This is the real blissful world, where hundreds of millions of reincarnation believers live happily without any worries.

In the kingdom of heaven, white flowers bloom everywhere, which are the legendary other side flowers, representing eternal bliss.

Ye Chen looked at this vast and peaceful scene of heaven, and his heart was shaken, thinking:

"Could it be that the world beyond the starry sky is my reincarnation heaven?"

At this moment, Ye Chen remembered Wuxin's ancestor.

Wuxin Patriarch wanted to skip the Wuwu time and space and directly reach the world beyond the starry sky.

He failed and eventually perished and died.

However, before he died, he also spied a glimpse of the mystery of the other side of the world.

Before he died, he left eight words: "Reincarnation in heaven, flowers bloom on the other side."

Perhaps, what he saw before he died was exactly the same as what Ye Chen saw.

The legendary other side of the starry sky is actually the world of reincarnation heaven that Ye Chen always wanted to construct!

Ye Chen stared blankly at this reincarnation heaven, and he didn't know how long it took. He found that in the heaven, the laughter and laughter disappeared, and everyone became dead.

This heaven, because there is no strife, no fighting, everyone is equal, and there is no existence of class and superiority. In the end, it has become lifeless, like a pool of stagnant water.

Everyone has lost the motivation to live.

All have lost desire.

Most of their desires can be satisfied, and the only desire that cannot be satisfied is power.

The power to oppress others, the power to stand at the top.

Because in this heavenly world, everyone is equal, and there is no hierarchy.

Since everyone is equal, it doesn't matter whether they are high or low, it doesn't matter if they climb up, and they won't fall down if they become the overlord of the superior. Everyone has the same identity.

The human heart is eager to fight and to be above others.

When all people become equal and the true kingdom of heaven on earth is established, the human heart also dies.

The world has become a pool of stagnant water, the kingdom of heaven is collapsing, and all beings in heaven and earth are gradually turning into ashes.

The glorious and vast kingdom of reincarnation in the past was reduced to ashes, ruins, and corpses piled up all over the ground in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

Something darker than darkness, something more filthy than filth, grew out of the wreckage of the kingdom of heaven, and eventually spread to the entire starry world.

The starry sky was polluted, countless distorted and evil things came out, and countless mysterious and indescribable monsters came to kill Ye Chen.

"Go away!"

Ye Chen gritted his teeth, his face was ashen, as if he was in a nightmare, he shouted.

With this shout, the world in front of Ye Chen was torn and twisted.

He escaped from the dark and filthy starry world and returned to the outside world.

I saw Zi Chuanfei, still fighting with the demon ancestor Wutian.

Ye Chen stayed for a while, his whole body was soaked with sweat, as if he had woken up from a nightmare.

When the wind blows, Ye Chen is also much more awake, and the infinite spiritual energy in his dantian surges up and transmits it to his limbs.

His injury has recovered, and his state has returned to its peak.

"Brother, you finally came out."

Zi Chuanfei was overjoyed when she saw Ye Chen coming out.

"Damn, this kid..."

When Mozu Wutian saw Ye Chen's recovery, his face suddenly became ugly, and he stepped back.

Ye Chen looked at it and found that Yuwenji and Yuhuang Yafei were both seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness.

Zi Chuanfei was also injured, but she was still fighting.

Ye Chen pinched his fingers, but found that he had been in the world of Starry Sky Daoshu for almost a day.

And on this day, Zi Chuanfei was fighting the Demon Ancestor Wutian.

Her bloodline is strong, and she has used many trump cards of the Star God Race, but she has not failed until now, and even severely damaged Yuwenji and Yuhuang Yafei.

Mozu Wutian repeatedly attacked and killed, and almost killed Zichuanfei every time, but in the end, he was blocked by the Starry Sky Book.

Zi Chuanfei is guarded by the Starry Sky Book and is invincible.

The Demon Ancestor Wutian coveted the Starry Sky Dao Book, and did not leave, and actually fought Zichuanfei for a day.

He thought, when the illusion is shattered, Zi Chuanfei will dissipate, and the starry sky book is his.

Although after the phantom is shattered, the Starry Sky Dao Book is likely to dissipate, but there will definitely be traces of celestial secrets left.

As long as you can capture the secret, you can trace it back to the Star Road Book, the real place.

Mozu Wutian estimated that after Zi Chuanfei was killed, the Star Dao Book was likely to fall in the core area of ​​the battlefield.

If he can see into the secret, he can find this Taoist book in the core area of ​​the battlefield.

However, at this time, Ye Chen appeared and even recovered from the injury, but the demon ancestor was unexpected.

You know, Ye Chen was injured by the Supreme Apocalypse.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be that easy to recover.

But at this moment, Ye Chen recovered successfully with the blessing of the Starry Sky Book.

"Brother, what did you see in the starry sky world?"

"Have you seen the other side?"

Seeing that Ye Chen was sweating, Zi Chuanfei knew that he must have seen something in the starry sky world, and asked nervously.

Ye Chen recalled what he had just seen, and he may indeed have seen the world beyond the starry sky, that is the kingdom of reincarnation.

However, because of the strict order, the equality of all living beings, the absence of classes, superiors and inferiors, and no disputes, the kingdom of reincarnation turned into a pool of stagnant water in the end. In the end, the kingdom of heaven was turned into ruins, all beings were reduced to ashes, and the starry sky was polluted. It's sad.