Behind the waterfall, there is space in the stone wall.

This is a very complex space.

It has a channel, connected to all directions, although the channel is like the kind of mining dug out in all directions is the rock wall of the mine, the ceiling is installed with a magic lamp, the whole space will be illuminated.


In the faint sound of breaking the air, sheen moved into the space.

"So it's like this inside?"

Sean first quickly glanced around, then moved in his heart and dived into the shadow to hide his body.

"Clang - clang - clang - clang -"

just in front of sheen, the Knights led by limjo walked forward neatly, and the sound of gold and iron aroused by the iron boots falling on the stone floor was quite obvious, and even formed an echo.

"Follow up."

Sheen didn't hesitate. She followed each other and went inside.

On the way, the Knights passed through one complicated passage after another, and kept turning around, as if walking in a maze, which made people feel dizzy.

But limjo, the guide, didn't feel confused at all. It seemed that he had walked these roads many times. He kept turning and turning, and sometimes he would press the stone wall to open a passage and walk into it. It was a familiar road.

"It seems that this guy has been here since he disappeared."

Sean thought about it, and followed it.

Gradually, as she went deeper into the place, sheen saw other people.

Some of them were Knights like limjo, who were patrolling the place. When they saw him, they would give way and salute him.

Some of them are slaves or servants doing hard work. They are either carrying things, or cleaning up the mine. Some of them are still digging something, which gives rise to a hot atmosphere like a construction site.

Sean observed for a while, and found that these people's eyes were gray, and their nutrition was also poor. They must have had no good life.

Limjo didn't even look at these people, even the Knights. As he went on, he began to support the Knights around him and let them carry out their own tasks.

The Knights immediately left like a relief and mixed into the Knights around.

But Sheehan still found that the knights who followed limjo were a little out of place with some of the Knights here.

The reason is very simple. The Knights here are not only the first Knights led by the Duke of Stirling, but also some knights wearing the standard armor of other countries or the heavy armor of the Empire.

In other words, the Knights here are probably a collection of knights from various countries.

"How can knights from so many countries gather in such a place..."

Sheen was puzzled.

The main reason is that I don't understand what it is for.

Limjo didn't know that his rival had mixed in here. After dispersing the Knights around him, he immediately went in another direction.

Sean thought about it and finally followed.

Next, Sheehan found that there were more and more knights and more servants and slaves working here.

In particular, there are a large number of workers who are knocking around the stone wall with pickaxes as if they were mining. The whole mine is filled with the knocking sound of gold and iron and the sound of wheels carrying stones and minerals.

"What the hell are they doing?"

Sean was more and more confused.

Only one thing is certain.

That is, there are secrets, and it could be a big one.

With that in mind, sheen kept up with limjo.

Limjo didn't find that he was being followed at all. He continued to go deep with a strong step.

I don't know how long I've been walking like this. Suddenly, the number of people around me began to decrease.

On the other hand, the mine road is becoming more and more narrow, but it is also more and more neat and beautiful. It seems that after special repair, it feels a little ceremonial.

In this case, there are fewer complex channels.

Limjo followed the passage and came to a room.

It can't be a real room, but a cave dug out of the stone wall.

There was no door in the cave, only a curtain.

Limjo lifted the opening cloth and went in.

Sean's conditioned reflex is catching up.

The next moment, Sean entered the room, too.

"How's it going?"

A sound immediately reached Sheen's ears and began to ring in the room.

It was a very ugly voice.

The sound is very loud and hoarse. It's like a person with a hole in his throat. It's not only full of vicissitudes, but also uncomfortable.Such a voice, but it is from this side of the grottoes, a sitting in front of the stone table - "people.".

Sean saw each other at first glance, and even doubted whether the other was human or not.

Because there was only a black robe with a hood on his body, which covered his whole body. His bare hands were as thin as bone and as old as wood. His face under the hood was as old as skin and bones. He didn't look like a living person, but rather like a resurrected corpse.

