At the same time, the killing was also going on around the location of Rongguang hall.

Originally, there are the Knights of the guards and other forces, such as the knights, magistrates, magicians and so on. Now that there is a problem in the Rongguang hall, all the people here dare not leave here.

If it wasn't for the strong attack of the army of refining demons and the Legion of the young demons, which forced them to fight, then they must have begun to find ways to rescue the important figures in the Rongguang hall.

Now, all that remains is the sound of fighting, and the constant echo of magic and magic in the air, turning this place into one of the most fierce battlefields in the capital.

People can only anxiously look at the Rongguang hall, while they have to fight the incoming monster, making the scene a mess.

Until, a figure from the sky, appeared here.


Rosie was suspended in the air, looking at the Rongguang hall, her eyes suddenly turned.

I saw that around the Rongguang hall, there was a layer of soft moonlight floating like silver gauze, which wrapped the whole Rongguang hall inside.

Under the cover of moonlight like silver gauze, the whole Rongguang hall seemed to be imprisoned. There was no movement inside.

It made Roxie understand in a flash.

"Are you all imprisoned by this force?"

Rosie realized the truth and breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Du was occupied, but the leaders of various forces and the strong did not appear, so Roxie had to prepare for the worst.

Fortunately, it seems that the leaders of various forces and the strong are not in trouble. They are just imprisoned by mysterious forces.

This is a problem, but not as bad as Roxie imagined.

It's better than that the leaders of various forces and the strong have an accident, right?

So, this result is quite reassuring for Roxie.

It's just

"What is the power that can hold so many strong people?"

Roxie was surprised at this.

You know, in the Rongguang hall, there are not only the leaders of the various forces of the human race, but also the strong ones of the three races.

These strong are legendary level at least, and even have the existence of extreme level.

Such a group of strong people gathered together, in addition to the power of transcendence, Roxie really could not think of anything to imprison them.

Not to mention, in the Rongguang hall, the top strong are not only the extreme level, but also the super level.

Three goddesses.

Six demons.

In addition, the goddess of justice and the three goddesses of time and space, all of which are transcendent, the pinnacle of the world.

Now that the devil has passed away and the Supreme God is in seclusion, there is a way to imprison such a group of superclass forces. With all due respect, Roxie really can't imagine.

Of course, on the other hand, there are only two kinds of forces that can be thought of to imprison such a group of super strong people.

One is the power of the Supreme God.

One is

"The power of the devil..."

Roxie realized this with extraordinary intuition and premonition.

And the reaction of the sword in her hand just proves this.


In front of the soft power like moonlight and silver gauze, the holy sword in Roxie's hand trembled and told her the origin of the power and what it was.

There is no doubt that it is the ultimate power that can be restrained by the holy sword - the power of the demon king.

"The power of the devil has returned to the world?"

It's a big event that can stir the world.

If it is known by some people who are suspicious of being seriously ill, I'm afraid they have to doubt whether the demon king has not died yet, so that they can't even sleep well at night?

Roxie also wavered, but tried to suppress it.

Today, she has seen more wavering things. When she sees the power of the devil again, she will not lose her temper again.


"The most urgent thing is to get everyone out first."

Luoxi a pair of detached bright golden pupils immediately looked at the silver moonlight gauze around Rongguang hall.

Since the power comes from the devil, she can't deal with it.

Even if Roxie has inherited the power of the goddess of fate and become a goddess of life, she can't deal with the power of the devil.

If Roxie can deal with it, lidas, who is more skillful and free to use the power of fate, can't still be imprisoned.

Since fate had never been able to come out of it, lorsie, who had just inherited her strength for a long time, could not possibly have the power of the devil.

Fortunately, Rosie is not only the blessing and successor of the goddess of fate, but also the descendant of the brave.

With the approval of the holy sword, he gained the holy sword of the mith, the brave man who had been fighting for the devil, thus becoming the royal highness of the Kingdom's most precious princess -- Ruth, the latter.

So she, the holy sword in her hand, may be able to do something about that force.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha

Think of here, Roxie does not have any hesitation of holding up the hand of the sword, full of surging magic.

"Hum --!"

Amazing magic gathered into a bright red light, flowing to the holy sword in Roxie's hands.

Before long, the holy sword in Roxie's hand also bloomed, turning the red magic into a bright color.

Impressively, it is the unique skill of the melee system - [magic sword].

Roxie then used the holy sword to use the [magic sword] skill to make the bright magic blade take shape. From the holy sword, it suddenly turned into a huge light blade that soared into the sky and set off layers of magic waves.

