
Outside the unknown secret base, the water of the waterfall is still falling, raising huge waves of water, as if nothing had happened. Even the headless body of the knight who had been beheaded by limjo before is gone, and the bloodstain is also cleaned up. You can see that someone has done these jobs.

Until a moment, with a faint sound of breaking the air, a white figure just appeared outside the waterfall.

These white figures are naturally the female Knights brought out from the dungeon by sheen.



A group of beautiful female Knights just feel a flower in front of them, and then they see the sun again. They come outside and scream one after another.

"Kar... Her Highness kapelin...!"


"Wow... Wow...!"

Some of them squat down with their bodies in their arms, some of them shiver in their arms, and their inner shame is completely bursting.

There's no way.

Just now, in the dark basement, these female knights can comfort themselves and hide their not strange state through the darkness. Only when they are eager to get out of trouble can they force down their sense of shame.

But this meeting, suddenly saw the sun again, came to the sun, was so full of light, a lady Knight's shame is not enough.


sheen gave a dry cough, turned his head and looked to the horizon. He didn't see anything. There was nothing here. He was a gentleman and a gentleman.

Capeleen, who was wearing a cloak, immediately glared at Sheehan, and then quickly covered all the female Knights under her command to the nearby trees.

A group of white women will hide in the grass, while twittering.

"princess, what shall we do?"

"Wuwu... Have you been seen all... Or have you been seen all by the men of the Kingdom... WOW!"

"There isn't a dress to wear here, so let's keep it like this all the time?"

"I don't want it!"

"In this way, how can I go back to the imperial capital?"

"Your Highness, help us..."

the babbling sound like this came from the direction of the grass, which made Sean feel itchy.

There's something wrong with kapelin.

"Don't worry. Stay here for a while and don't move. I'll do something for you later."

"Check with each other to see if anyone else is left alone and hasn't come out."

"Calm down. It's hard to get out of trouble. We can't be caught again."

"Lighten the noise. I don't think I'm out of danger yet. Do you know?"

With capelin's serious and even severe admonition, all the female knights were more or less in a good mood.

Of course, there are still a lot of people looking out through the grass, looking at sheen, who seems to be enjoying Feng Shui and is full of poetry. All his faces are red.

The sky can see pity, they are still pure yellow flower big girl, when had experienced such a battle?

If something like this happened in normal times, they would have either killed the culprit or committed suicide. How could they bear such shame?

But this time, none of them can take it seriously.

Because others are saving them, and their clothes are not stripped by each other. There's no reason to make a fuss about it.

In a word, Sheehan really made a lot of money this time.

"how can I say Princess Royal Highness?" All the pro guards around are bigger and whiter. "

Someone who is full of poetry sighs like this.

Kapelin and others don't know that sheen is thinking about such things, otherwise they will be ashamed and angry to death.

In this way, after a lot of trouble, it is more or less calm here.

Kapelin just came out of the grass, came to Sheen's face, staring at him, as if thinking about killing people.

Sean saw it, but she didn't panic.

"Don't be silly, boy. You can't beat me."

Sheen is very honest, let kapelin have a moment really want to kill.

Fortunately, Sheehan's words were a bit of a deterrent.

At least, he's right. She can't beat him.

I say so.

"It's just a loss. Don't think you can prove that you are better than me."

The female martial god is so unyielding.Sean just wants to ha ha.

"Sorry, I'm just better than you."

didn't even beat Shin at that time. He didn't even force him to unseal the sword at that time. If you change it to the present, the result is totally unnecessary. I really don't know where the princess is confident.

Unfortunately, she doesn't know all about it.

she did not know that sheen was a brave man and possessed a mighty holy sword. She did not even know that sheen had been reborn and had become stronger than before. So, in this royal highness, Shane was strong enough to be strong enough to feel unchallenged.

But in any case, this is not the time to settle these accounts.

"I'll take those children back to the imperial capital first."

Kapelin took a deep breath and said that.

Sheen didn't even think about it, but blurted out a word.

"Come on, it's too cheap for passers-by to go back to the imperial capital naked like this."

Sean's words, let capellin murderous almost out.

"Who told us to go back in the light...!" "We'll watch the crowd and wait until we get enough cover to go back," she said, gritting her teeth

This is not really a very difficult problem to solve.

Let's not say anything else. We can use local materials as much as we want.

For example, there are a lot of demons here. It's feasible to attack them and then take off their fur as clothes.

It's just a little dangerous.

"It's still too close to where the enemy is. You'd better not rush to cover your shame. Leave this area first, find a place to hide, and then follow the plan."

Sean thought about it and said so.

"Otherwise, before you run away, I'm afraid you'll all be caught."

Now that she has made enough money, sheen doesn't mind giving more advice to these girls.

Although it's very easy to solve the problem of hiding shame with his help, it's obvious that capelline, a stubborn and powerful female warrior, no longer intends to rely on sheen, so sheen won't say much.

Sure enough...

"I'll take your advice."

Instead of asking sheen to help her and others solve their problems, capelin looks like she's going to have to resist.

, however, the royal highness of his royal highness looks somewhat complicated.

"And you?" "Do you want to go back?" she said

She knows that Sheehan's investigation here is not over.

Sean has not fully confirmed what it is for.

When leaving the dungeon, Sheehan also said that he took himself and others to leave first.

Since it is "first" to take others to leave, there must be follow-up plans.

It's true.

"All of you have come here. If you don't have a good meeting with your old friends and new friends, isn't it a vain visit?"

Sheen grinned.

That smile, it's very unkind.

And it's not just against the enemy hiding behind the waterfall.

"By the way, I don't want to expose my identity too soon, so that those guys on the other side will not think of the two big men who are with me as soon as they see me. In the end, they dare not even venture to escape."

Sheen turned and looked at capeline.

"What are you doing?"

Kapelin immediately subconsciously stepped back and tightened her cloak.

"What do you say?"

Sean's smile suddenly became more hostile.

So, without hesitation, she turned and ran.

How, however, could she have run past an animal that had instant movement? Not long after

, her royal highness was arrested.

"Wait... Wait! Don't! Don't take it away! Ah, ah, ah...! "

With a scream, capeline's cloak disappeared and returned to her original owner.

Sheehan put it back on his body, put on his hood, completely covered his face, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Kapelin, on the other hand, rushed into the grass with shame and indignation, and kept company with the Knights.

"You pale soul..."! Shameless! Animals...! "

the next moment, in the grass, the princess's Royal voice came to her again and again.

"Scold again?" Sheen looked at the direction of the grass, eyes narrowed, and said with a smile: "if you scold me again, I will burn that grass with magic?"

, in a word, the voice of Princess Royal disappeared instantly.

Even those female Knights all blushed one by one, the atmosphere did not dare to say a word.Really, it's disgraceful and ugly enough. They really don't want to show their shame any more.

"Well, let's go." Sheen said angrily, "those guys should have noticed something unusual almost soon. If they don't leave, it may be too late."

Sheehan did not forget that the high priest had the magic of the death cloister to sense the breath of the living.

In this case, capeline and others leave the dungeon, escape to the outside, absolutely can't hide from each other.

If we don't leave at this time, when will we have to wait?

"... I know."

Kapelin's voice was a little low, coming from the grass.

After a while, under the direction of kapelin, the female Knights hiding behind the grass began to rustle one by one, and gradually went away.

So is capeline.

Sheen smiles, turns around and looks in the direction of the waterfall.

She was the last to leave.

She glanced at Sean's cloaked figure and looked at his back. About a few seconds later, capeline quietly left.

No goodbye.

No more words.

Because it's not the end, it's just the beginning.

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