The mummy in black was sitting in the center of the stone room. There was only one stone table in the stone room, and there was nothing on the stone table, only a crystal ball.

That scene reminds Sean of those prophets, prophets, witches or magicians he saw in his previous life.

But to Sheen's surprise, the black robed wizard is a legendary strong man with a level of 92, and also a great magician with full level of [magic · necromancer] skills.

"Good guy..."

sheen was really surprised.


This is a kind of magic that Sheen has never seen, but just knows.

This kind of magic has been mentioned in many previous novels, and it is described as a taboo magic to manipulate the dead.

In this world, there is not much difference between the description of necromancer and many novels in previous lives.

It can actually manipulate the dead.

However, manipulating the dead is only one of them.

The real necromancer magic is actually the magic of "subverting death".

As the name suggests, it can subvert the concept of death, not only to manipulate the dead, but also to manipulate anything related to death.

Once upon a time, a magician who practised the Necromancer's magic had transformed himself into an undead and led millions of Necromancer's corpses, which brought great damage to the mainland.

Finally, what the necromancer did completely angered anima, the goddess of life, and attracted her to attack her personally.

Since then, necromancer magic has become the highest taboo magic, which is not only regarded as taboo by the world, but also forbidden to practice by any race, even the magic books with this magic.

Therefore, the necromancer has been completely lost, no longer exists.

It's not like celestial magic. Because it's hard to practice, it gradually loses its users, so it's sealed up.

Although celestial magic was once lost, its magic books remained in the world. After it was discovered, it was immediately collected by the kingdom.

The necromancer magic is a taboo magic which is completely forbidden, even the magic books are ordered to burn down and cannot be passed down.

Let alone the underground magic guide library of the Kingdom, we can't find the Necromancer's magic book in any corner of the human world.

Even the demon world is no exception. Although the six demons are not forbidden, they have declared that they are not allowed to practice necromancer magic.

Thanks to this, necromancer has disappeared for thousands of years.

Sheehan didn't expect that a necromancer appeared here, and the other side also trained the necromancer to the full level, becoming a legendary strong one.

This person, if exposed outside, will definitely be pursued and killed by major countries and even major races, or even by the Protoss. There is no place for him in the world.

It is only in this dark place that it is possible to take each other in.

Limjo stood in front of such a necromancer, his face turned cold and respectful, bowed and opened his mouth.

"I've taken people out to find out, high priest." Limjo said respectfully, "but we didn't find anything unusual."

Hearing this, the necromancer, known as the high priest, seemed to raise his head.

"Nothing unusual?" The high priest's hoarse voice came out with an indescribable sense of horror and said, "are you sure?"

"Yes... Yes..." there was a faint fear in limjo's respectful attitude.

Obviously, the ruthless young master, who had just behaved himself, was afraid of the so-called high priest.

That's natural, too.

He had witnessed the high priest, in front of everyone, instantly drained the blood of a knight, turned him into a corpse, and finally nibbled off as a snack by the "pet" raised by the high priest.

So limjo was really afraid of the high priest.

Not to mention, the high priest is the highest person in charge here, the right confidant of the imperial concubine, and has the right to dispose of anyone here at will.

At the beginning, when he was brought here, limjo did not have the heart of resistance, but under the suppression of this terrible existence, he finally chose to give in because of fear.

The high priest doesn't know what limjo thinks.

She didn't care.

There's only one thing she cares about.

"How could there be no exception?" The high priest whispered to himself, "my [death corridor] clearly has a reaction, peeping at the breath of strangers, and it's inside the border. There can't be any mistake."Feeling, limjo will lead people out to search, it is because the high priest's magic found that there is a breath of strangers outside.

As a necromancer, the high priest is very sensitive to death and anger.

In principle, since there is a breath of strangers, it should be found.

The high priest was silent and reached for the crystal ball in front of him.

Seeing this, sheen felt a bad feeling in her heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!