Chapter 395: final exam

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Although the fact that Lupin was a werewolf quickly spread throughout the school, he still took the Defense Against the Dark Arts class for the rest of the day. After all, it was not long before the holiday, and Dumbledore had nowhere to go. Find someone to replace the shift.

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Some students resisted Lupin's Defence Against the Dark Arts class at first, but he didn't show any danger before, so after a few classes with others, they gradually calmed down and just treated Lupin. Ping's attitude is still indifferent and alert.

This also gave Fish a better understanding of what Professor McGonagall's prejudice was.

On the other side, Sirius Black also recovered under Madam Pomfrey's treatment, but he was still a little sluggish mentally.

After he was sober, he met with Harry specially, and the two chatted for a long time. After that, he left the school under Dumbledore's arrangement, and he didn't know where to hide.

And Harry told Ron and Hermione the truth after chatting with Sirius, and brought George and Fred who had eavesdropped on Fudge and others.

"Banban is actually an Animagus!"

Ron opened his mouth blankly, feeling very complicated.

The fact that the pet that I have kept for many years is actually the murderer of my friend's parents is still a little too shocking for a teenager in his teens.

When Scabbers got lost, Ron was sad for a long time...

Fortunately, almost a year had passed since Pettigrew Peter's escape, so Ron quickly adjusted his thoughts, accepted this fact, and patted his chest in fear.

"I didn't expect that there was a mysterious man's subordinate hiding in our house all the time. This is too dangerous! Fortunately, he has left..."

The twins' focus is elsewhere. .

"You mean, the Marauder's Map was made by your father and Professor Lupin?!"

George and Fred's eyes lit up when they heard this.

"And my godfather."

Harry and proudly added that as for the traitor Wormtail, he was naturally ignored by everyone.

"You must introduce Sirius to us!" The twins grabbed Harry's arm excitedly, "The moment we got the Marauder's map, we regarded them as idols!"

For such a request, Harry naturally would not refuse, "No problem, but I have to wait for Professor Dumbledore to settle him first."

Harry and the Weasleys had a lively chat, while Fish and Hermione had little interest in these things.

After learning the truth, Hermione was really amazed for a while at first, but soon re-entered her studies. After all, he had to prepare for twelve final exams, but he didn't have so much time to waste.

As for Fish, he ran away out of boredom after being here for less than three minutes, and it was the third time that Mao Mao had heard this story, so he wasn't interested at all...

And it will remind him of the sad things of the bounty that disappeared and the food that was swindled.

Sirius Black ran away again, and the fact that Professor Lupin was actually a werewolf was hotly discussed in the school for a while, but as the final exams approached, everyone turned their attention back to their schoolwork.

Even George and Fred are working hard because they are taking the O.W.L. this year. And Percy was preparing for the (Ultimate Wizarding Exam), and he had to do well enough to get a job at the Ministry of Magic.

Because of this, Percy is a little nervous. No matter who disturbs the quiet of the common room at night, he will give a heavy punishment.

Except for the cat, of course.

In such a tense atmosphere, the students of Hogwarts ushered in the final exam once again.

On the first day, the exam is Transfiguration and Spells. Transfiguration requires everyone to turn a teapot into a turtle. This is too easy for Cat Mao, who has mastered Biotransformation as early as the first grade. He not only Turned the teapot into a turtle, and controlled it to turn over.

"Meow hahahaha!"


The little skin cat looked at the flipped turtle dangling on the table, stretched out his head and wanted to flip himself over, and couldn't help laughing...

Then he was kicked out of the examination room by Professor McGonagall with a stern face.

In the afternoon spell class, he passed the happy spell, and Fish still cast the spell with ease, making his partner Neville, whose legs trembled from nervousness, became happy.

With the help of the Happy Charm, Neville's performance after that has no problem, but Fei Xu usually looks cheerful, so the effect of the Happy Charm on him is not obvious. After Professor Flitwick confirmed it again and again, Only gave Neville a fairly good result.

