"Is that you?"

When this sentence from the mouth of Rockett, into the presence of the two ears, Sean regardless, Tilly is stunned there.

Listening to my father's tone, it seems that I know this mysterious strong man?

Tilly was full of thoughts.

Sheen, on the other hand, gave a little smile, but did not hide it.

"It's me."

Sheehan no longer lowered his voice and admitted it.

Tilly was stunned again when she heard Sheen's voice.

The reason is that the voice is too young.

In Tilly's opinion, the existence of a legendary strong man who can easily repel level 96 is inevitably an old man who is the same age as her father, or even older than her father.

But now it seems that this mysterious strong man is not old at all, even very young.

Of course, that doesn't prove anything.

Having a young voice and appearance doesn't mean the other person is really young.

In this world, there are still some magic potions that can make people look young, but they are very expensive and precious. Few modern magic potion masters can make them. Even if they can, they can't find precious materials for making magic potions. As a result, this kind of magic potions are generally monopolized by the royal families of various countries, and even the great nobles are hard to find Get a dose.

For convenience, it is likely that this kind of magic medicine is used. The appearance or sound may be very young, but in fact it may be hundreds of years old.

Moreover, if the other party is a demon, it's normal that there is a difference between the appearance and the real age.

The demons are different from the Terrans and the Protoss. They are not only a hundred years old, but also not immortal. They depend on the individual's condition.

For example, the dragon people under the jurisdiction of Aiyi, some of them have become human beings, and some of them have not, but the life span of the Dragon species is very long. Some special individuals even live longer than the life span of the elves. The appearance of the dragon is only 20 or 30 years old, but in fact, the dragon that has survived for thousands of years is not rare.

This is true of Jacinta. He looks much younger than Anxi and alidia, but like Sophie, Leia and Niya, he is a demon expert who participated in the war thousands of years ago.

AI Yi, needless to say, looks like he is still under age. As a result, he has lived for at least ten thousand years.

The same is true for the rest of the demons. Some of them have a long life span, others have a short life span, and can be used as a collection of forces. The demons have a characteristic, that is, the higher the level, the stronger the magic, and the more amazing the life span.

If the mysterious strong man in front of him is a member of the demon clan, it's a small matter to survive for thousands of years with his strength. It's not strange that his appearance will delay his growth and make him look so young.

As for the elves...

well, the other party can't be elves.

As we all know, there are only women in the elves, and they are all magicians. However, the opponent is obviously a man, and he is also a close combat expert who can kick saliro. He can't be an elves.

Thinking of this, Tilly calmed down.

However, if she can calm down, Rockett can't.

"Here you are at last."

As if he had been waiting for Sean for a long time, rochte said this to Sean's back, feeling relieved and in a mixed mood.

"Isn't it late?" Sheehan turned around and looked at Rockett from under his hood. He said with a smile: "you don't seem to have a very good life."

"... sort of." Rockett calmed down for a moment and said, "it's not only me, but also his highness haves

"That's unfortunate." Sheen turned her lips, but did not go on asking.

Because this is not a place to talk.

"Deal with you here first." Sheehan said to Rockett, "I'll come back later."

With that, Sheehan didn't give rochte a chance to reply. He just flashed away and disappeared.

Looking at this scene, Rockett didn't react much. He just took a deep breath and completely adjusted his mind.

"Tilly." Rochte said without expression: "let the servants come here and tidy up the place. By the way, they will throw all the dogs in the dungeon."

Tilly nodded and took over the task.

It's just that she doesn't have any questions.

"Father." Tilly looked at Rockett and said, "who is he?"

Rockett didn't answer in the first place.

Tilly did not worry. She looked at Rockett and waited for his response.

There's no way. She wants to find out.

The reason is simple.

"Is he from the kingdom?" Tilly couldn't help saying, "are you really in collusion with the kingdom? FatherThis is something Tilly needs to know.

It was originally a matter of not believing in one hundred traitors.

She admitted that she knew rochte, how much her cold father had paid for the Empire, and how much self-esteem she had.

