The power to manipulate fate.

This is the closest to the almighty power recognized by the world.

Being able to control the fate of all things, to a certain extent, the goddess in charge of fate has become the second only to the demon king and the Supreme God. Now that the demon king has passed away and the Supreme God has retired, she is recognized as the first strong one of Ohm niepertanson.

The other side is called the strongest power in the battle. Now, it is in the hands of Rosie.

[blessing and wish].

This unique skill, which can trace the origin of blessing and shape the power consistent with the origin of blessing, makes Roxie the second existence that can control fate after the goddess of fate.

"If I had been blessed by a subordinate God, my unique skills would have shaped the power of a subordinate God."

"If I had been blessed by a superior God, my unique skills would have shaped the power of a superior God."

"This is not an ability I can control, but an almost passive effect. When God's blessing appears in me, it will play its own role and start to trace the source of blessing and shape the ability consistent with the source."

"This process will only happen once in a lifetime."

"Therefore, if the power of the goddess who blessed me at the beginning was not strong, or even had no combat effectiveness, then my unique skill would be useless."

Roxie told the story.

"Fortunately, I was born with a powerful magic power, which even shocked the divine world. Finally, the goddess lidas came to bless me."

It was at that moment that Roxie's unique skills started, and her future became limitless.

"In order to shape the power of the goddess of destiny, my [blessing and praying] has been running for 17 years, and it was not until more than a month ago that it finally succeeded."

That's what Roxie said.

"Thanks to this, part of my concept of being has been transformed to be similar to goddess, so it becomes like this."

With that, Roxie pointed to her eyes.

That pair of wine red eyes suddenly turned into bright, noble and indifferent gold.

Sean got it.

"Is it because a part of the concept of being has been transformed to be like a goddess that you have the core of being like Zhenyin?"

Sheen felt the old mark on her arm.

"Well." Rosie nodded and said, "although not completely transformed into a Protoss, I do have the same nature as the goddess of the Protoss. This [seal] appeared when I was 15 years old and has been hidden in my body."

It was not until she identified sheen that Roxie entrusted him with the seal.

In this way, even if she dies, Roxie will be revived by Sean. Only when Sean dies and the seal of existence is destroyed, will Roxie really die.

"No wonder..."

Sean finally understood.

"No wonder you have such a special position on the protoss side."

Ninen once said that Roxie is excellent, but she will become the favorite of the whole Protoss. She is loved by the goddess of fate as if she were her own. It's not just because she is excellent.

It was not until this moment that Sheehan realized that Roxie would be respected and loved by the high goddesses, because of the unique skill of blessing and praying.

This unique skill enables Roxie to inherit the power of the goddess of fate, and even transform part of Roxie's concept of existence into a Protoss.

Such Roxie, even if she is a goddess, it is not too much.

In the face of such Roxie, the goddess of the protoss naturally regard her as her own person, and even as the second goddess of fate.

Lidas, too, knew that Roxie would become like herself sooner or later, and that she must be loved as a real daughter.


"now that you have successfully mastered the power of destiny, how can the rank become so strange?"

Sheehan was puzzled.

In principle, since Roxie has inherited the power of the goddess of fate, it is possible for her to become the real second goddess of fate and step into the superclass.

If you step into the super level, sheen should not see the level of Roxie.

However, Roxie's rank is in such a strange state.

Sean didn't understand what it meant.

Roxie herself had a wry smile about it.

"Although I have the power of lidas, that doesn't mean I have become lidas."

Roxie said something profound.

"What you mean is that power is the power possessed by a goddess after all. Although you have a part of the concept of a goddess, you are not completely a goddess. In essence, you are still human, so you can't exert this power without hindrance?"Sean is thoughtful.

"That's it."

Roxie agreed with Sheen's guess.

Now the concept of Roxie's existence is not very stable. Some of them are Protoss, but they are human in nature. However, they have the core of Goddess like Zhenyin, and they can use the power of destiny goddess. In terms of their own strength and nature, they are closer to Goddess than human.

