Women spend the most time on three things.

1: Make up.

2: Shopping.

3: Wash and dress up.

This is the truth of the world.

Even if the other party is a group of spirits famous for their purity, the time spent on washing and dressing up is definitely not short.

At least, sheen had been waiting outside waterfall lake for a whole hour, but he didn't wait for anyone to come out of it, which made him yawn.

Well, Lilith was sleeping on her side on Yulin's back.

You Lin is the same, I do not know when back to the dragon shape, lying beside sheen, quietly dozing.

Rasha, melika and janum were not here. Instead, they went into the forest and said they were going to pick some leaves and branches to weave some natural clothes for a group of fairy girls.

Otherwise, those innocent fairy girls can only run all the way back to their hometown in the deserted forest.

To be honest, sheen didn't mind much.

What do you mind?

In any case, there is no one in the forest, and the elves in the elves' hometown are all girls. Even if all the elves run back in the most natural manner, he also supports them with both hands and feet.

Unfortunately, for one thing, sheen was afraid that he would be beaten by others after he said that. For another thing, although there was no one else in the forest, there was a magic life that might appear at any time.

Dead spirit, magic, magic things and so on are not enough. Anyway, they are neither human nor rational. If they meet, they will. It's no big deal.

But magic life has clear consciousness, will and reason. It can be regarded as intelligent life. It's too much to let the innocent fairy girls naked in front of them.

In view of this, sheen still has to wait for a group of fairy girls to tidy up their manners, so that things can progress.

When everything was done, Rasha, melika and janum took their own clothes and went into the waterfall lake for a group of fairy girls to use. It was already two and a half hours, almost three hours.

Under such circumstances, even sheen couldn't help taking a nap. Yawning one after another, she almost climbed on Yulin's back like Lilith and went to sleep there.

It wasn't until the fairy girls came out of the woods one by one that sheen was almost awake.

no way out.

"So... So shy..."

"This dress can't cover many places at all!"

"Shoulder... Back... Thigh... Arm... Basically all exposed!"

"Wuwu... I'm not used to exposing so much skin outside..."

One by one, the young and beautiful elves blushed with shame and were very unaccustomed to pinching there.

What they wear is only the key parts are protected, woven from leaves and branches, like natural swimsuits.

The green of the leaves and the brown of the branches and vines and the excessive white skin of the fairy girls complement each other, making them all look attractive.

In particular, some of the fairies, who are in good shape, look forward and backward. It seems that they may burst the thin leaves and the weak branches at any time. Every move is all kinds of wobbling, trembling, and Sean is about to drool.

"Yes... I'm sorry, everyone. We're in a hurry. We can't do much better."

Melika felt embarrassed and guilty again and again, apologizing to many of her compatriots.

"Hello! The brave over there! Eyes are going to fall off! Don't look

Jerome stares at Sean, with a sense of malice.

"It seems that the size is not quite right."

Rasha said this lightly.

Sean always thinks that if she is the elder sister of this blockhouse, she should be able to make a perfect fig leaf suitable for these fairy girls in a very short time.

But Rasha was obviously absent-minded, holding the package in her arms all the time, as if she had been absorbed part of her attention by the package in her arms.

Meanwhile, some of them are not used to it, some of them are wriggling, which makes Carol see the package in Rasha's arms.

"Fortunately, the things are still there."

Looking at the package, Carol's frown eased slightly. She seemed to be in a better mood.

Sheen then withdrew her gaze from the elves and turned to Carol.

"What is this?" Sheehan asked straightforwardly: "look at janum, it seems that she was chased by magical life to protect this thing. What did you do?"

Sean finally found the opportunity and time to ask this question.

Rasha, melika and Yulin all open their eyes and look at Carol.

Obviously, everyone cares about it.

Carol hesitated about this.

She didn't know whether she should tell her task.

This matter, even in the elves, in the elves division, not many people know.

When her majesty and goddess nadura gave her this task, they seemed to have the idea of deliberately concealing information. I don't know if they are not willing to disclose the reason to everyone.

In this case, I should keep it secret.


"Forget it."

Carol thought, sighed, and said.

"If it were you, your majesty and goddess nadura would not mind letting you know why."

Carol decided to reveal.

That's Carol's faith in Sean, right?