He is a knight who knows that alidia elbain is better than himself, but he is still unwilling to be lonely. He practices hard every day to improve himself, so that he can fight with the other side one day in the future, defeat the other side and stand on the top of the Terran.

He is competitive, belligerent, strong and resolute. Under his cold face, he has a heart eager to fight with a strong enemy. He is a man who constantly takes becoming stronger as his goal and advances steadily all the time.

He is undoubtedly Tilly's proud and proud father.

The Empire was originally warlike, and Tilly was no exception. She liked to fight against the strong. Although she did not look down on the weak, she respected the strong. Therefore, in Tilly's view, her father was undoubtedly a perfect example of a knight.

Such a father could not betray the Empire and collude with the kingdom.

He was vilified.

The biguslers were framed.

This is what Tilly has always thought, and it is also the base for her to dare to confront such a legendary strong man as saliro.

But now, in bigusler's house, a mysterious strong man suddenly appeared, and his father knew the appearance of the strong man.

How could Tilly not doubt whether her father had colluded with her if she was from the kingdom?

Tilly's heart wavered at the thought of that possibility.

It happened that her father, who was not good at eloquence, was still silent for a while and said it lightly.

"He, indeed, is from the kingdom."

In a word, Tilly's face suddenly changed.

But just then, rochte spoke again.

"But I'm not in collusion with him." "It's just that his highness havis is cooperating with him that I have a little bit of contact with him," rochter said in a deep voice

This made Tilly not know how many times she was stunned.


Tilly was surprised.

"That's right." Rockett glanced at Tilly and said, "Your Highness has not allowed me to tell you the details, so I won't tell you."

"As long as you know, all we have done is to rescue this empire which is gradually falling into the mire and going astray."

"Of course, you can choose not to believe it."

"If you think I'm really in collusion with the Kingdom, ready to cooperate with the enemy and treason, then you can leave at any time, and don't get involved in the next thing."

Hearing this, Tilly was silent.

Rochte didn't say anything anymore. He turned around and was ready to leave.

Seeing this, Tilly responded and quickly asked.

"Then who is he? When did such a young legend appear in the kingdom? "

As the rival kingdom of Mithra, Tilly, as the knight captain of the imperial order, and also the successor of the bigusler family, naturally knows something about it.

According to reports all along, Mithra has three legendary powers in the open.

These three legendary knights are the leader of the Knights of the guards, the head of the elbain family, the descendant of the authentic brave, and the strongest knight in the world today, alidia elbain.

The Pope of the temple, who had been promoted to the rank of 90 before the birth of alidia, is the spokesman of the divine world.

The resident adventurer of the kingdom of Zachary, the adventurer's guild, is the most senior adventurer in the world.

This is the legendary power of Mithra.

But these three legendary strongmen, apart from alidia elbein, who is the guardian of the Kingdom and works hard for the Kingdom, the other two are the leaders of the temple and will not interfere in the fight between the Terrans. Although one is employed by the razahad family, he is only a diner and an adventurer after all. He is not really working hard for the kingdom. Otherwise, he will not be killed He's been knighted a long time ago.

However, the characteristics of these three people are not matched with the mysterious strongman just now.

Alidia is in her forties.

Kefdell is also a little older than alidia.

Not to mention Jules, who is not more than 100 years old, is more than 90 years old.

The situation of these three people obviously can't match that "young man" just now.

In this way, who is the other party?

When did the Kingdom have such a powerful legendary existence?

Tilly had to care.


"... You'd better not pursue his affairs."Rochte was silent for a long time, and immediately said such words without any doubt.


Tilly frowned and asked unconvincingly.

Rockett has only one word of advice.

"He can't be offended by you, or by me, or even by the whole human race."

Rochte's voice came to Tilly's ears.

"Although he is from the Kingdom, in fact, whether the kingdom can please him is another matter."

At the end of the speech, Rockett left without saying any more.

Only Tilly was left, standing there with a look of amazement.

"The kingdom invites the immovable kingdom people..."

Who the hell is this?

I'm confused.

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