Chapter 3

EP.3 6★ Succubus

Fusion successful!

< Celia Ishahar >

Grade: ★★★★★★

[Basic Information]

Health: A

Attack: A-

Defense: A

Magic: S


Nightmare (S): Inflicts the worst nightmare that the opponent can’t wake up from.

Dream Manipulation (A): Manipulates the opponent’s dreams, giving them hope in exchange for absorbing their vitality.

Charm (A): Subjects exposed to charm cannot feel attraction to anyone other than the caster and enter a state of heat every hour.

Queen’s Dignity (S): Possesses an unattainable level of dignity.

“Wow, so this is why people spend money.”

The Servant who was initially 3 stars had been upgraded to 6 stars.

Even her appearance had changed significantly.

The tiny silver horns that were initially curly had become smooth, and the black horns that had slightly protruded on either side of her head had grown longer, extending below her ears.Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Her facial expression, which was somewhat uneasy when she was 3 stars, had now become relaxed.

Furthermore, her charm seemed to have increased as well.

I initially upgraded her from 3 stars to 4 stars using the 5,900 KRW package, and then I purchased the 15,900 KRW 5-star fusion package that had just appeared.

After upgrading her to 5 stars, another package for upgrading to 6 stars appeared.

‘59,000 KRW?!’

It seemed like the game developer was obsessed with money.

Normally, I would have closed the game, but I ended up purchasing it as if I were under a spell.

The result was a dungeon Servant who had become a 6-star.

Perhaps it’s because I spent money, but looking at the results alone, I am satisfied.

The previously unimpressive stats had all increased significantly, and new skills had been added to the list.

With these stats, I wondered if I could not only defend the dungeon but also hold my own against the church holy knight.

The gap between 3 stars and 6 stars was quite substantial.

‘If it’s 6 stars, how strong is she?’

In terms of Earth standards, a 6-star monster would be roughly equivalent to an S-class monster, or so it was estimated.

There had been a rough ranking system established between Earth and the El Dorad continent.

1 star corresponded to F and E ranks on Earth.

2 stars to D rank.

3 stars to C rank.

4 stars to B rank.

5 stars to A rank.

Beyond that, only rough settings had been made for uncommon monsters.

Typically, 6 stars were assumed to be S rank.

However, even on Earth, S-class monsters were exceedingly rare.

Furthermore, there were even fewer hunters who had reached that level.

“Still, having an S-class succubus is pretty nice.”

If there was one thing I regretted, it was buying the dungeon concealment item early on.

Thanks to it, the dungeon’s location would be hidden for a week, so there wouldn’t be any intruders for a while.

But in hindsight, I regretted buying it when I knew I’d become this powerful from the beginning.

While savoring the taste, I briefly admired the game interface. Then, a window appeared.

“I wonder if this developer is launching another package,” I thought, but this time, it was a different window.

– Servant ‘Celia Ishahar’ expresses gratitude to Master. –

– Servant ‘Celia Ishahar’ cautiously asks if it is permissible to inquire about Master’s name. –

With the text, a field for entering a name appeared.

“My name?”

While I had named the dungeon earlier, it seemed this time I was naming myself.

This time, I didn’t hesitate for long.

Naming things had always felt tedious, and I couldn’t think of a suitable name anyway.

So, I simply entered my name into the input field.

“My name is...”

– Lee Kang Hyun –

After entering my name, the window displayed:

– ‘Celia Ishahar’ is pleased to hear Master’s name. –

– Loyalty level: 100 reached. –

– Loyalty has reached its maximum. ‘Celia Ishahar’ will now obey any of your commands. –

“Such a system exists?”

It felt good to have maxed out loyalty from the beginning.

This must also be the power of spending money.

But then again, she would follow any command?

Celia Ishahar, it’s too long. I’ll just call her Celia.

Anyway, she showed loyalty to me.

“That’s how it should be for a Servant. Hmm.”

I didn’t have any immediate commands.

There were no intruders in the dungeon, and maybe it was still early, but there didn’t seem to be any content to engage in.

“Is this some kind of idle game?”

I had a brief moment of doubt, but I decided to end the game here.

Oh, before that...

“You can manage the dungeon on your own.”

That being wanted her.

[I will ask again. Celia Ishahar, serve me.]

The word “slave” didn’t even cross her mind.

The only thing that was certain was that the being before her wanted her.

With a presence like that, they could have forced her if they wanted to.

But they asked for her consent first.

If she agreed, she could escape this unbearable place.

How long had it been?

During her time here, her emotions had faded away.

The sympathy she had felt for humans was gone.

She had accepted who she was, but felt anger towards the Succubus Queen and her kindred.

But here, if she could escape, she could start everything anew.

A lifeline was extended to her.

She didn’t hesitate.

‘Please... Give me that opportunity.’

With that thought, her vision darkened.

When she regained her senses, she realized she was in a different place, not the underground of the Order.

“Where is this...?”

Her voice came out.

Her seal had been released.

Tears flowed from Celia’s eyes in relief.


She wiped away her tears and looked around.

Instinctively, she realized she was in a dungeon.

Even though it was called a dungeon, it was a small cave, but with labor, it could be expanded at any time.

She didn’t see any other beings around.

It was unmanaged, but she wasn’t disappointed.

A benefactor had rescued her. No, it was her master.

For the sake of the master who had rescued her, she was willing to dedicate herself.

But the astonishment didn’t end there.

[Improve yourself according to your level.]

The voice of the being who had released her echoed.

Clearly, there was no one else here except her.

Could it be that the voice was all there was? Or maybe this was a test.

During her moment of hesitation, she felt a change in her body.


It was exhilarating.

Her entire body was filled with pleasure.

Succubus felt pleasure when they absorbed the vitality of humans.

Celia had never done such a thing, but the pleasure she felt now would surely surpass any pleasure from absorbing vitality.

And by the time the ecstasy ended, Celia realized something.

She had become stronger.

There was no doubt that she had heard the command to become stronger.

“Could it be that my master created all of this?”

There was no answer to her question. Instead, only the command to become stronger resonated.

[Become even stronger.]

Once again, a strong sensation of pleasure surged through her.

After all these events, Celia had transformed into a completely different being.

A faint light emanated from her silver hair.

The small horns on her head had grown larger.

Celia instinctively knew that her presence had elevated.

She might even be on par with the Succubus Queen from the past.

Without the need for words, she knew who had done all of this.

“May I dare ask for the noble name of my master?”

Celia’s voice trembled.

Would it be considered impolite?

Contrary to her worries, her voice echoed within the dungeon once more.

[Lee Kang Hyun.]

It was an extraordinary name.

With a smiling face, Celia replied.


She pledged her lifelong loyalty and vowed to carry out her master’s command to manage and protect this place, no matter what.

No matter what.




The inquisitors of the White Order were in chaos.

The deep underground where they had sealed beings that were a threat to the world.

The place that should have been secure had been breached.

By the time they realized this fact, one of the sealed beings had disappeared.

Fortunately, the only thing that had disappeared was a Succubus.

They thought they had avoided the worst-case scenario.

Except for one person.

“Inform the Queen. Ishahar, who was sealed by the Order, has been released.”

Within the Order, someone discreetly delivered this message.

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