"I'll show you something."

At this time, Danas suddenly said such a sentence, and extended his hand, hit a ring finger.

With the appearance of this ring finger, a figure came out of the shadow behind it.

That figure is relatively small, at first glance like a child, but also dressed in a black robe, completely can not see the appearance.

However, sheen felt a familiar magic from the tiny figure, which made the expression on his face disappear for the first time.

It's not just sheen. Even Oz and mafia seem to be aware of something.

"That... Is that...!"

"How could..."

Oz and mafia opened their eyes one by one, and the other was speechless.

"It seems that you have found it." Danas said with a smile: "this is my latest masterpiece. In order to make this one, I have consumed all the accumulation I have accumulated for decades."

The implication is that this is the magic life that Danas has just created recently.

This magical life not only consumes the precious material accumulated by Danas for decades, but also uses one thing.

"Do you use the magic of emerald as raw material to make this magic life?"

Sheen said this without expression.

That's what happened.

"I believe Qing also knows that there are many uncertain factors in creating magic life."

Danas spoke again.

"There are many factors that determine the ability, characteristics and even appearance of magic life."

"The quality of the material."

"Skill level."

"The imagination of the creator."

"These factors all affect the completion of magic life to a certain extent, and also determine the ability of magic life."

"as like as two peas, as like as two peas, using the same material, using the body to create magic, it is still impossible to create the same magic life."

Danas then swept his eyes to the four men in black around him.

, as like as two peas in my magical life, I call them the magic warriors. They have learned the symbiosis as a skill that only individuals who are deeply connected with life can acquire. Generally, only twins such as twins can learn, and no one can master such skills. Even the two spirits can not do that. So, in order to create these four identical ones, Devil fighter, I've spent my whole life

How can magic life above 80 be so easy to make?

That needs to consume the material, afraid is each can be called the sky high price?

Danas can imagine how much effort it took to create these four magical lives with symbiosis skills.

In addition, it is possible to create failure or create other magic life that cannot be [symbiotic]. In order to complete these four magic fighters, it is absolutely the premise of the premise to dissipate the wealth.

Sheen could even imagine how much evil Danas had done to complete these demons.

After all, it's the old demon sect. As a lawless terrorist, it's impossible not to do anything unorthodox in order to achieve the goal.

What Danas wants to say now is that in order to complete his magical life in his mind, he must find another way.

How to find another way?

It's simple.

"It's very difficult to create a magic life that is exactly the same as what you imagine. There is only one exception, right?"

Sheen said faintly.

"That's right." Danas nodded happily and said: "only when the magic as a reference is added, there is a great probability that magic life will be generated which is consistent with the appearance and even the ability of the owner of magic."

This is what sheen can find in the underground wizard Library of the palace.

And since even Hearn knew it, Danas, a great master of magical life, could not have been unaware of it.

Therefore, jadeite will be taken away.

"My original intention is to collect some magic power from her, but I have no interest in her. Therefore, it is Qing's compatriot who took her away from here, which has nothing to do with me."

Danas laughs to get rid of the relationship, but pats the little black head on the side.

"This child is the work that I made with the magic power I collected at that time. It is because of it that I can control the evil spirits here, control the evil things here, and let them be used by me."

Why can the old demons who occupied here ignore the threat of evil and control the evil things to a certain extent, the truth finally appears.

Because Danas has a magic life based on emerald and has the same thing as the half body copy of the evil god Lilith, he can get such means.It's just...

"you... You make a copy of your mind?"

Mafia was shocked.

"It's impossible!"

Ozzie yelled, too.

The reason is simple.

"How did you do it?" Sheen looked directly at Danas and said, "there is no way to create Protoss with the creation of life magic. Why can you succeed?"

This is a very strange thing.

We should know that the basis of the creation of magic is to refer to the birth mode of demons and demons.

Magic is the way that people create magic objects, because they can be created by human beings.

