
Ye Chen hung in the void, and there was an endless void abyss under his feet.

In his perception, there was a killing machine approaching him quickly.

Ye Chen couldn't care about the turbulence around him. He fought with his strength and jumped aside to avoid a black flame.

The burning black flame is very dangerous. It seems to be able to burn the void and distort all the space above the path.

Ye Chen has already felt it, but it's the only way to avoid it. It can be seen how fast the black flame flies. In the blink of an eye, it flies to Ye Chen's side.

The turbulence is affected by the black flame and becomes more unstable. Ye Chen just used his strength to stir up the space, because the turbulence rushed towards him.

Ye Chen fell on the large space in front. The turbulence came one after another, and the killing machine burst out. At the foot of Ye Chen, a small space collapsed.



The huge crack caused the whole space to vibrate, as if the next moment would be turbulent and the space would collapse.

A sword light fell, and the cracked and collapsed space was cut off. It slowly floated towards the void abyss and was entangled by more void turbulence. In an instant, it was twisted into fragments the size of rice grains and integrated into the turbulence.

Ye Chen was holding the Longyuan Heavenly Sword, but he didn't look at the space that had just been cut off by him.

"Empty beast!"

Ye Chenning's eyebrows, there was a huge roar that shook the world in front.

A series of sounds of fragmentation also sounded in the void. In the endless void not far from ye Chen, a crack penetrating dozens of miles appeared, and a sharp claw tip protruded from it.

The crack became bigger and bigger, and countless fragments flew around. Ye Chen jumped back and avoided.

That huge claw finally tore open a space crack hundreds of kilometers long and poked out a huge head from the void. There was only a big mouth on the head, which occupied the center of the head. A sharp tooth in the huge mouth was like a 100 meter long sword. More than a dozen were exposed side by side, flashing a terrible cold light.

Its claws stretched forward, smashed a piece of space, stuffed it into its big mouth and chewed it. The space was torn apart by it and swallowed directly.

The void fierce beast is the bane of space. Ye Chen immediately understood why the eternal void would break and collapse when he saw it.

The fierce beast must have been here for some time. If it is not stopped, this space will disappear completely in the void one day and no longer exist.

Ye Chen doesn't want to bump into such a difficult beast.

This void fierce beast has no age and no cause and effect. It was born from the void and returned to the void after death. It can be said that he is just another form of existence of the void. He has no God and no wisdom, and will only devour everything that can be devoured.

Devour the sky and swallow the earth, eat everything.

The whole void is the territory of the void beast. Ye Chen naturally has nowhere to hide in front of it.

The void monster completely drilled out of the space crack and rushed towards Ye Chen. The monster shouted. The huge roar directly shattered many damaged spaces.

"What trouble!"

Ye Chen doesn't want to fight with it at all. Things without life and death can't be killed at all. Besides, there are more urgent things to do now.

Countless sword lights flashed, and they were connected in an instant. They looked like a huge net of sword lights and went to cover the head of the empty fierce beast.

The empty and fierce beast did not dodge, roared and spewed out a black flame.

Ye Chen saw at this moment that the fierce flame was not black, but nothing and no color!

Because the light is swallowed and distorted in an instant.

The sword light huge net collided with the nihilistic fierce flame. The sword light was broken, and most of the fierce flame was consumed immediately. The rest scattered, which was not enough to fear.

Ye Chen had already taken advantage of the time when he was tangled with the sword light giant net he had left behind, and quickly fled into the void towards the perceived position of Xiao Huang.

But to his surprise, the empty beast came for him.

Is there anything behind the empty beast?

The void fierce beast has no life or death. It can only be dealt with by using the power of the void. It is not very powerful, but very difficult.

Ye Chen stood in place, holding a sword in both hands, and no longer continued to move forward. He was waiting for the empty fierce beast to approach.

The fierce beast was huge, hundreds of miles long, and the tip of a claw was bigger than ye Chen.

It was so powerful that it rushed towards the space debris where ye Chen was, and a sharp claw slapped it hard.

Wish the stars suddenly appear and thousands of stars flow to protect him.

Longyuan Heavenly Sword, the sound of dragon singing, the blood Dragon flew out and flew straight towards the empty fierce beast.

Ye Chen rose slowly and hung in the void. The sword light condensed and was ready to go. It was like a bright sun, and the light was brighter and brighter.

The blood dragon wound up, and the void fierce beast spewed out three groups of nihility and fierce flames. The space was incinerated in an instant, and the blood dragon was also entangled by the fierce flame. The fierce flame could not be extinguished, and soon spread out slowly on the surface of the blood dragon.

The blood dragon roared, and the blood color on his body was great. The nothingness fierce flame was born in nothingness. After being covered by the blood light, it should have been swallowed up. Unexpectedly, it was gradually assimilated by the blood color, and then completely turned into nothingness.

Ye Chen's sword was finally wielded. The light of the sword was shining to the extreme. He walked inch by inch in the space, chopped the void and cracked the world.

The space seemed to be locked. The void fierce beast was trapped in the space and tightly wound by the blood dragon body. It could not move. The whole body was steaming with the flames of nothingness, as if it wanted to burn the space and escape into the void again.

But ye Chen's sword has been cut on this space. The space is split inch by inch and turned into powder. The empty fierce beast trapped in it roars silently. A huge mouth grows huge. It seems to rely on his instinct to swallow this bright and extremely fierce sword light into his stomach to resolve the crisis.

However, with the fragmentation of space, the bodies of the fierce animals in the void also crack, and turn into powder with the surrounding space to return to the void.

Originally, there was a small black star in its position, burning the flame of nothingness.

Ye Chen fell on a huge space debris again, and the star flew over. Ye Chen tentatively stretched out his hand to hold it. There was no burning feeling, but it looked very good. Just put that thing away.

Although the void fierce beast has no life or death, it will eventually return to the void. It can be turned into the void by cutting the space.

From a certain point of view, it can be regarded as fulfilling its desire to escape into the void.

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