However, something happened on Harry's side, because shortly after Fish walked out of the exam room, he heard his partner Ron let out a burst of laughter, and then everyone saw Ron laughing wildly as he was taken to another room. In the quiet room, after at least an hour, he returned to the examination room with a tired face.

The next morning's exam was Hagrid's Conservation of Magical Creatures class, and the exam consisted of taking a branch from a tree guarded by a group of tree guards.

According to the normal operation, it should be first to find the turtles to feed the tree guards that guard the trees, so that they will allow the wizard to collect a part of the wood from the trees as a reward.

But Fei Xu naturally didn't need to be so troublesome. He just came under the tree and talked to the tree guards. These little things immediately broke off several branches and leaves that needed to be trimmed, and sent them to the hands of cats and cats. .

Originally, Fish wanted to help others, but Hagrid drove him away with a black face.

In the potions class in the afternoon, Snape stood by Harry's side and didn't go anywhere, giving him enough psychological pressure, as if he wanted to pour out the resentment for not killing Black and Lupin on Harry.

Although Harry's experience was very sympathetic, Neville and others took this opportunity to frantically ask Hermione for help, and the result was...

Except for the hapless Harry, everyone was satisfied.

Astronomy in the middle of the night is not difficult for Mao Mao. Originally, Fish had complained about remembering the stars in the sky, but since Professor McGonagall told him stories of various constellations, he had already remembered the star maps. Almost there, so not only did he finish the exam well, but he was also the fastest one.

The history of magic that took the exam on the morning of the third day was one of Fish's least favorite courses, so it was also one of Mao Mao's worst grades in the past.

And after Professor McGonagall realized this, he adapted the history of magic for this semester into various stories to tell to Fish, so Mao Mao was surprised to find out that the questions on the test paper were actually by himself. will do!

The herbal exam in the afternoon was even more difficult for Fei Xu. The sun, which was too fierce for others, was just right for Fei Xu. I found an empty flower pot and got into it and fell asleep.

Thursday was the last day of the exam, and the morning Defense Against the Dark Arts class was a level-breaker game set up by Lupin. Candidates had to wade through a deep pool with Grindillo, through a series of potholes full of red hats, grumble and grumble. Walk through the swamp, ignore the misdirection of a hinkpunk, then climb into an old chest and fight a new boggart.

Fish walked around the route and successfully passed the exam, and when he came out, he was followed by a group of red hats, a hinkpunk, and a Boggart who was constantly changing...

Grindylo couldn't stay out of the water for long, so he didn't follow.

Professor Lupin persuaded the little cat to go away with a wry smile, and then put these creatures back into the level he had arranged. UU reading

The divination class in the afternoon was even simpler. Fish just ran to have a pot of tea with Professor Trelawney and passed the exam with full marks.

"Fish, what did Professor Trelawney ask you?"

Since Mao Mao was the first to take the exam in the tower, as soon as he came, he was surrounded by other students and asked.

"Shi Miao didn't ask, Sybil just invited Feish to drink a pot of sweet tea. After drinking, she looked at the tea and said that she predicted that Feish's grades in this class would be full marks, and then asked Feish to get full marks. come down meow…”


The kitten scratched its head in a daze, and answered truthfully.

People waiting in line: "..."

"Hermione Granger."

The familiar, sleepy voice came from overhead, making everyone come back to their senses.

"I'll go up first."

Hermione rolled her eyes cutely, and climbed the silver ladder.

It didn't take long for her to climb down from the tower.

"It looks like I might fail this class, but this is a fresh experience."

Hermione shrugged her shoulders and looked indifferent, but even Neville could hear the gnashing of teeth in her pretentiously relaxed words, so everyone wisely looked away, not daring to provoke any time. The jack-of-all-trades lady who could explode.

Only Fish stepped forward, hugged Hermione, and rubbed hard against her cheek a few times.

"Do you feel better meow?"


Hermione: o(*///▽///*)o

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