Today, Sheen has plans.

Havis gave Sheehan two things, pointing to the two secrets of Moruo.

With this kind of information, Sean certainly needs to have a good look.

"Then, which side should we contact first?"

Sean looked at the crystal and the map in his hand. After thinking for a while, he left the map.


Sean is going to explore the secret place that havis has spent ten years painstakingly investigating.

The reason is simple.

"Since morrow is not in the imperial capital now, she is likely to be here, isn't she?"

Harvis also said that Moro has appeared in this secret place several times. If we can meet Moro there, it will be fun.

As for Lenny Baffin, although sheen is also curious about her relationship with Moruo, since Moruo is not in the imperial capital, even if she contacts the girl, she may come back in vain.

As a result, Sean is more inclined to look for this so-called secret location than to contact Lenny Baffin.

Of course, sheen doesn't want to leave Lenny Baffin.

Sheehan gave the crystal to Rasha.

"You're going to have an activity in the Imperial Palace today. Look for the girl who has been burned here and see if you can find anything from her."

Sheehan gave the task to Rasha.

He believed that elaxair's ability should be able to approach Lenny Baffin quietly without arousing other people's suspicion, and even find something from Lenny Baffin.

Rasha has no problem.


"do I need to get in touch with her?"

She asked.

Sean thought about it, but in the end, he didn't even nod or shake his head.

"Do it yourself."

Sheehan placed the greatest degree of trust and freedom in Rasha.

Because he knew how good Rasha was outside the battle.

The maid is always able to do something unexpected, even some extremely unscientific things that she doesn't want to believe, but she can make things perfect every time. Although she will shock and marvel sheen, she will never let him down.

Rasha can only do the best, not the worst.

If I give her directions casually and limit the elder sister's action ability, it may cause some obstacles.

Therefore, Sheehan left all the decision-making power to Rasha and let Rasha make her own decision.

Rasha didn't seem to think that Sheehan would let himself go, and turned her eyes to Sheehan.

"What's the matter?"

Sean was a little confused by the maid, so.

"No, nothing." Rasha didn't say anything, but still said in an indifferent tone: "as a maid, I will try my best to fulfill the master's orders, and I will not let you down, but I have to remind you that even if I encounter a battle, I will not be of any use."

This is Rasha's only weakness, which has been determined since she was born.

The only thing that this perfect elder sister can't do is fight. She has no fighting power, and even has no magic. She is an ordinary servant.

Under such circumstances, if Rasha contacts Lenny Baffin and is finally involved in the battle, she can only watch and even be attacked.

Sean didn't take this into consideration.

"Let Lilith go with you."

That's what Sean planned.

Anyway, he won't take Lilith with him today.

Since he is going to explore the secret place, it is more convenient for him to act alone.

What's more, Sheehan has the confidence to face all the difficulties now. Even the existence of transcendence is not necessarily empty.

In this way, it is undoubtedly a good choice for Lilith to follow Rasha and protect Rasha nearby.

You can't go out on your own with Rasha, while Lilith sleeps at bigusler's alone, right?

When the girl wakes up, I'm afraid she will be overturned.

"No problem? Lilith

Sheen turns to Lilith and asks.


Lilith nodded immediately, indicating that there was no problem at all.

Now she has been used to Sheen's work outside by herself. Although she is still clinging to sheen, when Sheen has something to do, she will stay and leave sheen alone.

In the past, Lilith's incomplete growth of personality and reason led to some mental deformities. Sometimes she was very sensible, sometimes she didn't understand anything, and she was very contradictory. But since her successful return, the rational growth of the strongest evil god has gradually become normal.In this way, after the education of Rasha and others and being influenced by sheen, Lilith's thought has become a lot more mature and grows very fast.

Recently, sheen even sometimes sees Lilith communicating with Yulin.

Yes, it's with Yulin.

Maybe it's because Yulin is now in the stage of becoming human, and she is becoming more and more humanized. Lilis, who is also learning and growing up with Yulin, is becoming more and more compatible with the mother Tyrannosaurus Rex.

However, when sheen saw these two little girls, their communication was like this...





"Roar, roar!"


"Roar, roar, roar!"

"Mmm, mmm, mmm!"

One person and one dragon, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one.