After all, no matter what, this man is a brave man blessed by the Supreme God.

It has to be said that since Sheehan revealed that he was blessed by the Supreme God, his status has improved significantly in both the Protoss and the Terran.

In the eyes of the world, the particularity of Sheehan has far surpassed the brave men of the past dynasties, and can almost be compared with Mithra, who once fought against the devil king.

Especially in the protoss, Sheehan's status is comparable to the three goddesses, and even surpasses the existence of the three goddesses to some extent, and is trusted and admired by the orthodox goddesses.

The elves, born from nature, are regarded as the closest human life to the protoss, and their attitude towards Sheen has always been recognized.

At the time of the peace offering, Sheehan had been recognized by the elves. Now he will only go up a level and will not come down.

In addition, sheen also saved them this time, and Carol decided to tell the truth.

"That thing, in fact, we brought out of the ruins."

Carol said that.


Sean, Rasha, Yulin and even melika were stunned.

"Yes, relics." Carol nodded and affirmed: "we didn't know until recently that there is a very old relic in the depth of Tagore's forest."

Next, Jerome took Carol's words.

"According to her majesty and goddess nadura, that relic existed in the world before this forest appeared?"

Janum told the inside story.

The forest of Tagore is the largest and oldest forest in the world.

Once upon a time, when Sheehan first came to Tagore's forest, Rasha and melika introduced the forest to him.

It is said that this forest is the first one created since the birth of nadura, the goddess of nature who created nature on the earth. It is not only huge in scale, but its origin can be traced back to the time when the goddess of nature was just born.

That's at least tens of thousands of years ago.

You know, if you don't count the brave people from different worlds, there were only the devil and the Supreme God at the beginning of the world.

Later, in order to resist the demon king and cultivate the brave, the Supreme God began to create the Protoss.

As the first born Protoss and the first born life in the real sense of the world, lidas, the goddess of destiny, came to the world first.

Then came anema, the goddess of life, and nadura, the goddess of nature.

Then, in the magic of the devil, the demons bred out of one after another.

In other words, the three goddesses were born earlier than the six demons.

Nadura, the goddess of nature, was born and began to create nature. When Tagore's forest was created, Sala, the oldest of the six demons, may not have been born.

If this relic was born before the appearance of Tagore's forest, its age of existence is quite old.

Of course, that's nothing.

What's really frightening is that before the birth of nadura, the goddess of nature, there were only three people in the world, namely the devil, the Supreme God and the goddess of destiny. Moreover, the goddess of destiny was still very young at that time, and there was not much possibility that she would leave any traces on the earth.

So, why does this relic appear? Is it not enough to think about it?

Sean and others tasted the intriguing and looked at each other.

At this moment, Carol spoke again.

"Goddess nadura said that when she created Tagore's forest, she once entered this relic, but she was forced to retreat by a force restraining the Protoss. She had no choice but to leave there, sink it underground and hide it."

"And this secret, goddess nadura only told the elves of the past dynasties, so in the elves, only the elves queen knew about it."

"In history, a royal family once entered this relic because of curiosity, only to find some signs of people living in the relic, as well as some stone slabs with terrible power."

"The goddess and her majesty speculated that the ruins might be the place where the devil once lived, and the stone slabs seemed to be a super ancient book recording something."

"After discovering this, the goddess and Her Majesty the queen decided to close the place completely."

So Carol said.

That is, until recently, did nadura and Sophie decide to restart the site and bring out the super ancient books in it?

Sean has already thought about the reason.

"The goddess nadura said that she had received contact from the goddess lidas and the goddess anema. She heard that the two goddesses mentioned that the newborn [the original devil] was collecting ancient books or objects all over the world under the instruction of Danas the demon man."

Carol looks at sheen.

"Hearing this, goddess nadura thought of the relic, discussed with her Majesty the queen, and finally decided to send someone in to collect the stone slabs collected by those who are likely to be new [original demons] and take them back to the land of elves."

So, Carol and Jerome will take part of the elite of the Elven division to the underground ruins deep in Tagore's forest and bring out the slate.

Thanks to this, they were chased by the death spirit led by the magic life.

"So this is

Rasha not only looked at the package in her hand.


Carol nodded.

"These are the stone tablets, the ancient books."

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