"Wait for me over there!"

Just as sheen and melica stare at each other as if they've forgotten everything around them, suddenly, there's a scolding sound.

The voice broke the ambiguous atmosphere between sheen and melica in an instant, and brought them back from their selflessness.

"~ ~ ~"

but at the same time, melica realized what she had done, and her whole face immediately turned red as if it were boiling.

At the same time, an idea flashed through melica, Sean and Roxie.

That is, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has been missed.

So sheen and Rosie's faces collapsed at the same time.

They all turned their heads and looked at the sound source.

The next second, people saw it.

In front of him, in a rather remote corner, there was a girl of elves standing.

It was a pretty, well-dressed girl, with a short stick in her hand and short hair at shoulder length, who seemed to be between Bozhong and melika.

The girl looks very heroic and awe inspiring, her eyes are also sharp, but her limbs are very slim and slim. She looks like a little sister who takes care of her neighbor's children, which makes people feel very secure.

But such a fairy girl, at this time is with a big expression of fire, tightly staring at this side.

No, to be more precise, it's about staring at Sean.


Melika also saw the heroic girl, a pretty face like boiling, and her expression of surprise was irresistible.

Sheen and his party also heard melika's words. They were surprised at first.


Melica's hair is small?

"That's her?"

Roxie suddenly got up.

This sudden voice, and the sudden appearance of the fairy girl, it is melika's small - -- jenom.

"Why are you here?"

Melika was really surprised.

Yesterday, after their reunion, they spent a whole day in joy and joy. Even when they went to bed at night, they were all together. It seemed that they were inseparable again.

But in the morning, melika proposed to bring janum here and introduce her to sheen and his party. However, Jerome refused without hesitation.

Now, melika was naturally surprised that this little girl appeared here.

Little did you know...

"I've been following you all the time, just to see who you meet outside."

As he walked over, jennom looked at melika, angry as if he had been cheated.

"Remember when I asked you yesterday, did you tell me that you and the alien male you invited are just ordinary adventure teammates?"

Jennom was so angry.

This is for granted.

Yesterday, jennom was very, very happy to learn that melika was back.

Since her childhood, when she suddenly decided to go out for training two years ago, she no longer went in and out with her. Naturally, jennom missed her very much.

Therefore, when the Peace Festival is about to be held, gennom will deliberately write a letter to remind melika who is away and let melika remember to come back.

There's no reason for that. It's just that jenum wants melika.

Under such circumstances, gennom was overjoyed to learn that melika was coming back for the peace sacrifice.

As a result, yesterday, Jerome had been waiting for melika's news, hoping to welcome her back in the first place.

Then melika came back.

However, after the initial joy, gennom was no longer happy.

Only because, melika actually invited foreign men to return to the land of the elves to participate in the peace sacrifice.

"Why do you want to bring foreign men back? Melika

Janum asked melika this question in amazement.

And then, the expression that melika showed, janum still remembers.

"... because that's a very important person for me."

At that time, melika blushed, and in a very slight voice, with shame and a trace of unspeakable happiness, she said such a word to janum.

Obviously, seeing her childhood inseparable, melika did not resist and revealed the biggest secret that no one in her heart could share.

Unfortunately, melika didn't know how much impact her words, her expression, had on janum.

She had never seen melica like this.

She had never seen melika look like that.This makes jennom realize that in two years, melika's body has undergone some changes that he does not know, and has become stranger than before.

Of course, that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that melika, her most important hair, seems to touch a feeling that the elves should not touch.

That's love.

Melica fell in love with a foreign man.

When he realized this, he was shocked and could not be understood by others.

She never thought that one day when she was young, she would fall in love with a foreign man.

She didn't think that when she came to melika, she was no longer the most important one in melika's heart.

Then, jennom thought of people who had fallen in love with foreign men.

Think of their sad appearance.

Think of their wistful expressions.

"... must be stopped."

In the first place, jennom had such an idea.

To this end, jennom was beating around the Bush all day yesterday, trying to learn all kinds of things about her sweetheart from melika.

And under the investigation of gennom, melika said herself that she and the alien male were just ordinary adventure teammates.

That's why jennom decided to watch sheen and melika quietly at a time when things seemed to be coming back, and see how far they were going.

As a result, today, jennom sees Sean and melika staring at each other.

She didn't know what Sean and melica had been talking about before they suddenly looked at each other, and there was a strange atmosphere between them.

But there was a voice in her heart telling her that they couldn't go on like this.

So, jennom couldn't help but stand up.

"What happened just now?"

Janum asked melika.


melika remembered what had just happened, and her head suddenly seemed to be boiling, not only turning red, but also emitting smoke.

Apparently, melika was so shy that she was about to faint.

She didn't even dare to look at Sean. She just wanted to run away.

But Jerome became more and more angry because of melika's performance.