However, as far as the concept of existence is concerned, there are not many parts of Roxie as a goddess.

There are not many concepts of being a goddess, and it has such obvious Protoss characteristics, which leads to the instability of Roxie's strength and state.

That's why Roxie's rank is so strange.

"Now in my words, when I use power, the part of Goddess will appear directly, and expand rapidly, so that I have the power to compete with transcendental existence."

"But because I am not a goddess after all, when that part of the goddess expands to a certain extent, it will be like a flood stopped by a dam, restrained by death, and finally discharged."

"After releasing, the goddess's part will drop rapidly until it disappears completely."

"In that case, my strength will also plummet, until I can't even use my power, or even my own original strength."

Roxie told Sheehan about her biggest weakness.

Roxie didn't tell anyone about it. Maybe only the goddess of destiny with the same power could guess it.

Sean sort of figured it out.

Now, Roxie's state is similar to that of the half demon in the original demon, both of which are not completely detached.

The difference is that the half demon is in an unstable state anytime and anywhere. At one time, it is a super demon, at the other hand, it is a super demon. It can't be controlled at all.

Roxie is able to decide whether to use this power or not. Once she decides to use it, she will become stronger and stronger with the passage of time and become more and more like a goddess. Until she reaches a critical point, she will suddenly drop to zero and become extremely weak and without combat effectiveness.

"When the [blessing and prayer] was finished, I went to the divine world to meet the goddess lidas."

"It was also at that time that the goddess lidas helped me make an evaluation."

"After evaluation, the goddess lidas thought that when I reached the critical point, my strength would be no less than her."

So said Roxie.

"But after reaching the critical point, I only have a few seconds to be able to compete with the goddess of lidas. After conversion, I can give a blow that is as powerful as the goddess of lidas in the battle, and then I will crash and fall into weakness."

As for the switch to enter this state, it is power.

Once Roxie begins to use power, her goddess side will begin to appear, and the expansion speed of this side will be determined by the frequency, time, intensity and other factors of using power.

The faster the expansion, the stronger Roxie will become, but the faster she will reach the critical point.

On the contrary, if the speed of expansion is not fast, Roxie will not reach the critical point so quickly, and her strength will not be too strong.

"What about normal times?" "What's your rank when you don't use power?" sheen asked

Roxie answered the question immediately.

Obviously, Roxie has also tested it.

"Because some of the existing concepts have become goddesses, and the state is unstable, my hierarchy can no longer be regarded as a normal one." Rosie some tangled way: "now I, even if I don't use power, have part of the goddess's characteristics, power has become stronger than before, probably equivalent to a legendary strong."

"If I use the holy sword, I can fight with the extreme level strong."

"But my own life form is in an extremely unstable state, which is considered by the goddess lidas to be possible to break through the limit of life at any time and step into a real transcendental level."

"Lady lidas thinks that if I am lucky enough to break through the limit of my life and step into the transcendental realm, then my state will be completely stabilized after breaking through the limit of my life."

"At that time, I will be able to completely control the power of fate, and truly become a level of existence with the goddess lidas."

Hearing this, sheen was speechless again.

Looking at the tangled face of Roxie, sheen really wanted to say that the girl did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

According to her, what should be shocked most is not that she can shake hands with Ritas, the goddess of fate, after she enters detachment, but that she... Has the possibility to break through the limit of life and enter the real detachment level!

You know, under the restriction of Li, the limit of life is level 100. Except for the brave, no one can really break through this limit!But Roxie has the possibility!

This is the treasure of the kingdom!

This is the second queen daughter of Mithra, which is famous in the world!

Sean also understood why Mithra's sword recognized her!

everything is because this Royal Highness has the ability to catch up with her ancestors and catch up with the potential of the brave man.


This is the real genius! , the fastest update of the webnovel!