Even if all this is true or false, it is really impossible to determine.

Ye Chen was thinking about it when he suddenly felt a warmth in his body, and a warm and fragrant nephrite hugged him.

He was stunned when he found Ling Qingzhu hugging him, so he asked, "What are you doing?"

Ling Qingzhu smiled and said: "Give you a hug. These things about the truth of the world have a very strong impact on the Taoist heart. My mother spent ten thousand years revealing it to me bit by bit. Even though In this way, I almost collapsed back then. You are my good disciple. I will not let you collapse. Don’t worry, no matter what, Master will be with you.

After saying that, he hugged Ye Chen tightly again.

Ye Chen was a bit dumbfounded and seriously suspected that Ling Qingzhu was taking advantage of him. He gently let go of Ling Qingzhu's arms and said with a smile: "I'm fine. My Taoist heart is not so easily shaken."

Although the truth about the world that Ling Qingzhu said was indeed shocking, Ye Chen's Taoist heart was strong and he could withstand the impact of these truths.

Ling Qingzhu blinked and saw that Ye Chen's spirit was indeed very stable, so he nodded with relief and said: "Good disciple, as expected of you! Well, I will teach you the secret method of Old Man Qianji now."

She took the metal plate from Ye Chen's hand, bit her fingertips, and sprinkled the blood on the black bead in the middle. She saw the black bead's divine light changing, wisps of mist rolling, and the image of Old Man Qianji fading away. , but pieces of characters and graphics flew out and passed by Ye Chen's eyes.


Suddenly, Ye Chen felt a vast flow of information exploding in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the secrets of various mechanical mechanisms kept passing by.

"The inheritance left by the old man Qianji is called the "Tiangong Creation Record". It records the creation methods of thousands of mechanical mechanisms. It is so vast and magnificent that it is difficult to fully understand it even after exhausting the eons."

Ling Qingzhu said, "Each of the five major sects of our Tianzu Pavilion learns a branch. What our Tianpuppet sect learns is the method of creating mechanical puppets. Disciple, you can also learn this branch. If there is anything you don't understand, , you can ask me."

""Tiangong's Creation Record"..."

Ye Chen looked at the characters and pictures that kept passing in front of him, and felt that this "Tiangong Creation Record" was profound and profound. It was almost impossible to understand it all. Even with Ye Chen's talent, it was impossible to say that in this book It took me a short time to figure it out, because it was so majestic and vast, and contained the essence of Old Man Qianji’s lifelong efforts.

Old Man Qianji is one of the Seventy-Two Pillar Gods. The secret method he left behind can be inherited by ordinary people. If ordinary people can learn a branch, it will be enough to stand alone in the world.

Among the methods of mechanical creation recorded in "Tiangong Creation Record", there are methods to create mechanical beasts, some to create mechanical insects, some to create mechanical armors, and some to create mechanical puppets. In addition, there are various traps and hidden weapons. The methods of making , gunpowder thermal weapons, and photoelectric creations can be said to be exhaustive, and there are endless wonderful methods. Just one branch is enough for people to figure out for thousands of centuries.

Ye Chen knew very well that he could chew more than he could chew. He just wanted to master the art of making mechanical puppets and help the Star-Forging Dragon God create a mechanical body.

"Good disciple, I will arrange a room for you. You can study it yourself. If you don't understand, ask me again."

"As for the Goddess of Heaven, don't worry, my father has already gone out to look for her. If there is any news, I will