Home of the elves, outside the tree house.

When sheen, Roxie, Rasha, Lilith and Milu walked together, came out of the tree house, and followed the vine bridge to the ground, where there was already a man waiting.

"Mr. sheen! Everybody

Melika seemed to have been waiting here for a long time. When she saw the crowd, she immediately brightened up and ran over.


Sheen blinked and laughed.

"Are you here?"

Roxie also looked at the fairy girl, smiling.

"Miss melica."

Lasha is greeting melika.


Lilith tilted her head. She didn't know whether she was surprised at the sudden appearance of melika, or whether she remembered melika until now.

As for milu, she was puzzled and looked at the strange fairy girl curiously.

Melika didn't seem to notice Milu. She trotted all the way to the crowd, and then she said apologetically.

"Yes, I'm sorry to leave you alone."

Melika was sorry that she didn't act with people yesterday.

People don't care much about it.

"You haven't come back for a long time. You must want to talk to your acquaintances and say hello?" Sheen looked at melika and said with a smile: "you look better than yesterday. I think you should be in a good mood."

Sheen's words made melika blush and look down. She was too shy to speak.

As a matter of fact, melica's looks are much better than before, and it is obvious that she is in good condition.

Melika didn't know what was wrong with her. She always felt that her spirit had improved after she returned to the land of the elves. In addition, the speed of magic enhancement which had been growing before was also accelerated a lot.

Perhaps, after returning to her hometown, melika's spirit and spirit did improve.

This is a good thing.

Anyway, melika didn't feel anything wrong. Besides, her attitude was less restrained and shy than usual.

"And his highness Ayi?"

Melika looks around the crowd, but she doesn't see Ayi. Instead, she sees a strange little girl who is staring at herself curiously and is being led by Lasha.

"Ayi stayed in the tree house and went to sleep. You know, that girl is so sleepy." Sheen curled her lips, explained, but patted Milu on the shoulder and said, "this is a new comer, which is aye's relative. There was another one, but she didn't come. I'll introduce her to you later."

On hearing this, melika said vaguely: "is your highness Ayi's relative..."

Obviously, melika didn't think about the demonic sisters of Ayi.

"Milu! My name

Naturally, Milu would not mention it. She raised her hand and introduced herself to melica lively.

"Good... Good! Miss MiRu

Melika quickly bowed her head and saluted, less restrained and shy, but still as polite as ever.

At this moment, Roxie also spoke.

"Are you alone?" "I thought you'd bring your friends with you," she said with a smile

This made melika falter a little.

"I... I actually want to introduce my hair to you..." melika glanced at Sean carefully and whispered, "but she didn't want to come here because she heard there were foreign men here..."

sheen was speechless.

Yes, she is a sexist fairy girl again.

This place is really unfriendly to us.

"Next time, I will introduce it to you." Melika said in a hurry: "jennom, she is very nice, more daring than me, and more powerful than me. Everyone in the family said that she would be the next genius to join the elves division. Since childhood, she has been taking care of me and protecting me. Now she just doesn't know much about everyone, so she has a little resistance. When I persuade her, she will certainly agree to come and see you all!"

Melika tried to speak good words for her novel.

It was very similar to yesterday when I spoke for sheen.

It can be seen that melika should attach great importance to the genie clan named genum.

Sheen was a little curious.

"In your opinion, your hair should be better than you, right?" Sheen said, "how come you left the land of the elves and went out to practice outside, but you didn't grow up?"

It was something Sheehan overheard by chance from Carol.

It is said that melika's hair is very close to her.

Almost at the same time, they survived the reincarnation period as goblins and succeeded in reincarnation almost at the same time. It can be said that the front and rear feet were taken back to the land of elves and joined the big family of elves.Therefore, the relationship between the two fairy maidens seems to be very good, and they have been inseparable since childhood.

Carol mentioned that at the beginning, melika and her little girl received her magic enlightenment, and at the same time began to learn magic and practice at the same time.

