Chapter 739 Arad is FAST!

Name:The dragon's harem Author:
Chapter 739 Arad is FAST!

BOOM! A powerful burst echoed in the school's yard, and all the students flinched, blinking as they ducked down. "What was that!?"

SWOSH! In the blink of an eye, Arad's white lab coat looked a bit scuffed, with small bits of ash and dirt on his shoulders and hair. The students looked at him with confusion. He just wore that. SWOSH! In the next blink, he was as clean as before.

"GUH!" Lucia gasped, sweat dripping across her forehead, and her legs froze in place.

It was, but a blur, but I caught it with my mage eyes.

[Mage Eye] An observation spell that wizards use to scout their surroundings. It gives them a third-person camera angle and could be used to look around an area like drones. They are invisible and hard to detect. Most wizards can only use two at a time, assigning each to an eye. Those eyes detect movement better than the naked eye and are sensitive to magic.

Lucia was an exceptional wizard and had four mage eyes around her. One above her head to watch her back, one in the hallway, one outside the windows, and one she left in her room. But, her skills were nowhere near Merlin, who has over twenty flying around Alina.

^I barely saw it...^

In that fraction of a second, Arad's mana spiked on her number-1 mage eye[The one above her head] like a flash. His body turned into a blur as he disappeared.

Her mage eye number-3, the one outside the window caught a glimpse of a blurry silhouette rushing out toward the students outside.

That silhouette picked Mira and moved her several meters away from the massive device, then went and picked the device, and moved it away from the students. But it exploded on the silhouette.

That silhouette then returned to where Arad was standing and stopped moving. It was only then that the blur disappeared.

Impossible, it can't be. What did Aron just do? I felt his magic spiking. Was that a spell? What kind, isn't he a fighter? No...I don't care what spell it is. How the fuck can he move that fast? The students outside are at least 300 meters away.

Lucia reached for a paper on her desk, scrambling to crunch some numbers. 300 meters. and that only took about 0.2 seconds...this bastard moved at 1500m/s??! That's 5400km/h!!! How there was no shockwave? No, how could a human move like that? It can't be!

She freaked out so much that she didn't notice him cleaning his clothes with the void.

Unbeknown to her, Arad wasn't that fast. He achieved such a feat by stacking several tricks. He could've used [Void Step] But the cooldown would've caused so much lag. That he would need to choose between Mira and the other students. He could've moved the device first, but as he doesn't know when it'll explode, he preferred to cover Mira with his back first just in case, increasing the risk for other students but making sure Mira would remain safe.

Arad's base moving speed was 10m/s. He then used the void to erase the air around his body to reduce drag, and since there was no air, there was no shockwave when breaking the sound barrier. The reduced drag at such speed allowed him to reach 13m/s. He then consumed a speed potion that he made while learning from Aisha, and that got him to 15m/s.

Since that speed was still too slow, he cast [Time Slow: 99%]. That increased his speed by a hundredfold, allowing him to reach around 1500m/s.

^Should I say something? No, with such speed, it'll only take him a second to slit my throat even if I was 1.5km away...^

Arad was too fast for her to dare say a word. Subconsciously, she tried to erase that memory from her head to avoid trouble. ^I saw nothing...^ She stared forward with a blank face.


Second, squeeze the fresh lemon to make lime juice, then pour it on the mint. Added the rum, honey, and a handful of ice. Then mix it well for a minute.

Third, strain the mixture into a new glass.

Fourth, Fill a glass with magic water and channel wind magic into it for a while until it gets infused and turns into wind-

element-infused magic water. You'll know when it turns green.

Mix the mixture of step three with the wind-element-infused magic water then pour it into a potion bottle and lock it tight.

How the potion works:

The alcohol in the rum helps dull pain and reduce the user's sense of exhaustion.

The mint and lime help open the airways and give a fresh feeling, which helps the potion sell.

The wind-element-infused magic water gets absorbed through the digestive system and fills the blood with oxygen, assisting the lungs and muscles.

The honey provides sugar that the body uses as fuel, and since it's from bees that feed on windflowers, it'll also add a small boost to oxygen levels in the blood.

The magic water ice helps the potion remain cold for a prolonged period of time, so when drunk, it lowers the body's temperature, which most likely is overheating due to exhaustion. Which helps lower the amount of sweat and wasted water. And since the potion has a bit of water, it'll help quench thirst a bit, but drinking water is recommended.

Arad slowly turned toward Lucia with a passive face, "This is just a mojito with magic water."

"No, it isn't. We don't teach students how to make cocktails here. It's against the rules." She smiled.

"No! No! No! This is just a drink! Stop pretending it isn't." Arad gasped. "I mean, look at this!" He pointed at Matilda who was hugging his leg.

"Aron...big, strong...Hik! Hik!" Matilda rubbed her face on his thighs with a red face, drunk after downing four failed stamina potions. "Let's make a lot of babies...I always...wanted a strong one..."

"She's dead drunk!" Arad growled, "How this is not a drink?!"

"You're not supposed to drink that many stamina potions at once." Lucia lifted a finger. "They have a lot of bad side effects if you drink a lot."

Drinking a lot of stamina potions can lead to over-

oxygenating, high blood sugar, and alcohol levels. Which can lead to loss of consciousness, getting drunk mid-fights, liver damage from abusive use for a long time, and even death at some times. Some elves can't digest honey, so they could get a bad stomach ache or diarrhea.

"Aron...many cubs..." Matilda mumbled, still stuck to Arad's leg.