by?

No matter how much she thought about it, it wasnt the right answer.

Most likely, others would have suffered from the rampaging monsters.

Of course, that didnt mean the current situation was okay.

In the end, Grektor lost to that orc, and the fate of the remaining ones was uncertain.

If there was any silver lining, it was that the orc who faced Grektor seemed intelligent.

At least there might be room for negotiation since communication was possible.

Isrin gazed at the orc.

Surely, he had introduced himself as Squall.

It had only been a short time since the battle ended.

Yet, Squall, the orc, seemed so nonchalant, as if he had expected this.

Instead, he leisurely gathered the spoils.

The equipment once wielded by an honorable warrior I shall use this!

Squall picked up Grektors greatsword and shield from the ground.


The monsters around him cheered as he raised the weapons.

What should we do?

No answer came to mind.

The others were just as clueless.

W- What should we do?

Nariel, who had been trembling beside them, spoke up.

But even Isrin couldnt think straight in the current situation.

She merely stared at Squall in front of her.

Squall was certainly different from the other orcs.

Not only was he massive, but his face was covered in scars.

And what about those flowing red hair?

Just his presence alone was extremely menacing.

Can we survive this?

Could they really escape unscathed in the current situation?

Isrin watched Squall closely, trying to find any openings.

Coincidentally, Squall was examining the weapons he had acquired.

I have decided to respect this warrior!


With each word from Squall, the monsters around him responded enthusiastically.

Squall looked down at the body of Grektor lying on the ground.

The honor of this warrior must be known to all!

After muttering these strange words, he suddenly began lift Grektors head.

What on earth was he doing?

Isrin, as well as the other adventurers, quietly awaited Squalls next move.

But what happened next was truly shocking.

Squall lifted Grektors head and began to hang it on the shield.


Someone expressed doubt.

Perhaps everyone had the same thought.

Squall hung Grektors head on the looted shield.

And then, as if showing off, he raised the shield.


Grektors head was hanging from the shield.

The adventurers felt nauseated at the sight.

Meanwhile, the surrounding orcs cheered even louder.

He had clearly mentioned honor.

He had said it was to proclaim Grektors honor.

What kind of honor could there possibly be in that?!

Isrin couldnt comprehend.

She found herself shouting without realizing it.

The cheers that had followed her outcry fell silent.

And everyones gaze turned to Isrin.

I- Isrin

Nariel, trembling with fear, stuck close to Isrins side.

But fortunately, the monsters didnt move.

Only Squall nodded and opened his mouth.

I have acknowledged this warrior! It signifies respect among warriors!

Isrin couldnt understand Squalls words.

But there was no point in continuing the argument here.

It would be a waste of time.

Above all, they needed to prepare themselves now that it was their turn.

Should we launch a preemptive attack, or should we just run away no matter what

Even if it was a dungeon, it would be better to spend the night after clearing it.

Isrin and Nariel led the adventurers into the location.

Its dark here?

The cave was dark.

And it was very humid.

As they went further in, the temperature rose.

Adventurers began to take off their outerwear.

Continuing inward, a figure popped out.


The first to greet them was a slime.

And not just any slime, it was a large slime.

A King Slime?

Behind the King Slime, several other slimes appeared.

Slimes of various colors lined up and approached the adventurers.

Chwi! Bbop!

It seemed like the King Slime was saying something, but unfortunately, it couldnt be understood. If there was any consolation, it was that they seemed friendly towards them.

The adventurers followed the slimes further into the depths.

Huh? Its a hot spring!

A place where warm water gushed forth appeared.

It was indeed a hot spring.

One adventurer was so excited that they leaped into the water.

Before the others could stop him, it was already done.

That idiot!

Isrin lost her temper at the adventurer who had jumped into the water.

In dungeons, one must be cautious of everything. Missing even the smallest detail could lead to death. Therefore, such actions were truly foolish.

Still, they were fortunate. Nothing happened to the adventurer who leaped into the water.

You all should come in too! Its warm and nice!

Instead, he gestured towards the other adventurers.

Starting with his words, one by one, they cautiously entered the water.

Truly, nothing untoward happened. The warm spring water mixed with the slimes, providing an even more pleasant sensation.

The fatigue accumulated throughout the day dissipated.

More and more adventurers jumped into the water.

As if their worries from a moment ago were lies, everyone wore happy expressions.

Isrin and Nariel simply watched the scene unfold.

Isrin, arent you going in?

At Nariels question, Isrin just nodded her head.

Then, she sat down on the ground.

This was unquestionably a dungeon.

Therefore, they needed to remain vigilant until the end.

While others may falter, Isrin was determined to stay alert until the end.

Nariel also took a seat beside Isrin.

The two of them quietly watched the adventurers in the water.




So, is this the report?

Celia frowned as she looked at the thick notebook handed over by the shadow.

The thick notebook was something Arch Lich used to carry around.

She had ordered the shadow to bring Arch Lichs notebook to hear the interim report, but

Why are only good stories written in here?

Is this the evaluation record?


Even every point was positive.

[Slow in gathering information. Although this is a deduction factor, perseverance in pursuing the aesthetics of slowness in a rapidly changing dungeon is commendable.]

[Attempts to divide rather than harmonize among adventurers as the manager of the dungeon. A good attitude.]

[Handles weapons well in ordinary times. Good.]

[No issues with the Red-Headed Tribe Dungeon.]

With a hint of suspicion, she turned to the next page.

[Roaring like the manager of the dungeon is rough.]

[Presenting a significantly threatening appearance to the adventurers.]

[No problems with the Sticky Puddle Dungeon.]

Even here, it was so simple that only a few lines were written.

Is this record really accurate?

Celia was skeptical.

Perhaps the shadow had brought the notebook incorrectly?

Furthermore, the back of the notebook was filled with praises for the master.

The great, noble, and magnificent master bestowed a robe. This is an extraordinary gift to be cherished for a lifetime.

Today, Celia found herself at a loss for words.

Evaluating in this manner made it difficult to objectively assess the dungeons capabilities.

Celia wondered if it was right to continue entrusting the role of inspector to Arch Lich.

Of course, entrusting the role of inspector was the will of the great master, but she could still make suggestions.

Shortly afterward, a shadow handed Celia another document.

She immediately checked its contents.

The content was simple.

[Squall defeats adventurers]

Squall, who leads the Red-Headed Tribe dungeon.

Reports have come in that he defeated adventurers.

He even managed to defeat an adventurer estimated to be of silver rank.

Its only fitting to show a form befitting of the mercy of the great one.

If one embraced the will of the owner, then resolving such matters was appropriate.

Celia nodded her head.

At the same time, the evaluation of Arch Lich was slightly upgraded.

At least it seemed that there was no personal bias in evaluating Squall.

However, even if thats the case for Squall, isnt the evaluation of the next dungeon too modest?

Sticky Puddle dungeon.

Celia checked the next content of the document.

[Melting adventurers who enter the water with slimes acidic substance]

The report was also brief. Moreover, it is said that most adventurers died in this process.

It seemed that Arch Lich had his own objective evaluation, after all.


But all of this is not because Arch Lich did well.

Did the great master not assign the role of inspector to Arch Lich?

Indeed, you are the master.

Celia felt reverence for the insight of the great master.

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