
This is not thunder, nor earthquake, but the sound of evil in the storm.

It was on this day that the dark and foggy evil spirits, like floods and avalanches, finally burst out of the temple, out of the land of evil spirits, and poured into the whole cosmos.


"What is this?"



Many people couldn't help leaving the building because of the terrible movement. They saw the evil spirit like the flood avalanche, fell into panic and shock, and immediately began to flee desperately.

On the streets of Kosmos, countless people panicked, screamed and fled in a hurry. They were chased by dark floods and avalanches everywhere. It seemed that it was no different from the end of the day.

The most frightening thing is that in that evil spirit, there are countless irrational evil things roaring out and rushing at the people.

People can only fear, scream, escape, even in pain, make the fortress urbanized into Purgatory.

It was a disaster.

It was a nightmare.

Those who have witnessed this scene will never forget what happened today in their whole life, making this day even recorded in history.

That terrible scene, so that the knights in the gate position can no longer calm down, and finally choose to escape according to their inner fear.

Thanks to this, the people who gathered at the gate of the city rushed out without saying a word and let the dense stream of people flee like ants pouring out of the gates of Kosmos.

They are unfortunate.

But at the same time, they are lucky.

Although the evil current and avalanche are still chasing them, trying to devour the outside world of Kosmos, but at the critical moment, from every corner of cosmos, a beam of light suddenly rises up and goes up into the sky, forming a huge transparent barrier, surrounding the whole cosmos.

"What is that?"

Still at the top of the building, lesia, looking at the barrier over Kosmos, was surprised.

"What a magic..."

anima also whispered.

At this time, in the women's side, a halo like a cover to protect them, so that they are not used to be touched by the evil, so that they fall into madness.

The halo is black and white. The black is caused by Ayi, and the white is naturally what annima did.

When the evil spirit suddenly came, they waved their hands at the same time, calling out the black and white halo, blocking the evil spirit from attacking.

So they can see clearly what's going on in Kosmos.

Now, under the action of the huge transparent barrier, the evil spirit that surges in Kosmos is blocked, and can not rush out of this fortress city.

The same is true of the evil things. They should have rushed out of the city and scattered on the ground, becoming a real disaster, but they were stopped by the barrier and could only roar and knock on the barrier and could not get out at all.

In addition, Kosmos ne, an innocent people in the evil spirit and evil things to catch up with, is about to encounter misfortune, suddenly disappeared.

They were transferred to the outside of the city, or to the outside of the barrier. They were looking at the evil spirits and evil objects of the riots in the barrier with a look of terror on their faces.

Ayi looked at all this and understood something.

"Is this the guy's masterpiece?"

Ayi looks at Lasha.


Lasha is the only one who hasn't been surprised by the situation.

Because, she knows very well why this happened.

"After learning about Lilith from Miss Elise, Mr. sheen prepared for the moment."

The reason for this lies in Rasha.

Since knowing the seriousness of the matter, when he made the decision to destroy the seal when he had to, sheen prepared for the latter in order not to let cosmos bear the disaster.

"For the last few days, Mr. Sheen has actually asked me to take him around every corner of Kosmos and set up magical properties there."

Lasha explained, with no expression.

"The effects of those features are different, but on the whole, when they are activated, they will directly form an independent boundary that can isolate the whole cosmos and exclude the individuals within the boundary."

This is not an easy thing to do.

However, Kosmos has always had a random shift because of the present boundary of the dark temple. In this fortress city, there was an independent space with a sealed temple. Therefore, if we can make use of the environment and the conditions that have been formed here, and use magic to reconstruct the temple, we can easily do this.To this end, sheen also wantonly squandered his magic power, and exerted his magic power to the limit. Only then did he build such a large-scale and powerful border.

In this way, even if the power of Lilith, the evil god, or the powerful creatures in ancient times, want to break through the boundary and run out is not an easy thing.

