It was a bad day for Kosmos, Duke Stirling, or Mithra and Laguna.

Because the disaster happened somehow.

Kosmos is destroyed.

The fortress city is gone.

Although the people have been well protected, there are no casualties, but the disaster and damage here have made many people unable to continue to sit down.

The destruction of a fortress with a long history, which has guarded the border of Mithra for nearly a thousand years, is very incredible and unacceptable to anyone.

Especially in the kingdom of Mithra, or the Duke of Stirling, when he heard this news, all the high-level people had a sense of darkness in front of them.

At least, when she got the news, Anxi couldn't help standing up from the throne. Barry smashed his desk and swore at him. Finally, he couldn't sit still. He got on the best coach and came here.

The response from the ragner empire was also fierce.

The fortress cities that had been blocking their invasion in the past have disappeared. How can their reaction not be fierce?

But they can't be frank and happy.

Because, under such a difficult situation of Kosmos, their warrior goddess, the second imperial daughter of the Empire, was also missing along with her order of knights with broken blades.

This made the high-level of the empire into a pot of porridge. The contemporary emperor was in a hurry and sent people to investigate the situation at night.

It can be said that both countries have fallen into great turbulence because of this incident.

Even those civilians were shocked when they learned that Kosmos was destroyed. They felt both incredible and shuddering. They began to talk one after another, making both countries full of rumors.

The only good news is that this time, the two countries will no longer doubt each other.

There is no way, both sides have suffered great losses, and the losses can not be easily borne. In such a case, no one will suspect that the other party has done something wrong.

Of course, the most important thing is that the divine realm conveyed a thing to the Kingdom and empire through the temples of the two countries.

That is, this time, it was all caused by an ancient seal.

The person who makes such a thing is naturally anima.

After the Kosmos incident, the goddess of life had to take the initiative to disclose the secret of Lilith in order to calm down the turbulence caused by the incident and the possible future troubles.

This is also the responsibility of the Protoss.

The protoss will not easily intervene in the Terran struggle, but they will not allow themselves to be a reason for the Terran struggle.

After knowing the whole thing, the two countries completely put down their doubts on each other, but began to worry about a series of follow-up problems.

The Kingdom lost a fortress guarding the border, and the life and death of the first order of Duke of Stirling was also unknown in this incident, which was a great blow to the Kingdom and the Duke of Stirling.

At first glance, the Empire just lost a princess and her private Knights' order. However, the princess also inherited the imitation sword, which was regarded as the first day of the Empire in the past thousand years. Losing her was also a great blow to the Empire.

Naturally, the natives of Kosmos have been hit harder.

They have directly lost their shelter and hometown, which is undoubtedly a very serious problem.

However, anima has indicated that, because there is a part of the responsibility of the protoss, she will order as the three goddesses to let the protoss assist the two kingdoms to tide over the difficulties.

However, anima herself did not return directly to the divine world.

First of all, Elise made a request to anima, hoping that anima would give her a favor to help her find her companions and bring back the orc gods and the orcs who had been transferred.

Annima agreed.

However, these are her spokesmen in the human world, her most devout believers, and the orcs of Kosmos have kept Lilith's seal for thousands of years according to her orders. She, as the LORD God, should offer sympathy and reward to these meritorious officials.

Second, the situation of Sheen's side makes annima quite concerned. Before we know it clearly, annima can't go back directly.

So, after that, the party moved to the nearest city from Kosmos - eutri.

There, under the arrangement of Rasha, the people stayed in a high-class hotel and stayed here temporarily.

Sheen also had a hard sleep here, until all the fatigue to be dispelled, just became fresh again.

Everything seems like yesterday, as if nothing has happened in general, people sigh.

Of course, Sheen's side is not completely without change.The most obvious change was that there was a very sticky little guy around sheen.

"Come on, Miss Lilith."

In the hall, on the dining table, Racha took a bowl of soup and scooped it to Lilith.

