The heavens are in this eternal cycle, constantly ups and downs, and cannot achieve true transcendence.

Everyone's experiences are repeated and reincarnated, life after life, but the energy of the heaven is limited. When the number of reincarnations is too many, the heaven can no longer bear the reincarnation and will collapse. After time returns to ruins, there is no way to return to the original point. Everything will die completely.

Ye Chen felt the conception of the Zhouhe God Diagram and the underlying logic of the laws, and was suddenly stunned.

Is this the idea of ​​ancestor Hongjun, or the truth of time?

Will time really have an end?

Ancestor Hongjun entrusted his powerful will in his Divine Diagram of the Zhou River, which is that the river of time will never end, and will never look back. It will keep moving forward without any end.

In this way, there will be no reincarnation of time, and sentient beings will not suffer in endless repeated reincarnations.

Ancestor Hongjun's picture of the Zhou River God was majestic and majestic. As soon as it was sacrificed, there was a crash, the river of time churned, and the atmosphere was thin, blocking the impact of the ugly god.

The Ugly God wanted to get into the body of Ancestor Hongjun, but was blocked by the Zhouhe Divine Picture.

"Damn it!"

The Ugly God gritted his teeth, but he also felt that the Zhouhe Divine Diagram was so powerful that he could not break through it for a while.

Ancestor Hongjun sat cross-legged, relying on the Zhouhe Divine Chart to resist the impact of the Ugly God, and also to protect himself, constantly adjusting his breath to suppress the evil spirit of the water of the Unfortunate Spring.

"Ugly God, don't try to seize Hongjun's body. He is a super-grade Heavenly Emperor. If you want to seize him, you must at least come to him in his true form, right?"

A cold voice sounded, and another figure descended from the sky and appeared next to Emperor Hun Tian. It was Zhou Mu Shen, the ancestor of the Da Zhou family.

Previously, God Zhou Mu went to hunt down the Ancient Emperor Yuhuang and wanted to take back the Ancient Sword of Heavenly Sin. After hearing the call from Emperor Soul Heavenly Emperor, he came down immediately.

At this time, he looked a little disgraced, and it was obvious that his pursuit of the Ancient Sword of Heavenly Sin was not going well.

Chou Shen snorted and saw that Ancestor Hongjun was heavily guarded and it would be difficult to break through in a short time, so he had to give up temporarily and returned to Emperor Hun Tian.

The Soul Emperor, Chou God, and Zhou Mu Shen stood together, and an astonishing scene appeared. The auras of Chou God and Zhou Mu Shen continued to surge, and they actually quickly reached the level of the Super Grade Emperor!

Ugly God chuckled and said: "The three of us stand together as a trinity, and our auras complement each other and gain strength. It is indeed a great benefit!"

The Chou God, the Soul Emperor, and the Zhou Mu God are actually the same person, a trinity, with the Soul Emperor as the core. Both the Ugly God and the Zhou Mu God were originally created by the Soul Emperor, but later they established their own businesses.

Trinity, when three people stand together at the same time, their auras can complement each other and their strength is greatly enhanced.

Emperor Hun Tian's expression was a little unhappy, because Chou Shen and Zhou Mu Shen were both his former creations, but now they are completely out of control and have established their own businesses. He cannot order them and can only rely on profit cooperation.

However, at this juncture, Emperor Soul couldn't care so much anymore, and said: "The three of us will join forces first, and after we conquer all time and space, how about we have a showdown among ourselves?"

The Ugly God nodded and said with a smile: "Of course it's very good. Today I will conquer the starry sky mountain! I want the Lord of Reincarnation to die!"

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Zhou Mu Shen became excited. When he was next to the Soul Emperor, he directly transformed into the Super Grade Emperor. Although this transformation was temporary, this sense of power made him extremely obsessed.

"I will cut Ren Feihua into pieces!"

Zhou Mushen stared closely at Ren Feifan. He had suffered a huge loss from his previous fight with Ren Feifan and was very angry. Now that he had a chance to take revenge so soon, he naturally didn't want to miss it.

Ren Feifan, Emperor Yuantian, the Great Master and others saw their faces darken when they saw these three people acting like no one was around and acting arrogantly.

Emperor Yuan Tian said: "Emperor Soul Heaven, you are so arrogant, do you think you have already won?"

Emperor Soul Heaven smiled sternly: "Otherwise? I don't even need to summon these nine demon kings. Eight of them rule the Eight Banners of the Ugly God, and there is one strongest fallen demon king who guards the true body of the Ugly God.

(End of chapter)