In the dead of the night, Sheehan basically finished visiting his house, which gives him a general impression of his current situation.

Although, for himself, this is only a very insignificant force, which is nothing compared with those forces opposed by Sheehan's former enemies, maybe it's because these are the relations of his own team. Looking at the prosperity of the boztut family, Sheehan has a feeling of satisfaction.

"Anyway, this is my first home since I came to this world."

Even, it may be the last one that will accompany Sean for a long time.

That's what Riley said.

"In your present status, it is absolutely impossible for the kingdom to deprive you of your title. As long as you can handle the affairs of your highness Rosie, they would like you to stay here forever."

There are brave people living in the brave country, which itself is a great gimmick, and has a very big role in the future development of the Kingdom and the expansion of its reputation.

and Shane as the nobleman of the Kingdom, the future of his royal highness is so great that the kingdom of MTV must be able to have such a noble person.

Under such circumstances, Sheehan's status in the kingdom is as solid as gold. Unless there is any major problem, the kingdom will be happy to see his existence.

One of the major reasons why those high-level leaders of big and small forces are so keen to have a good relationship with Sheehan is that they think that the momentum of Sheehan's rise is irresistible, and the future status and energy will be frighteningly high.

In this way, those powerful people naturally want to have a good relationship with Sheehan, or even win him over.

It is conceivable that a strong, strong, powerful friend who will not fall will be attractive to those big forces.


"it's OK for you to be the boss, but you can't delay the development of the boztut family?" Riley said: "in your condition, even if it is limited to the Kingdom, you are bound to become a marquis in the future. You may even marry your highness Rosie, who has become a duke, and move towards the future of merging titles."

The so-called amalgamation of titles refers to a way of succession when the heads of two aristocratic families are unable to inherit their titles for various reasons.

This kind of succession usually takes place in the two aristocratic families who are about to get married.

When the two masters can not pass down their titles and decide to get married, they can choose to merge the titles of the two families after they get married.

For example, when the head of a baron's family marries the head of another Baron's family, and both sides have their own families, but they are unable to pass down the title, they can choose to merge the two barons and take a new surname, or use the surname of one of the families, so that the power of the two families can be passed on to their next generation in the future .

The families that have merged titles usually have a big rise in power, and even their evaluation in the kingdom will rise a lot, so that they will finally get the chance to be promoted.

Sean and Roxie are likely to be in this situation.

After all, Sean was the first generation of the boztut family. He had no children, no marriage, and no family. His title could not be passed down in such a situation.

It is the same with Rosie. In the future, if she goes out on her own, she will not be a princess of the Kingdom, but a prince like a relative. As the first generation head of the Duke's family, her title will not be passed down.

In this way, if two people get married, which door should they choose to enter?

Sean in the Duke's house?

The boztuts were left alone.

Roxie married the boztuts?

Then the highest rank she got was equivalent to being thrown away.

Of course, sheen can choose to have a child with another woman, and let that child inherit the boztut family, and then join the Duke family. Roxie can also choose to adopt a child, and let that child inherit the Duke family. But how can they do such a thing for a so-called title?

Therefore, if this happens, Sean and Roxie have basically only two choices.

One is that both parties get married, but they don't go in. They continue to manage their own families. When they have more than two children, they let the two children inherit one family.

One is to merge the titles, so that the boztute family and the Duke's family obtained by Roxie can be treated as the same family.

The advantage of the former is that the family name can be retained, so that the family can be inherited.

The advantage of the latter is that it can expand the power of the family and even be promoted to a higher rank.

In the human country, many nobles meet the above situation and make two different choices.

As for Sean and Roxie, they don't really care whether the so-called family can be passed on or not, and whether the surname can be preserved.

If the elbain family or the lazahad family are such a big family that has passed on for hundreds of years, they will not be willing to merge their own family into other families in order to live up to the contributions of their ancestors and countless people in the family for thousands of years.But it's very likely that there will be a merger between Jayne and Roxie.

At that time...

"by merging with the dukes, the boztuts will be the real dukes." Riley said solemnly: "if you become the highest aristocrat, then the boztuts need to develop their power, and even obtain the fiefdom to become the Lord of a territory."

It can be said that the future of the boztuts is full of light.

Such a prospective family, Riley naturally does not want to be taken away.

Not to mention, now, the family has its own small, as well as in the past has been concerned about the adventurer colleagues.

"If you don't have leisure to meddle in these troubles, you can choose someone you can trust to help you." "Think about it," she said

Leave such words, Riley and Vivian and others together, back to his room.

During this period of time, Riley has been living in the boztute family and handling all kinds of affairs for the boztute family as a temporary agent.

That's why Riley knew about the boztuts' problems.

That is, there is an urgent need for a real leader.

With a leader, the boztute family can grow and prosper.

Originally, this person should be Sean.

But sheen really didn't have the leisure to meddle in these troubles.

In this case...

"I really have to think about who I should find as my agent to help me manage my family."

Sean is thoughtful.

There are only a few standards in his mind.

"First of all, this man has to be someone I can absolutely trust to avoid an ambitious intruder breeding in the boztuts."