Such a shocking movement inevitably attracted the attention of the people in the fierce battle below.

"That's the sword...!"

"Is it Sean the brave?"


"It's her royal highness Roxie rusty!"

"The house of Rosie and Lucie is down!"

The Terran forces were overjoyed to see this scene.

On the other hand, the old demons have changed their color.

"Come on

"Stop her!"

"Don't let Roxie rusty destroy our enchantment!"


Several apostles happened to be at the scene. Seeing this scene, they immediately gave orders out loud.


Several young demons took the lead in responding to this and immediately vibrated the Dragon Wings behind them one by one and rushed to the sky.

"Your Highness!"

"Be careful!"

Many people have seen this scene, eyes to crack the angry cry.


Of course, Roxie couldn't have missed the attack on her.

A few young demons came with their wings vibrating, while the hot breath of the Dragon rose and fell in their mouth. Behind them, there were countless demons spreading their wings, making her as if surrounded by countless monsters.

But, to this, Luo Xi not only didn't feel startled, a pair of golden eyes also bloomed cold awn.


At present, Roxie didn't cut off the bright light blade in the direction of Rongguang hall. Instead, she turned her wrist and hit all the monsters in all directions.

"Choke --!"

With a bright huge sword, the light flashed away in mid air, and the huge light blade that went straight to the sky instantly cut off countless monsters.


A demon cub stopped in mid air on the spot and burst out.

"Boom!"“ Boom“ Boom“ Boom“ Boom

One by one, the young demons and the refining demons burst out one after another, turning into blood rain all over the sky, pouring down from the mid air.

In a flash, countless monsters of good level were killed by Roxie.


"No way!"

"She's... she's really Roxie rusty Mitra? What is the treasure of the kingdom

"No way! She can't be so strong! "

The faces of the apostles on the earth changed one by one.

Frankly, they didn't pay any attention to Roxie.

It's not just them, it's even Hermes.

Otherwise, he won't choose to stop Sean and Lilith, but he turns a blind eye to Roxie.

Because, in their eyes, although Roxie is the successor of the brave Mithra, she is far from successful.

They don't know. Roxie's been reborn.

No one knows about Rosie's unique skill, blessing and praying, except the high-level of the Mithra royal family and the Protoss.

Such important information, whether it is the protoss or the royal family of Mithra, has naturally been blocked and will not be missed.

Otherwise, if the old demons knew that Roxie not only inherited the power of the brave Mithra, but also inherited the power of the goddess of fate, Roxie would be regarded as the biggest threat and would be assassinated and murdered countless times.

Therefore, in the eyes of the old demons, their understanding of Roxie still stays at the level of "Kingdom treasure".

Before the transformation, Roxie's level was only 70. Even with the holy sword, it was just a legendary combat power.

This kind of Roxie is not even as threatening as her teacher, alidia elbain.

After all, alidia is the strongest man of the Terran, and Roxie only has legendary fighting power by virtue of the sharpness of the holy sword. In addition to the holy sword itself, she needs to be alert to the Tianke effect of the demons, other aspects are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the original demons.

Even if she held the sword in her hand, the sword might interfere with the fiend. Compared with Roxie, Hermes was more alert to sheen. As for Roxie? Anyway, it's legendary. With the apostles and so many legendary young demons, can't we deal with them? With such an idea, helimis just put all his attention on Sean and Lilith, but ignored Roxie【 The apostles of the original demons were the same. Although they saw the appearance of Rosie, they didn't think they would be unable to stop her. Which once thought, just in a moment, a few legendary level of demon cubs and countless refining demons were solved“ Your highness“ Your highness When the apostles of the original demon were shocked, the Terran forces were overjoyed again. Obviously, they didn't expect that the legendary treasure of the Kingdom, the lothelusty Mithra, was so strong. It gives them hope. The apostles of the original devil, after being shocked, gritted their teeth and roared“ Go“ Go on“ She must be stopped That's right. We have to stop Roxie rusty. Otherwise, once the fiend is broken and a number of the top points are released, it's all over. Once the three goddesses, the six demons, the goddess of justice and the three goddesses of time and space are in trouble at the same time, even the original devil, who has accumulated thousands of years of strength, will be defeated. So, anyway, we have to stop Roxie lusti Mitra. As a result, countless young demons and refining demons soared to the sky again and attacked Roxie. A one man war against the Legion is about to start. , the fastest update of the webnovel!