And how did the protoss come into being?

They are separated from the body of the Supreme God omnes, which is equivalent to the daughter body of the Supreme God ornice.

This way of existence is very different from that of other races.

Why are Protoss fixed in number and not changing?

It is because they were born from the Supreme God omnes, who only had the duties and powers they got when they were born, and the number of them was limited when they were limited.

They will not bear and reproduce, nor will they die in a real sense. Even if they die, they can be revived and reincarnated at any time as long as the Supreme God omnes is willing.

In this way, they are fundamentally different from other races, and their life forms are different. It is impossible to create their copies with the magic of creation.

This is not a matter of ability, but not in principle.

Therefore, no matter how much precious material Danas consumes and the level of magic skill, it is impossible to achieve this.


"the real God can't do it, but the other side is only a rational half body. As long as the magic style is adjusted, and then the principle of creation is fundamentally transferred to form a new system, it is not impossible."

What Danas said with indifference made everyone speechless.

In other words, in order to achieve this goal, Danas himself developed a kind of magic to create the magic life of the Protoss.

It may not work for the true Protoss, but if it is only used in the body of a God, it may succeed in the end.

Of course, it's just possible.

There are many uncertain factors in the creation of magic by living bodies. Danas has exhausted his efforts for the four magic fighters. Now it is normal for him to work for the half of a God, even if his production fails.

"I even made a long-term struggle for this, and spent several decades to complete the psychological preparation. Who ever thought that God was looking after me and made me succeed at one time."

Danas boasted of his good luck, but sheen finally gave up the psychology of underestimate, and fully valued the old demon.

He may be very weak, but he has a strong perseverance, patience and perseverance, absolutely can not be underestimated.

At least, he is now a real threat.

"I'm not interested in my countryman Liz."

That's what Danas said.

"What I'm really interested in is actually the family members of the demons who are maddening and thoroughly depraved."

What he said was the demonized evil.

"There are not only a large number of these evil families, but also some super strong people in ancient times have not been released." Danas's eyes were a little fiery: "when they are released and controlled by me and become the army under my command, don't you think that at that time, there will be no one in the world who can fight against me?"

At this point, Danas's purpose is already apparent.

They want to control the ancient animals and evil things that have been sealed for their own use.

"Are you... Are you crazy...!"

Ozzie couldn't help speaking.

"For that purpose, you released Lilith, the evil god, and released so many evil things?"

Murphy felt incredible, too.

Instead, it was sheen who understood Danas's ambition.

"I see." Sheen said calmly: "once the evil god Lilith is released, she will surely spread the evil spirit again and create crazy demons as in ancient times, and those will become the army under your control."

Danas didn't need to try his best to rule the world, as long as the evil god Lilith was released and allowed to run wild.

When the time comes, the earth will be reduced to hell again, and all the creatures in the world will be turned into evil things. The man who controls the magic life of the evil god will be able to take advantage of the profits, control those evil things into his own hands and take the world back to himself.

"The six demons and the three goddesses probably won't care about me, a little fish in troubled waters. Their attention will be focused on Lilith, the evil god?"At last Danas spoke triumphantly.

"Is my plan still feasible?"

Hearing this, Sean chuckled.

"I don't know if it works or not." Sheen took a deep look at Danas and said, "but I see why you talk so much nonsense to me."

After all that, Danas wanted to remind Hearn of one thing.

"As long as you can release Lilith, the world will be yours?" Sean scoffed: "you want to use this to persuade me, let me join you, help you untie Lilith's seal, so you can give me a part of the future world, right?"

"Worthy of the title of prime minister boztut." Danas laughed and said, "how? Is it worth considering? "

Danas's words, in exchange for Sheen's brilliant smile.

"I think you're paralyzed."

And then, in Sheen's body, the magic power soared.


A burst of flame immediately spewed out of the ground, towards the direction of Danas.

Sheen, let's go without saying a word.

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