Chapter 63

EP.63 Dungeon Inspection by Arch Lich (2)

The adventurers were climbing the steep terrain of the mountain range.

How much longer do we have to climb? Wasnt there supposed to be a dungeon nearby?

However, contrary to what was marked on the map, the actual appearance of the dungeon was nowhere to be seen.

The surroundings were the same when they looked around.

Already, this was a futile endeavour several times over.

Adventurers began to express their frustration.

Those guild brats sold us a lousy map and made a fortune.

The map they possessed was purchased from the Adventurers Guild.

The Adventurers Guild restricted access to the mountain range, but maps indicating the terrain and dungeons were sold normally.

However, there was nothing accurate about it.

Since there was nothing accurate, and the map wasnt even cheap, everyone complained.

What to do.

Isrin, an ice mage, spoke up.

Maybe there really is something to it, and thats why the nobleman commissioned it.

Isrins argument was quite plausible.

That makes sense.

A burly man nodded in agreement with her words.

He was the warrior Grektor.

With a massive shield in his right hand and a large sword in his left, Grektors appearance was truly awe-inspiring.

For an ordinary person, just holding a shield like that would require a lot of strength.

But Grektor wielded the shield and sword as if they were toys, effortlessly.

Originally, our purpose wasnt dungeon exploration. It was a commission to survey the entire mountain range and check for any abnormalities.

As everyone focused on him, Grektor continued, shrugging his shoulders.

As Isrin said, we dont know whats happening in the mountain range. The worst-case scenario is that we become Mormot, who finds out about it.


According to him, everyone here was like an experimental mouse.

They didnt know what was really happening in the mountain range.

Perhaps the prohibition on entering the mountain range was related to this?

And according to Grektors argument, the Adventurers Guild and the nobles conspired to set up this situation to find out.

Damn! No wonder they paid so much.

Normally, it would be dismissed as an absurd claim, but this commission was too strange.

Especially the advance payment alone was an amount that each person here could live on for a year without working.

Initially, they just thought it was a simple commission from the wealthy noble.

They didnt think deeply, drawn by the large sum of money.

Moreover, the commission was simple.

It was just reconnaissance and terrain exploration of the mountain range, so they didnt attach much significance to it.


But now, it was different.

The maps purchased from the Adventurers Guild were completely off.

She has not checked every part, but so far, they have been wandering aimlessly.

At this point, its not that the map is wrong.

When everyone was taking it seriously, Nariel, who was at the front, shouted.

Uh, there are footprints over there!

There were indeed footprints.

But they were faint.

Just lightly imprinted on the dirt path.

If it werent for Nariel, who took on the role of a guide, it was so subtle that they might have passed by without noticing.

As expected, there must have been a traveller. Nariel, can you roughly tell what kind of footprints they are?

At Grektors words, Nariel stared through the footprints intently.

Although faint, fortunately, the footprints had distinctive features.

Um for now, there are four of them.

Nariel continued to describe the features.

If its peculiar, all except one seem to be monsters. Yes, three out of four seem to be skeletons.

The footprints of the three entities were imprinted in the shape of bones.

So, it was easy to identify them as some kind of skeleton.


Grektor laughed at her words.

What, did we get scared by mere skeletons? Uhaha.

Facing an unknown is always frightening.

But if the opponent is clear, as it was now, it was not a difficult task.

Moreover, maybe its not even a skeleton.

Then whos the remaining one? Not a monster?

After a burst of laughter, Grektor cleared his throat and asked another question.

Arch Lich wore a satisfied smile as if he enjoyed it thoroughly. The slimes not only cleaned Arch Lich but also polished the shoes he wore.

The elegant-looking shoes were one of the small courtesies given by Squall to Arch Lich.


Arch Lich ordered the skeletons standing by with their belongings to come in.

The skeletons hesitated at first, but upon Arch Lichs repeated command, they finally entered the bath.


Arch Lich was satisfied.

Enjoying it alone would be bribery, but if everyone shared the pleasure? It would be just a regular treat.

After thoroughly enjoying the bath for a while, they came out of the tub.

Arch Lich nodded and raised a notebook. With a pen gifted by Squall, he smoothly recorded.

[Sticky Puddle Dungeon, no issues at all.]

It wasnt favoritism.

There really were no issues.

The current manager leading the dungeon Sticky Puddle was a 3-star King Slime.

True to its name, it was larger than regular slimes, and its combat power seemed formidable.


The King Slime roared.

[Roaring like a dungeon master, quite aggressive. Poses a significant threat to adventurers.]

Based on these points, Arch Lich recorded thoroughly.

The record for this dungeon was quickly completed.


As Arch Lich spoke, skeletons also emerged from the slime bath.

Now it was time to leave. The skeletons began to take their positions.

On the left side of Arch Lich, a skeleton holding a notebook, on the right, a skeleton holding a pen, they assumed their places.

The skeleton behind Arch Lich held a pack made of slime mucous, along with the small courtesies received from Squall.

This pack, when applied to the body, had an enhanced effect, a gift from the King Slime.

Arch Lich nodded, and they exited the slime dungeon. Already, he had examined two out of four dungeons.

[Red-Headed Tribe] Completed, no issues.

[Sticky Puddle] Completed, no issues.

Now, two dungeons remained:

[Village Shrouded in Mist]

[Remnants of the Abyss]

Thinking about the next destination, Arch Lich decided to head to the relatively nearby Remnants of the Abyss dungeon.

Arch Lich and the skeletons began to move. They were all undead, requiring no rest, so they continued walking.

They walked and walked. Repeating this action, they soon arrived at the dungeon entrance.

[Remnants of the Abyss]

A single skeleton soldier awaited at the front. As soon as it spotted Arch Lich, it rushed over.


Then, with a loud noise, it saluted Arch Lich.

Arch Lich nodded.

[Swift action. This deserves praise.]

In fact, their actions were swift because they were all undead.

The skeleton soldier, like the others, was undead, requiring neither sleep nor rest.

It had been standing at the dungeon entrance since the creation of the Remnants of the Abyss.

Once Arch Lich entered the dungeon, the soldier resumed guarding the entrance.



As Arch Lich entered, everyone greeted him.

The Remnants of the Abyss dungeon was entirely composed of skeletons.

There were skeleton warriors, archers, and even mages. Of course, there were lower-tier beings as well, soldiers, archer apprentices, mage trainees, and so on.

A skeleton knight approached Arch Lich, extending its hand for a shake.

It was a 3-star skeleton knight, originally a 2-star skeleton inspector but evolved to 3-stars under the great master command.

Thunk, clink.

As they greeted Arch Lich, a closer look revealed that their bodies were subtly trembling.

They were genuinely feeling fear towards Arch Lich.

Inspector Arch Lich.

It was an being that came from the higher-level dungeon to inspect them.

Moreover, it was Arch Lich, capable of causing an explosion that could engulf them all.

One of Arch Lichs skills was Corpse Explosion, enabling it to detonate undead monsters of lower rank than itself.

However, Arch Lich was a 5-star monster, and all the skeletons presents fell within the range of Arch Lichs skill.

The fear of their own bones exploding at any moment shook them.

To them, Arch Lich was not just an inspector but a source of fear and terror.


Arch Lich opened its mouth. The inspection was about to begin.

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