Both of them are the same age and have been close friends for more than 100 years. Their relationship is far superior to that of ordinary elves.

However, two years ago, the couple, who had been together for 100 years, embarked on two different paths.

In order to become a member of the elves division, he tried his best to practice in the land of elves.

Melika suddenly plans to leave the village and go outside to experience, improve her insight and experience.

But according to melika, in terms of temperament, the genie girl named janum is obviously more outgoing than she is.

Under such circumstances, how could it be easier for melika, who was nervous and shy, to go outside for training, while the fairy girl named janum stayed in the village and worked hard behind closed doors?


melika has some language problems.

See, Roxie didn't forbid her elbow to push Sean's flank.

Sean took a puff from the corner of his mouth and gave Roxie a helpless look.

he knew that the secret sorrow of his royal highness was that she could not control her mouth and did not consider whether she had touched the sensitive topic and made people feel awkward.

The fish princess, who didn't know what was wrong, was suddenly very concerned about melika's appearance.

Sheen could only shrug.

"I'll just ask without answering."

Sean smiles at melica.

It made melika shake her head.

"In fact, it's not something that can't be said..." melika said in a voice that was hard to say: "the reason why I want to leave the village and go out to experience is that if I don't do this, I may never be able to compare with jennom."

It's not that hard to understand.

"we as like as two peas, we have been together since the birth of the spirit, and have been doing the same thing every day, living the same life, even the same practice of magic, almost no difference."

In this case, they do the same thing, but get different results.

"It was janum who first learned magic."

"It was janum who first raised the level."

"The first person to learn intermediate magic was janum."

"Even the person who first attacked the demons outside the village and was valued by the people of the elves division was janum."

Melika shook the wand in her handshake, but she was still a little depressed.

"I've been doing the same thing all the time, but every time jennom walks in front of me, which makes me wonder if I can't compare with him."

It can't be said that it's jealousy or unwillingness, it's just a little suspicion.

But it was this little bit of doubt that eventually made melika decide that she wanted to take a different path.

"If I continue to practice like janum, I will probably never catch up with him."

"And when janum joins the elves division, she will be better trained and better trained, and I may never catch up with her."

"I don't want to be left behind by Jerome."

"That's why I got up my courage and decided to leave the village and go outside to experience and practice hard."

At this point, melika murmured unconsciously.

"I don't know if I'm catching up with Jerome now?"

Obviously, melika is not confident about this.

But the two just met yesterday, each other in joy, naturally did not notice this.

Until now, melika seems to have remembered her original intention of leaving the village, and she can't help but feel a little nervous.

That look, but it makes people feel a little pity.

Roxie comes forward and hugs melica lightly.

"It's OK. You must have caught up with her."

Roxie soothed softly.

"Thank you... Thank you, your highness Rosie..."

melika is a little shy. I don't know whether it's because of her unspeakable heart or because of her intimate behavior.

At the same time, melika also secretly looked at Sean, seems to care about how sheen will look at this matter.

Sean get is here.

So he said without hesitation.

"I also think you must have caught up with her now, or even surpassed her."

Sheen gave the biggest comment.

"More than?" Melika didn't seem to think about this possibility. She said, "no, it's very good that I can catch up with janum, who is so talented and powerful."It seems that melika's opinion of janum's hair is much higher than her own.

"So talented?"

Sheen made a murmur.

He didn't know how good that janova was.

But he didn't think that melica would compare the variance.

If nothing else, let's just say that melica's magic power of crazy growth in recent months is absolutely impossible to catch up with convenience.

That was the magic growth that even Ayi was looking at, and the elf queen was also surprised by it.

Of course, just the magic growth does not mean that melica is better than the other.

But who made them both magicians?

Since they are all magicians, the party with stronger magic power must have more advantages.

Therefore, sheen believes that melica is not inferior to her own.

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