"We can still stay here because the magic power of the two is not much worse than that of Mr. sheen. At this time of protection, the border can not exclude US unilaterally."

So said Lasha.

"In the same way, as the builder of the boundary, Mr. sheen, who has no less than the magic power of the boundary, and the goddess Lilith who came out of the seal are still in the temple, and have not been ruled out by the boundary."

That is to say, now sheen is facing the evil god Lilith alone.

The whole kosmosley, the onlookers, is just four people here.

No, not four.

"There seems to have been another man left by accident." AI Yi seemed to see something. While looking at the direction of the temple, she opened her mouth to anima, and said calmly, "it seems that because your magic is protecting the little girl's relationship, she has not been ruled out by the border?"

"... that should be the case." As far as Neville was concerned, she sighed

Annima's words didn't make Ayi have much mood.

As if she was not interested in the girl at all, Ayi just kept looking at the temple and silenced Lasha.

Lesia, of course, is the same.

Looking at the huge border that enveloped Kosmos, and thinking of the brave man who had been slightly green, lesha felt mixed.

"Has he grown up to the point where such a large-scale enchantment can be built?"

I still remember that at the beginning, when she was still observing Sheen's surroundings, sheen was only a novice magician who was just ready to learn new magic, and could only use the primary elemental magic which was forced to be raised to fight against the enemy with her huge magic power.

Less than a few months later, the novice magician actually had such magic attainments, which really made lesia have to lament for it.

On one side, Lasha seemed to be aware of the master's mind.

"This is Mr. sheen."

For some reason, Lasha said this to lesha.


Laixia was stunned and looked at Lasha in surprise.

But Lasha didn't seem to pay any more attention to lesha and looked in the direction of the temple.

There, an earth shaking collision is just about to begin.



The storm like evil spirit suddenly attacked all around, like a dark big explosion, ravaging everything.

The temple has collapsed.

All the evil things were blown away by the evil spirit and disappeared.

The goddess with twelve black wings was suspended in the air like a dark storm center and the core of the whirlpool of hell, constantly releasing amazing evil spirits.

This is not the evil spirit left over thousands of years ago, but the real power of evil gods, which can make all living creatures crazy, degenerate and crazy, the deepest darkness and the most original chaos.

There is no life that can keep rational under this evil.

The will to resist this evil is also not something an individual can possess.

It's not a sin that human beings can bear. Even gods and demons have to fall for it. It's very terrible.

Under such circumstances, in the storm of evil spirits, there was a figure holding a young girl in her arms. She resisted the evil wind like a storm and uttered a sound of dismay.

"Why didn't you get ruled out?"

Sean held Elise in his arms, and his face was not very good.

"Goo..."! Ah...! "

Elise groaned as if in agony, her face twisted, a trace of madness flashed in her eyes from time to time, telling Hearn that she had been eroded by the power of the evil god Lilith.

If it wasn't for the power of the goddess of life still working in her body, Elise would have lost her mind and turned into a monster.

Only sheen, in the evil spirit of the storm, was perfectly intact and unaffected.

But Sheehan is not feeling very well now.


Evil storm is still raging, the power is very amazing, so that holding Elise sheen did not know how many times was shaken, like a shell, hit the outer wall of a building.

For a moment, debris and debris were flying, and smoke and dust were rising everywhere, so that sheen was directly smashed into the interior of the building.

The power and power of Lilith, the evil god, did not work on sheen, but it still caused physical impact and impact on sheen like this.Of course, sheen wasn't hurt.


With a burst, sheen punched away the stones and debris that covered him, and jumped out of it, holding Elise in his arms.

"Damn it!"

Sheen spits out a mouthful of unknown dust and puts Alice on the ground.

"Well, saint, you should try your best to keep up with it. If there is any way, you can leave here quickly."

Sheen could only say that to Elise.

"You... What are you going to do?"

Elise can't help but grab Sean, some difficult voice.

Sheen replied with a word.

"I'll stop her."

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