Night, gradually deep.

When everything becomes calm, the king who has been noisy for a whole day and turned into a battlefield finally ushers in the end of the killing.

After Luoxi cut off the "demon kingdom" in Rongguang hall, not only the six demons, but also the summit, leaders and strongmen of the other forces poured out and joined the battlefield.

Among them, there are three goddesses, the goddess of justice and the three goddesses of time and space.

In addition to the six demons who went to support sheen and killed Hermes, the rest of them stayed in the king's capital.

With the participation of these beings, it is no need to say what kind of situation will appear in the battlefield of Wangdu.

It is conceivable that the apostles and envoys of the demon refiners, the young demons, and even the "original demons" will come to an end when they meet the strong ones headed by the three goddesses, the goddess of justice, and the three goddesses of time and space.

Even if there is no need for the rest of the strong to join, as long as any one of those above the level of existence joins the battlefield, the result of the fight will be completely changed.

To put it simply, the existence of those detached levels is enough for anyone to annihilate the monster Legion raging in the king's capital by his own strength.

Under such circumstances, the chaos in Wang Duzhong naturally subsided at a very fast speed.

All the refining demons and the young demons were surrounded and killed by the strong, and even one of the fish failed to appear, so they were all attacked.

The apostles and messengers from the original devil also died and were injured. Except for a few who were captured alive, all the others fell into the king's capital and never left.

The war, which was initiated unilaterally by the original devil and ended with the defeat of the original devil, ended in this way.


"What a tragedy..."

In the night wind, sheen stood at the top of the palace, looking at the capital shrouded in the night, so murmured.

What impressed Sean was no longer the prosperous and beautiful night scene of the capital, but the ruined scene of the capital, which had just ended the war.

Usually neat and clean streets become potholes, mud and stones turned out.

Usually magnificent buildings become dilapidated.

There were bloodstains and bodies everywhere on the ground and on the walls.

Even the wall of the capital seems to have been flattened and broken. More than half of it has fallen to the ground and become rubble.

The smell of blood and the residue of magic in the air have not been completely eliminated.

Some soldiers and magicians from various forces are cleaning up the battlefield, some are looking for survivors, some are treating the wounded, some are moving corpses, and some are appeasing the citizens of Wangdu who are crying for the rest of their lives, and protecting them to go to a safe place, making the whole Wangdu look like ruins in the smoke of gunpowder, full of scenes of distress.

Fortunately, Wang now gathers elites of all forces in the world, some of them are talents.

The magicians of the elves appeared in every corner of the capital, using their magic to manage the battlefield and build safe shelters.

The clergy of the temple also went to every corner of the capital, and they are doing their best to treat the disabled.

The Knights of all forces are carrying out their own tasks under the above orders.

In view of this, today's kings are dilapidated, but they don't make people feel sad and uneasy.

It's just that it doesn't mean it's over.

"I don't know what happened to the rest of the place."

Sheen grunted.

Wangdu is just one of the cities attacked by the original demons.

Even if it was taken care of and welcomed the most terrible enemy and Legion arranged by the original devil, the rest of the cities and countries were also invaded by the demon refining army of the original devil and the demon cub Legion.

If, in peacetime, the strong and the elite of the major forces are in charge, these enemies will not be irresistible.

But this time, the leaders of various forces, the strong and even the elite troops all came to the king's capital together. It makes people shudder to think about how serious the threats to various forces, countries and ethnic groups will be.

At least, when sheen and the six sisters return to the capital, the demons immediately rush back to the demon world.

With the help of the goddess of the protoss, the leaders and strong men of the major forces rushed to their hometown at the fastest speed through various miracles and joined in the battle of invading their hometown.

Harvey, capelin, Rockett, Tilly, Elise, Oz, marfee and others, with their own fighting power, return to their respective forces through the time-space shuttle channel established by the three goddesses of time and space.

Of course, the kingdom of Mithra is duty bound to send reinforcements, so that alidia and other knights of the guards and most of the Knights of the kingdom will go with them to help them win the culprits of this terrorist attack.

Now, whether it's the human world or the demon world, the war is still going on.

Only the divine world, it is said, has not been invaded so far and is still peaceful.

