Hear that.

Zheng Jingming's pupil is almost enlarged. He stares at the young man in a suit in front of the French window.

A thin figure many years ago seems to overlap with the figure of the youth.

More and more familiar.

His body almost trembled.

I don't know if it's anger or surprise.

Five years ago!

Yunhu villa!

He will never forget that night.

That night, he watched his brother die in front of him.

That night, he also witnessed the Ye family erase from Jiangcheng overnight!

Since then, he has got everything he has planned.

He enjoyed the pleasure of power and money.

But even so, he always wakes up from nightmares in the dead of night!

In the dream, he saw the family three open blood sparkling hands to him for life!

He didn't believe in evil, not to mention ghosts.

But this moment the ghost of the dream really came!

as like as two peas in front of the window, the young man in the suit turned around. The cold eyes were just like those of the leaf family.

Although the temperament has changed dramatically, Zheng Jingming certainly won't admit his mistake!

The youth in front of us is Ye Chen!

Ye Chen, the waste of Ye family who has disappeared for five years!

Zheng Jingming was scared to get cold. He moved his legs and retreated to the corner: "you Who the hell are you! Are you a man or a ghost? "

Ye Chen's mouth outlined a evil smile, step by step toward Zheng Jingming.

When he came to Zheng Jingming, he stopped and looked at Zheng Jingming from a commanding position and said, "five years ago, you killed my family. Did you forget me so soon?"

Zheng Jingming has completely determined the identity of the youth!

He grew up his mouth and exclaimed, "you are ye Chen, you You're not dead When you fell to Dongqian Lake and was washed away by the river! How could... "

"You wonder why I'm not dead, are you?" Maybe I don't want to die because I don't want to die

Zheng Jingming couldn't care about everything. He even said, "Ye Chen, listen to me. Things are not what you think. How can uncle..."


There was a shot.

The bullet went through Zheng Jingming's knee and exploded.

"You're not my uncle, never."

"Ah Zheng Jingming was sweating bitterly. When he saw his knee bleeding, his face turned pale.

His heart was filled with horror! When did the famous Ye family waste in Jiangcheng become so terrible!

When did this guy start practicing?

What's more, how did he break through the barriers and get to the top!

Damn it, who can tell him what the crap has done in five years!

"Zheng Jingming, I don't like to use this kind of heat weapon." Ye Chen continues to say, the next second, the weapon is directly squeezed into a ball by Ye Chen.

Hard to squeeze into a ball of iron pimple!

Seeing this scene, Zheng Jingming was scared to be incontinent!

Is this guy a devil!

"I prefer simplicity and rudeness." The voice of Ye Chen falls.

The next second, he stepped on Zheng Jingming's other leg and heard "click!" A sound, Zheng Jingming bone fracture!

It's bloody.

One leg is completely broken.

Zheng Jingming was going crazy. The strong pain almost made him faint, but ye Chen lightly touched his neck, and he woke up again.

"Ye Chen, please Please let me go For all these years... "

He begged, and he had no choice.

Ye Chen laughed and laughed wildly: "I let you go. Why didn't you let go of my Ye family? Why don't you let my parents go!

My parents are sorry for you

"Bang!" Zheng Jingming broke one hand completely.

He has become a waste.

Zheng Jingming wants to bite his tongue and commit suicide, but he can't do it. He finds that an invisible force surrounds him, making him unable to have any action at all.

This NIMA is too painful. He vaguely remembers that ye Chen didn't know where he ordered him just now, and then no matter what ye Chen did, he was extremely sober, and the key sense of pain was also strengthened dozens of times!

"Zheng Jingming, the acupoints of the human body are very mysterious. They can save people, kill people, and enjoy endless pain."

Ye Chen's voice is extremely insipid, just like telling an extremely common thing.

"You should not know that I have killed the Chen family and Yao Jingu, the party planner. You are the fourth. You should feel lucky. After all, I have let you live for so long."Zheng Jingming's eyes widened.

suddenly he thought of the news of the previous day. Chen family and his son were killed and no suspect was found.

He never thought it was made by Ye Chen!

What's more, ye Chen killed the big man named Yao as well?

My God!

Yao seems to be a martial arts master too!

Is this kid a devil?

Master Wudao will not let go!

Does he want to kill all the people involved in the Cloud Lake Villa?

Madman, complete madman!

"Ye Chen, you killed so many people, you You will be punished! " Zheng Jingming stretched out his hand and pointed to Ye Chen Dao.

Ye Chen smiles: "retribution? May let you down, my life, even the way of heaven can not control! Who has the right to take it! "

With that, ye Chen had ten silver needles in his hand. The silver needles shot out and directly penetrated some of Zheng Jingming's acupoints.

Zheng Jingming felt something strange happened to his body and said in horror, "you You What have you done to me! "

Ye Chen lit a cigarette and walked to the door of the meeting room.

When he reached the gate, he stopped: "the old man told me that the acupoints of the human body can make doctors and Yama fight for their lives."

"You can also let those high gods kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Ye Chen finished this sentence and disappeared.

After he left, Zheng Jingming felt a terrible pain!

His body gradually turned red, like thousands of ants biting!

This kind of pain, almost magnified a thousand times more than!

"Ah He cried out in pain!

His body expanded, and after a long time, he exploded and turned into a pool of blood mist.

When ye Chen left, he met a man in clean clothes and cap.

He could feel that the other party was very dangerous. He thought it was a person from Qingmen. He just wanted to take off his hat. The man took off his hat and said respectfully: "the Lord of the temple, it's the king of Nanjiang who asked me to come here. I'm the scavenger. I'm responsible for cleaning up some unclean things."

Ye Chen takes back the true Qi and nods.

Although he did not want to be involved in too much with Nanjiang king, he was very clear that the power of Nanjiang king could save him a lot of trouble.

Moreover, the reason why he kept a distance with Nanjiang king was that he hoped that this power would not be known by outsiders.

His relationship with the king of Nanjiang must be hidden in the dark.

It's invisible to anyone.

The identity of the temple master can only be announced under the circumstances of necessity.

But he was a little curious. If those people knew the identity, what kind of expression would they have.

"Ye family waste? Ha ha, this identity is confused many people, perhaps I also want to thank Chu shuran. Because of her words at that time, these high-ranking guys would never think that ye family trash would come back to revenge! "

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