"If the devil is not evil, what is it?"

No one can answer this question of Artemis.

Because this may be a question that even the Supreme God does not know the answer.

What's the real side of the demon king who can make the omniscient goddess helpless and make the Supreme God's power completely invalid? Who can be lucky to see it?

The devil?

Or the "she" in the slate?

People's mood became more and more complicated, and even a little irritable.

At this time, Sheehan glanced at Artemis and asked.

"Haven't you ever challenged the devil?" Sheehan asked straightforwardly: "as a person who has directly challenged the devil like most brave people in the past, you should know what kind of existence it is?"

Sean's words made Artemis stunned.

In his mind, the memory that had been hidden for many years was finally dug out again.




These are the two concepts that Artemis carried when he was born, and what he must carry out all his life.

That's where she exists.

That's the law of her life.

People who know her existence think that her behavior of strictly abiding by justice and maintaining order is a defect of superclass existence. They think that this is the price she must pay when she has too strong power.

Just like her brother and sister, who had never been formally masked, but had heard of her name all the time, the most powerful evil god of the protoss, when she was born, maybe she was destined to have an abnormal part in spirit.

But Artemis never thought it was a bad thing.

She did regard justice and order as the things she had to abide by in her life, but she was not forced or dissatisfied. On the contrary, she felt a sense of fullness and a clear mission from the meaning of existence.

Justice can bring peace to people, and order can bring peace to people. People's smile is basically maintained by these two things. If we lose them, the world will lose something called "happiness".

In view of this, Artemis has long been determined to exercise justice and establish order.

For the sake of justice, she can incarnate as a sword, cutting all the injustice in the world.

For the sake of order, she can turn into a shield to block all malice.

This is not only for the sake of the world, but also for the sake of ourselves, for the sake of things called "principles" and "missions".

This is Artemis, the goddess of justice and order.

Of course, in the eyes of the goddess, the devil is the greatest evil in the world.

It was the devil who caused so many tragedies in the world.

It was the demon king who started the war and killed countless creatures. He also raised a butcher's knife to the Supreme God who created the world, intending to set the Supreme God under his feet and occupy the world belonging to the Supreme God.

There is no doubt that this is evil.

Since it is evil, it must be eliminated.

This idea has existed for many years in the heart of Artemis.

At the beginning, knowing the existence of the demon king and what she did, Artemis didn't even want to think about it. He wanted to come to the door and eradicate the greatest evil existence.

Unfortunately, the three goddesses stopped her.

"No, you can't go."

"That's the devil, not the existence you can deal with."

"You may be very strong, but after all, you are the inferior existence created by the Mother God, and your opponent is a powerful demon that even the Mother God feels dangerous and is afraid of. You can't die."

Ritas, the goddess of fate, anima, the goddess of life, and nadura, the goddess of nature.

The apex of the three Protoss, the head of all the goddesses, personally stopped Artemis.

"If you really want to fight against the devil, go to the brave."

"The devil is our nemesis, and the brave is the devil's nemesis."

"Only the brave can really fight against the devil."

This is the admonition of the three goddesses and the common sense of the whole Protoss.

Human beings from different worlds are called to save the world. They are full of a sense of justice and a sense of mission.

For their existence, Artemis had known for a long time, but he was as happy as he met his confidant.

They are human heroes who, like themselves, are on the road of maintaining justice and order.

They are perfect heroes in spirit and heart, and Artemis always feels very happy when he gets along with them.

It is said that the most fundamental purpose of the protoss born in this world is to cultivate and assist the brave, so that the brave can grow up, and finally achieve the goal of fighting against the devil and saving the world.

Artemis has no complaints about this, even the goddess who is highly respected in the whole Protoss.

If the target is the brave, she is willing to do anything for them.

Because she knows that the stronger the brave, the more help the world will get.

The stronger they are, the more people will be helped by them.

The stronger they are, the more people will get their salvation.

In this way, we can put an end to many tragedies, many tragedies.

Therefore, Artemis did not complain about this, and even actively cooperated with the three goddesses, and always accompanied the brave, helped the brave, and let them grow up.

It has to be said that the brave people are really worth looking forward to. They not only have amazing talents, but also grow very fast.

