After crossing several empty lands, they returned to beimangzu land, and Ren extraordinary also successfully passed the pass. They learned the cause and effect of xuanhai from several people.

When he heard the false shadow of Hongjun's ancestor reappear, Ren extraordinary couldn't help falling into meditation.

It's not a trivial matter for Hongjun to reappear his father's separation!

Moreover, Hongjun's ancestors seemed to attach great importance to Ye Chen, and I didn't know what purpose it was for.

When Ren Feifan reaches the peak level of the world, the people and things he sees are relatively different, so he will think more comprehensively.

"No matter what Hongjun's ancestor means, this road is always right. Your next task is to find Lei stele and the remaining reincarnation xuanstele and complete the promotion of reincarnation blood."

"However, the world should already know about your defeat of the Lord of destiny, so you should be prepared. No one knows how the emperor will arrange the next matters."

Ren Feifan thought for a long time and said to Ye Chen.

The feather emperor is gloomy and unfathomable. Even he can't determine what the other party is thinking. Now, he can only take one step at a time.

"That's the only way. I'm going to shut up for a few days and thoroughly understand the changes of this reincarnation blood."

Ye Chen thought for a while and then said.

"It's so good. Maybe you can communicate more with fate. The two complement each other. Previously, reincarnation and fate were enemies. Now they have become partners and don't have to be so bound."

Ren Feifan looked at him and showed a meaningful smile at the corners of his mouth.

On the other hand, Ji Siqing, after hearing this, his ears became red.

She vaguely gave Ye Chen a look, quite a little resentment.

Ye Chen pretended not to see it and returned to his cave to practice in isolation, as if all foreign things could not shake his determination to practice.

But after dusk, when the night came, ye Chen left his cave and used the virtual stele and virtual spirit pulse, quietly and undetected by anyone.

Then he came to another cave. At this time, Ji Siqing had finished his cultivation and was going to bed. He planned to let the spirit sleep in the way of sleep, so as to accelerate the integration of himself and the power of fate.

But just then, she suddenly heard a sound, and then a man appeared beside her.


Ji Siqing was immediately surprised, but ye Chen made a silent gesture, and then turned over to bed. Without any explanation, he took it into his arms.

"Don't talk. If you speak too loudly, others will hear you."

Ye Chen smiled and said. Immediately he reached out and waved, and the invisible power spread quietly, enveloping the field.

"I... I..."

It may have been too long to spend a good night with Ye Chen. Ji Siqing was shy and his eyes kept dodging.

"Elder Ren said that reincarnation and destiny need to be combined into one in order to play a greater effect! That's true." Ye Chen said seriously.


Soon, Ji Siqing's response became long-lasting and even contained a taste of shame.

In this sealed field, the outside is calm, but the inside is surging and rolling.

Moreover, in the field of reincarnation, time can be infinitely prolonged, and an hour can reach a year.

That is, during this year, the wind and rain did not stop.

When the wind and rain stopped, ye Chen lifted the closed state, wiped the sweat on his forehead and gasped.

Ji Siqing also felt that the fate and reincarnation cultivation of an hour was more difficult than the cultivation for several years in the past year.

"The effect of cultivation is pretty good."

Ye Chen narrowed her eyes and said with a smile.

Ji Siqing turned her eyes angrily. She found that ye Chen had become more and more extravagant since he ate marrow and knew the taste.

In the past year in the field, their cultivation sites ranged from mountains and forests to river secret places. Finally, they were still in an ancient relic, facing an abyss and practicing hard.

Of course, the results of cultivation are also extremely significant. At least they feel tired on the surface, but they have already been happy in their hearts.

Moreover, the blood flow in the body has become much smoother. If you persist in this way in the long run, it will be of great benefit to the improvement of blood level.

"Let's get here first today!"

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the little girl looked good and clever, but she was so wild! With the divine body of the Lord of reincarnation, I felt tired.

Ji Si nodded, his eyes a little angry.

She didn't expect her fierce attack. Ye Chen carried it down one by one.

That's a powerful force mixed with fate!

Thinking of his later life, Ji Siqing was happy and worried.

Ye Chen touched her head, and then sat down to meditate. There was a faint radiance emerging from his body. Koi, like flowers, surrounded each other.

He used the immortal Koi copy to absorb all the Qi, fortune and laws, which can resist all the attacks of ghost Qi Shura.

Tianxian Koi copy and protect the periphery, while ye Chen uses the eight trigrams Tiandan technique in his body, which can help him restore the power of the elixir field.

Then he took out the page of tianwu Wolong Sutra. At that time, the Lord of the ruling sent someone to send it before he entered the xuanhai sea, just to give him this page of tianwu Wolong Sutra! After all, he promised himself.

Tianwu Wolong Sutra is not so good and easy to refine. It belongs to one of the 33 Tianhong Mongolian laws, and it is also the most special existence.

Zhutian divine sword formula, Tianlong eight divine sounds, Bagua Tiandan technique, Tianshan Koi copy and Hongmeng starry sky are all Hongmeng ancient methods he has!

In addition to the Kaitian wuwolong Sutra, the other 32 Hongmeng ancient methods are amazing enough.

These 32 kinds of ancient Hongmeng methods are: Six path samsara method, crape myrtle fatalism, Xingdi Haoran Qi, Zhutian divine sword formula, Tianxing five Jue array, eternal Dala sky, fahua silencing the sky, Tianlong eight divine sounds, misty rain covering the sky fog, Tiangang Jue Ming Fu, Tianmo Langyan blade, blazing sky rosefinch sword, juehan Tiandi chopping, snow startling Tianhuang sword, Bagua Tiandan technique, Tianxian Koi copy, five dragon tour Tiandao Tianshang Stardust sand, burning wild Tianjing explosion, Tianmo dragon subduing seal, Shenwu shaking the sky strike, Tianyin ghost killing stab, Dahuang Tianlei body, dead spirit prison lead, black prison breaking Tiantong, Yongye great magic day, giant elephant town Tianjin, Tianmo cave bright eye, huangquan disappearing Tianjue, Taiyan Tianxing art, hiding from the sky stealth art, Tianmo disintegration Dharma!

The ranking order of the thirty-three Tianhong Mongolian methods is somewhat exquisite. The tianwu Wolong Sutra is the last, which is the skill of the former top strongman Wuzu.

But if it comes to power and value, tianwu Wolong Sutra will never lose to any other Hongmeng ancient method., the fastest update of the webnovel!