As the most special one of the three worlds, thanks to the policy of not opening to the outside world in the past, the divine world was able to escape this disaster.

Even [the original devil] can't easily open the channel to the divine world and invade the divine world, making the divine world the only one in the three worlds that can avoid becoming a battlefield.

However, the human world and the demon world suddenly suffered this great disaster. The old demons, such as the original demons, who have been harming the world all the time, showed their fangs and launched attacks. Naturally, the protoss joined the war and did not have to be alone.

Lidas, anima and nadura personally opened the door of the divine world, called the goddess Legion in the divine world, and sent them to the battlefield to support all ethnic groups and fight against the attacks and threats of the original demons.

Therefore, the war in Wangdu is over, but the battlefield in other places is far from over.

Originally, Sheehan wanted to make a move, but he found that in the current situation, he had no need to make a move.

With the return of the six demons, there is no need for Sheehan to support.

The divine world is safe and sound, and we can draw out our hands and send reinforcements.

Of course, the human world is threatened everywhere, but the strong of all forces have returned with the reinforcements of Protoss and kingdom. It must not take long to calm down the chaos.

After all, most of the threatening apostles in the original demons have stayed in the king's capital. The ambassadors are also dead, wounded, and fleeing. Even the leader is in danger. Now he may have poisoned himself. The rest of the threats are legendary young demons and demons who can't even reach the legendary level.

With the return of the powerful forces and the reinforcement of the Protoss and the Kingdom, it will not be too much trouble to solve this kind of threat.

In view of this, Sean, a brave man, didn't need to go to the battlefield. He was left by Anxi and Liya to guard the capital himself.

Who can be sure that Hermes will not go crazy before he dies, turn around and kill the king capital, and take all the people of the king capital to be buried with him?

The remaining evils of the old demons may also take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and do harmful acts again.

Just in case, it became necessary for sheen to stay in the capital.

Not only Sean, but also Lilith stayed here and didn't go to other battlefields.

Accompanied by the elves.

"In the land of the elves, there is the border set by goddess nadura herself, and the forest of Tagore as a natural barrier. Those demon refining and demon cubs can't even attack the land of the elves."

Sophie, the queen of the elves, said so.

Indeed, even if they want to attack the land of elves, they have to think about how to break through the barrier set by the goddess of nature.

Even if we don't think about the border, there are countless demons in Tagore's forest as natural guardians. Even if we want to make trouble, we will be attacked by violent demons.

So now, in addition to the divine world, the safest place is the land of elves.

So Sophie, together with Leia and Niya, and the whole Elven division, continued to stay in the king's capital to help rebuild the order of the king's capital after the war. At the same time, Sophie also sent people to reinforce other forces together with the goddess of the Protoss and the Knights of the kingdom.

This is the current situation.

Sean looked at the capital after the war, full of thoughts.

Before long, a figure came to Sean's side.


Roxie stood quietly beside Sean, and looked at the post-war capital with him. Her eyes were full of sadness that others could not detect.

Sean came back to see such Roxie, holding her hand almost reflexively.

"Are you all right?"

Sheehan asked softly.

"Nothing." Roxie shook her head and said, "the feeling of weakness has faded. Although she can't use her strength at will, it won't hinder her action."

In order to liberate the strong in Rongguang hall and cut off the border of Rongguang hall, Roxie finally used her power beyond the limit, which led to her deep goddess phenomenon and fell into a weak state.

Now Roxie seems to have recovered a lot, so there's no need to worry.


"I'm not talking about your health."

Sheen sighed.

Roxie was silent.

She knew what Sean was worried about.

He is not worried about what's wrong with his body, but whether he will be too sad.

How to say

"Wangdu is the place where you grew up, your hometown, and the shelter for those who love you and protect you?"

Sean spoke of the sadness in Roxie's heart.

There is no need to ask Roxie how she would feel when she saw the dilapidated capital after the war and the people who were killed and injured.

In this regard, Roxie after a period of silence, spoke.

"It's not the first time I've ever seen Wang like this." Roxie whispered: "ten years ago, when Wang Du was invaded by the slayer faction, and the important figures of noble families were assassinated wantonly by the assassins of the old demon faction, this place once became like hell."

Sean was silent when she heard Roxie's words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!