"Secondly, this person's business ability, management ability and even political sense of smell need to be very sensitive, so as not to be nibbled by those aristocrats who eat people without spitting bones."

"Again, this person has to have enough time, or even enough strength, to be able to hold this home."

"In the end, this person's mind and nature have to pass the test. We don't want to find a guy who doesn't like me to deal with ourselves, or even can't stand the external temptation."

That's what Sheehan thought.

Thinking about it, Sean suddenly looked at her side as if she had a sense of it.

There, Yulin was holding Lilith's hand and talking happily.

"I used to sleep directly in the big courtyard, but now I'm finally human. Can I have my own room?"

Yulin can't wait for that.

She didn't notice that. Sheen looked at her strangely.

Sheehan looked at Yulin and began to measure silently.

"People who can absolutely be trusted -- √."

You Lin's loyalty is beyond doubt, otherwise people would have gone to the dragon clan.

"Business ability, management ability, and even political sense of smell - √."

After she became a human being, she was more than one level smart. Before, she explained to herself the mentality of various forces. When she faced Galati and bratti, she did not fall behind. She even had a better understanding of some things than the two dragon founders. If she had a good training, she would not be inferior to Riley.

"Enough time, enough strength - √."

People who know how long the life span of dragon species is. This girl has reached the limit level. She is not afraid of the existence of super level. Undoubtedly, her strength is quite reassuring.

"Nature of mind - √."

Although sometimes very childish, very uncomfortable, irascible, willful unreasonable, but want to know, Yulin will not be seduced by foreign things, and will not make a mess of what he told.

To sum up, that is -- "the perfect tool man."

Thinking of this, Sheehan's eyes to Yulin began to become evil unconsciously.


You Lin seems to feel something. Her delicate body shakes slightly. She looks at sheen suspiciously as if she is cold.

Sheehan is in front of Yulin, suddenly said such a sentence.

"Dragon." Sheehan said earnestly: "do you think that there are still some deficiencies in yourself now?"

"What... What?" Yulin blinked, not sure why.

"Nothing." Sheehan patted Yulin on the shoulder and continued to say, "I just think that since your strength has reached the peak, should you pursue progress elsewhere?"

"... for example?" Yulin was silent for a while, then asked the question subtly.

To tell you the truth, eulin is still very interested in the topic that Sheehan raised.

The pursuit of progress is really attractive to you Lin, who has reached the limit of her life.But being a wild dragon is telling you that Sheen has a bad intention.

Sure enough...

"for example, you can read more books, study hard, make progress every day, and be a cultural dragon."

Sean said that.


Yulin slowly made a question mark.

Sheehan, however, began to arrange as if he had seen nothing.

"I'll ask someone to find some books about management, business or politics so that you can study hard."


"I will also give you some homework every day, so that you can apply what you have learned and really eat the knowledge into your stomach."


"If you need to, I can ask someone to teach you. It's not a problem to study twenty hours a day."


"By the way, when you are free, you can go to Riley and Vivian to walk around and learn more."


"How's it going? Are you happy? "


after a conversation, Yulin, who is full of question marks, is silent at last. When she looks at Sean, her eyes are not like looking at a respectable host, but like looking at a devil.

I'm not human, but you're a real dog.jpg.

So, Yulin picked up Lilis who was at a loss and ran away.

Sean watched her go, her eyes full of love.

"It's like a kid who doesn't want to go to school."

Sean has many ways to deal with such a little boy.

For example, spanking and so on...


in the middle of the night, the boztut family has recovered its calm and is no longer as noisy as before.

Many people are no longer out to walk, in addition to some night staff, the rest have returned to their rooms, ready to rest.

Of course, there are a lot of people who don't rest at night in boztut's house today.

Like the knights on patrol at night, they are ready to stay up all night.

Thanks to this, the scene of knights walking around with magic lights can be seen everywhere in the courtyard of the boztute family.

Even the residence has a lot of patrols, so we can see how well the protection work of the boztut family is now. Many of the

's forces around the home of the house of ertout looked at this scene.

Presumably, there must be some unscrupulous people among these people who want to sneak into boztut's house and do something harmful to others and themselves?

And at this time, Sheehan is taking a bath.

"It's still comfortable to soak in the bath at home ~ ~ ~ (* ^ ▽ ^ *)"

Sean, with a towel on his head, leans against the edge of the huge bath and unfolds his hands, looking very happy.

"The last time I was so happy, I was in the land of elves?"

The magic source of the hot spring type in the land of spirits is good, which is unforgettable to Sean.

But after that time, Sheehan rarely enjoyed it.

"It's needless to say that the emperor and his party didn't have such leisure at all."

"At the beginning of the trip to the demon world, the situation was frequent. Later, the life of the demon people was fully improved, but they didn't have such a comfortable bath."

"The magic pool in the devil's pavilion looks good, but it's not for bathing."

In this way, Sheehan has not been so relaxed for a long time.

After relaxing for a while, sheen moved again.

"Hua la..."

some water sounds suddenly came into his ears and recalled his memory.


when you take a bath at home, you have your own friends.

Thinking of this, sheen immediately wanted to take the towel off her face.


"don't move."

An unexpected voice interrupted his action. , the fastest update of the webnovel!