"Really, it's only been out for a year or two, and you've become so weird. I should have never let you go." Gennom pulled over melika and said in an unquestionable voice, "go, go back with me."

With that, Jerome wants to take melika.

"Wait... Wait! Janum Melika responded and said, "I have to entertain Mr. sheen and them."

"Entertaining?" "That kind of thing, let everyone of the elves division do it, you don't have to do it," jennom said

"How could it be?" Melika was stunned and said, "everyone is invited by me. All of them are my friends. I should be the host."

"Don't use it if I say no!" Jennom naturally did not understand this truth, but still very tough way: "in a word, you go back with me on the right!"

As a result, gennom took melika's hand and began to pull it to his side.


Melica couldn't help but let out a little exclamation. She leaned over to jennom and was taken by herself.

Just as melica was about to be pulled by Jerome, suddenly, a hand came over.


In the clear sound, melika's other hand is grabbed.


Jennom was stunned.

"Mr. sheen?"

Another exclamation came from melica.

Roxie, Lasha, Lilith and Milu are all looking aside.

There, Sean held out a hand and held melika with a smile on her face.

"Miss Jerome, isn't she?" Xienshi Shi ran said: "first time meet, hello."

Melika almost didn't respond to her leisurely greeting, and janum's pretty face sank, and her face became a little ugly.

"I'm not good!" Janum glared at Sean and whispered, "let me go!"

Jennom glanced at Sean holding melika's hand, and somehow a sense of his own belongings had been snatched, and his anger soared.

Sheen didn't think so.

"That's what I said, right?" Sheen narrowed his eyes, and the smile on his face was still the same. He made him say, "you want to take our people away without saying anything. Can't you say that?"In the face of Sheen's words, jennom didn't want to think about it and directly refuted it.

"Who are your people?" Janum stared at Sean as if he were a sinner, and said in a loud voice, "melica is not your man!"

When he said this, jennom's tone was full of obsession.

That appearance, as if is really trying to maintain something in general.

"Is it?" Sheen raised his eyebrows and said, "it's not ours. Is it yours?"

"Of course "We've been together for more than a hundred years, and we've never been apart since we've been together for more than a hundred years," he said

The implication is that under the fetters and feelings, they are already inseparable from each other.

In this way, melika is hers.

Sheen has something to say about it.

"That is to say, you're just growing up, aren't you?" Sheen looked at jennom and shrugged, "since you're just melika's baby, and you're not her mother, I can't agree with you about taking people away without saying anything."

"You...!" Janum was in a hurry.

Then melika finally realized what was happening.

"You... Why did you quarrel?" Melika quickly stopped, "calm down! Mr. sheen! Janum

Melika's words, neither Sean nor jennom, listened.

This meeting, two people are already staring at each other, eyes acutely friction, collision in the line of sight seems to be in a spark, the relationship between the two people can not be expressed incisively and vividly.

There is no doubt that the relationship between sheen and jennom has fallen to a negative value at the same time of meeting for the first time.

Jennom regarded Sean as a bad man who harmed melika and regarded him as his enemy.

Sheen is also very upset that the elf girl just interrupted her relationship with melika, and she intends to ignore herself and others and take melika away.

This allows the two people to fight directly, or the one that can't be reconciled.

"Let go

Janum gave a warning.


Sheen was naturally not to be outdone.

"Will you let it go?"

There's magic in janum.

"Not at all."

Sean grinned and grinned calmly.


gennom fell silent.


sheen said nothing.

But, as if on an appointment, they took melika's hand and began to push.


Melika let out another exclamation.

Sheen and jennom simultaneously grab melika's hand, trying to pull melika towards their own side.

"Wait... Wait! Mr. sheen! Janum

Melica was pulled from left to right, and the whole person was frozen in the air, as if she had become a doll, and she was pulled around by two people.

There is no pain, just a little at most.

Sheen and jennom were a little bit measured, not exerting the force that would make melika feel pain.

However, within the scope of allowable strength, neither of them would compromise, silently turning melicara to her side.

It made melica a little messy and at a loss what to do.

On one side, Roxie and others watched the scene, all speechless.


"Is this playing?"

Lilith and Milu had their heads tilted at the same time, looking like question marks all over their heads.

"This guy is fighting with other girls again."

Roxie sighed.

"This is Mr. sheen."

Lasha said this sentence indifferently.

People can only wait and see, do not know whether to intervene, leading to the scene has become a bit strange.

In contrast, jennom, while holding melika, suddenly discovers something.

(melica doesn't resist the touch of foreign men

Jennom stares at Sean holding melika's hand, and then looks at melika's puzzled face, but there is no half resistance. Finally, there is a sense of crisis in her heart.

With the sanctity of the spirit and the importance of purity, not to mention being touched by the opposite sex, or being approached by the other side, you will feel uncomfortable.

But melika is not only not resistant at all, she seems to be used to it.

What does that mean?

Before he could figure it out, Jerome was angry.

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