Ordinary people need to spend a lifetime to complete the journey, they only need to spend about a few years to complete, this kind of thing, in other races, it is fantastic.

Even the weakest brave can finally reach the legendary level. With the help of the holy sword, they can even fight against the extreme level. It takes only a few years to reach this level.

Artemis also saw with his own eyes a small number of brave people break through themselves, achieve transcendence, and finally become the same existence with her.

They are so excellent, so powerful and so satisfying. If not all the three goddesses would be willing to give them blessings, Artemis would surely turn all the brave into their own blessers and pave the way for their lives.

However, such excellent and powerful existence, in the end, but one after another after challenging the devil... Fell down.

To reach the legendary level of the brave fell on the road of growth.

The braver who reaches the limit level falls before the detachment.

However, those who have reached the super level fall to the devil's feet.

None of them can make it.

None of them can defeat the devil.

One... Two... Three... Four... A dozen or dozens of brave people in succession fell down.

Of course, whenever a brave man falls down, Artemis' heart will be painful once, painful once, and then have to wait for the next brave man to be called.

But the frequency at which the brave are called is only once in hundreds of years.

In these hundreds of years, the people of the world have suffered from the war and the demons. They have been struggling to survive in the smoke of gunpowder and blood. They have never been able to get rid of it.

Under such circumstances, every time a brave man falls, apart from heartache and sadness, Artemis has to watch the world suffer for hundreds of years.

Pure evil is still spreading on the ground.

How can she bear it?

How can she control that?

So, after he did not know which brave man fell down, Artemis was no longer patient.

"Stop! Artemis

"Don't go!"

"You will die!"

Fate, life and nature were all in a panic.

But Artemis did not stop this time, and did not turn back. He directly deviated from his superior and went to the enemy's base camp.

Countless demons appeared to stop her, but they were beheaded by her silver white double swords.

Powerful demons also came one by one to stop her, and finally she was hard to get rid of.

There are not only strength factors, but also good luck, which has just created this result.

Artemis realized that there would be no such luck or chance again. He decided to gamble on everything, cut the greatest evil in the world by the sword, and give the world peace.

With such determination, Artemis entered the devil's castle.

Then, Artemis met the devil smoothly.

At that moment, Artemis finally understood.

To understand what is magic.

"... aren't you brave?"

When this too pleasant sound into the ears of Artemis, Artemis did not respond in the first time.

She was stiff and unable to move.

She was pale and shocked.

She was staring at the presence of the only light shining from the skylight on the ceiling, sitting on the throne. She felt a deadly chill crawling on her body and swimming all over her body.

The hands holding the sword were already shaking and could not be lifted.

Clearly, the existence is just sitting there quietly.

Clearly, the existence of the body did not send out any breath.

But the instinct of being a goddess is telling Artemis that the existence in front of her is not something she can overcome.


It should be said that it is able to unilaterally devour her, eat her, bite her, and firmly press everything under her feet.

That's not the enemy.

That's a natural enemy.

Unable to overcome, you must turn around and run when you encounter it, or you will become the prey of the other party and the natural enemy of the other party's food.

"Ah ah..."

The determination to win in Artemis's heart has collapsed, leaving only a strong sense of despair.

However, the existence sitting on the throne, as if did not see her expression, whispered.

"Not brave... Not brave..."

The murmur, full of fatigue, full of sadness.

It's a pity that Artemis at that time could not understand the emotion in the voice.

She can only vaguely hear such words.

"Why didn't the brave come?"

"When will the next brave man come?"

"How long do I have to wait... To..."

These words were not directed at Artemis, but the other side's self talk.

However, the tiredness and sadness in the other party's words are more and more intense.

It was not until a certain moment that the devil spoke.

"... I don't have any interest in the existence of people who are not brave. You go."

When this sentence came into the ears of Artemis, Artemis had a feeling of amnesty.

This feeling made her feel humiliated and desperate.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah...!"

Later, Artemis left, or fled.

At that time, the haste, the cry at that time were probably the gaffes and insults that Artemis could not forget in his life.

But this is the end of the only one who has ever challenged the devil in the world except the brave.

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