"Ah ~ ~"

Lilith opened her small mouth cleverly, just like before, enjoying the feeding of Lasha.

However, at this time, Lilith not only had been wearing the black robe, which symbolized the dignity, but also sat on Sheen's thigh, holding Sheen's neck, as if she would not come down from Sheen's body.

"She's totally attached to you."

Lesha was watching the scene and couldn't help feeling out.

Not only letha, but Elise, who was guided by anima to reunite with the orc theocracy, was here and saw the scene.

"The boy hasn't left Kosmos since he left, has he?"

AI Yi was eating her breakfast and saying this with her mouth curled.

"After all, it is the person who entrusts the real seal, and it is not incomprehensible."

Annima also grinned, as if in distress.

Sheen didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

It is simply a great enjoyment of life to be stuck by the evil gods forced by cattle, and to eat with nephrite in the arms and holding the sweet and warm body of a little girl.

Sean even spoke of his life.

"Sure enough, it's what the brave should do to save the beauty. Well, I don't hate it if I'm a king."

This speech, for a time, made everyone speechless.

Only anima, after observing Lilith quite seriously for a while, reluctantly admitted.

"It seems impossible to bring Lilith back to the divine world."

That's what anima is upset about.

Strength is still on her own, in the protoss can be ranked in the top three, but also comparable to the demons compatriots, anima of course want to bring her back to the divine world, enhance the strength of the divine world.

At the beginning, the protoss had great expectations on this matter, hoping that Lilith could become a force to compete with the demons and bring advantages to the war. Who would have thought that Lilith would lose control directly on the battlefield, but could only seal this top-notch combat power, which really made the whole Protoss very unhappy.

Now, the evil god finally returns to normal. The protoss must want her back to the divine world, right?

It's the same with annima. If she can, she really wants to take Lili back.

But when she expressed her wish, Lilith looked at her.

That one eye, let annima on the spot back hair cold, like to see the sea of corpses in general, almost no gaffe.

If it wasn't for annima, I'd be crazy to be seen by Lilith?

After returning to the noumenon, Lilith perfectly controlled her own strength, and had the strength that was really comparable to the devil man. She was also very handy when she used her power. Annima, whose strength was not as strong as Lilith, angered people, and naturally suffered a small loss.

From that time on, anima knew that Lilith did not want to return to the divine world.

She just wanted to follow Sheen's appearance. Whether walking, eating, sleeping or bathing, she would stick to Sheen's side and follow him. Even Lasha couldn't separate them.

Under such circumstances, anima had no doubt that Lilith would never mind fighting with herself if she was strong.

Even if anima is one of the three goddesses, and her status is much higher than Lilith, who is a superior God, Lilith should obey her orders, but Lilith is originally an evil god and doesn't care about the orders of the three goddesses.

In view of this, annima has realized that it is impossible to take Lily's silk with her.

Unless the Supreme God ohmis personally orders, Lilith, as a Protoss, may not dare to violate it. Otherwise, let alone the goddess of life. Even if the strongest goddess of destiny in the three realms comes, she will not be able to forcibly take her away.

Sean had a word to say.

"I'm helpless, and I can't help it, but it's all Lilith's wish. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

When he said this, sheen was smiling and unabashed, which made anima want to beat him up.

Maybe she can't beat Lilith, but as a brave person who hasn't grown up, she still has no problem?

But here, it is another headache.

"Are you really hiding something from me? Mr. sheen? "

Annima stares at Sean like a straight line, clearly eyes are not open, but can let people feel her serious and strong vision.

"You really don't know why you're called into this world, do you?"

Annima asked, very seriously.Sheen also responded.

"I really don't know, goddess."

Sheen looked helpless.

However, it is a lie.

Looking at annima, who is very serious in front of her, sheen can't help but think of what happened when she came to the hotel last night and went back to her room and wanted to fall down to sleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!