This is also the proof that the spirit of Yilong is gradually growing and becoming mature.

Besides sheen, Laxia is Lilith's favorite and the most sticky one. Sheen asked her to follow her and protect her nearby. Naturally, this little goddess would not have any objection.

With Lilith's protection, it was almost impossible for Rasha to think of anything else.

"I see." Rasha nodded and said, "I will pay attention not to arouse the suspicion of the people in the imperial capital, and try to keep a low profile."

You are the most reassuring elder sister. You don't need Sean's advice at all.

That's what Sean said.

"You'd better not go out in your cloak like you did yesterday."

After all, the cloaked mysterious strongman is now undoubtedly the most popular.

If Rasha and Lilith go to the street again in their cloaks, they will be doubted every minute.

As for not wearing a cloak, Rasha has a way to avoid attracting other people's attention.

"I have magic props that can cause other people's cognitive impairment. If I use that, I should be able to go to the street without scruple and let others not notice us."

That's what Rasha said.

"Magic props that can cause cognitive impairment in others?"

Sean was stunned.

It's not...

"why don't you tell me such a good thing?"

Sheehan looks at Rasha in surprise.

If he had known that Rasha had such magic props, he would have saved a lot of time and didn't have to worry that the girls around him would attract other people's attention, right?

But when sheen was stunned, Rasha said it very simply.

"You didn't ask."

Rasha light response, straight let sheen the whole person a Leng.

Good guy, this reason can make people want to spank and thigh.

"Then why do you have such magic props?"

Sheen didn't ask angrily.

Rasha gave the answer very simply.

"This is for me from the first lady." Rasha said calmly: "no matter how we say, our appearance can't be exposed easily. The first lady can use the magic that hinders cognition by herself, but I can't. I can only rely on the first lady to prepare the magic props for me."

Unfortunately, Rasha has no magic power. When using magic props, she can only rely on the props to supply magic by herself. Every time she uses them, she has to waste an expensive magic crystal.

In view of this, when it is not necessary, Rasha can not use it.

However, Rasha will not hesitate to use it.

Maybe, this is the reason why the maid is haunted and can do all kinds of things inexplicably?

Sean thinks so.

It's just not very convincing.

At least, Sheehan doesn't think he will be affected by the effect of a magic prop, which will cause cognitive impairment.

But Rasha was able to haunt herself every time.

What does this prove?

It proves that this elder sister is a real blockhouse, not a fake one.

"Well, long live your sister."


after making the decision, Sheehan didn't waste his time and was ready to start directly.

"Well, I'll go first. Be careful."

Sheen kisses Lilith's little face, makes her smile happily, and at the same time quickly kisses her pretty face, and then leaves.


Lilith was a fool.


rasaimu sent sheen away, and then she could not help touching her face.She can feel that Sheen has been more and more presumptuous towards herself recently, and has been taking advantage of herself more and more openly. Even from time to time, she shows a little possessiveness in exhibitions, which is completely like she doesn't want to leave.

It's not a problem.

It's not that Rasha has never met someone who likes her ability and wants to play a role in herself and let herself serve each other.

Rather, there are a lot of such people. When she was in the land of elves, Rasha didn't know how many she met.

The problem is that for those people, Rasha has never been attracted for a second or even a moment, but for Sheehan, she has a kind of indescribable hesitation.

Do you think you are moved?

Do you want to abandon the first lady and go to sheen?

No, it's not.

Rasha never thought about leaving Rasha, just as Rasha never thought about abandoning Rasha.

They are the real community of destiny. No one can have an accident.


"if the first lady also stays, there will be no problem at all."

Rasha's eyes twinkled.

She, indeed, was not moved.

However, she did feel that she should not leave sheen.

Community of destiny?

After Sheehan got the "that", maybe he also became the common destiny of his master and servant.

Lesia hasn't found that yet.

In that case, it's up to Rasha to plan this.

Rasha was full of thoughts.

Fortunately, lexia is not here, and Sean is not here.

If Sheehan was here and knew what Rasha thought, he would give Rasha a thumbs up.

"This buy one get one free deal, I just laugh."

And lesia is crazy.

Because, she would never think that one day, she would be sold by Rasha. , the fastest update of the webnovel!