In fact, the story Tieer wanted to tell was not so complicated, and it could even be regarded as a platitude to some extent.

Because, that is a girl since birth has been rejected by people around her, and strive to get recognition from others.

In the story, the girl is regarded as a monster by the people around her since she was a child, so it can be said that she has suffered from the cold and warmth of the world.

People around her were afraid of her.

One of her parents is not at home all the year round, and the other never looks at her with the eyes of her own daughter. Instead, she seems to be looking at an unexpected product that should not appear.

Because of this, the girl's side did not appear any one can communicate with her, only lonely, empty, lonely and dark.

Of course, no one around dared to abuse her.

It is because of the girl as a monster, people around her are not willing to approach her, let alone take the initiative to anger her, that is only a fool will do.

Therefore, the girl has always been a person, and has not been allowed to go out, either locked in the room, or locked in the basement, the only place allowed to go is an arena for training, other places, she is not allowed to go at all.

Thanks to this, girls can only train themselves hard since childhood, and even draw up perfect and complete training plans for themselves, acquire perfect matching skills, and strive to upgrade their own level.

The girl naively thinks that as long as she is strong enough, sooner or later, she can control the "ghost" in her body and get the approval of her family.

In fact, because of the girl's efforts, her talent has been seen in the eyes.

Moreover, some people in the family also think that the future of the girl should not be limited. Even if the "ghost" in the girl's body is very terrible, the terrible thing is also of use value and other uses.

In this voice, the girl gradually gained some freedom.

The girl's father, who was not at home all the year round, had been taking her with her in that period of time.

This is to have a person with the ability to stop the girl in case of violence.

Her father is the most gifted in the family, and his talent is even thought to be destined to surpass his father, the young girl's grandfather, to inherit the family.

Naturally, only the girl's father can stand up when no one is confident that he can stop the girl in a violent state.

Therefore, the girl's father would have been with her during that time, wandering between the family, the palace and the order of knights.

Under such circumstances, the girl finally got to know some people who dare to approach themselves.

Some of them are princesses of the kingdom. They are regarded as brave men of reincarnation. No one can rival them. They are the most powerful people in the future.

Some of them are great nobles, although there is nothing brilliant in strength, but they have a very cool head.

The other one is a little mysterious. Few people know her origin, but she always wears a gentle smile. Even if the girl tells her that she is a monster that people fear, she never alienates her.

As a result, the girl has friends, and finally has a place like "people".

However, the good times did not last long, and the girl's difficult situation began to get worse.

At first it was the death of grandfather.

Because of the hurt left by the girl's violent walk, the existence, once regarded as the pillar of the family, finally died.

As the main culprit, the girl is once again regarded as the embodiment of disaster and a violent monster. The people of the clan claim how dangerous it is. She should be kept in the basement all the time and she should not be allowed to go out.

But this time, they didn't succeed.

After all, the girl is no longer alone, with the princess of the Kingdom and the queen of the nobles.

They intervened with their own rights and did not allow the people of their own race to interfere with her freedom.

In view of this, the girl narrowly escaped.

However, what happened after that completely dragged the girl into hell.

That was ten years ago.

At that time, Wang Du encountered a great event.

The "Slayer faction" of the old demon sect broke into the royal capital and started killing in the royal capital.

Originally, this is an impossible thing.

There is a very high-level border around Wangdu. It is impossible for the demons to attack the capital soundlessly.

Even if the other side seems to have a very superb space magic, there is a way to break through the border, the other side would like to take so many people through the border quietly, it is also an impossible thing.

At most, the other side is to let himself enter the Wangdu, or simply destroy the border around the Wangdu.

However, once the border is destroyed, the palace will surely find out that it will face the attack. With the strength of the royal order and the guard order, even if the opponent is an old demon clan with thousands of people, it can only be reduced to the end of being attacked.However, things are going in the worst direction.

Thousands of old demon assassins finally sneaked into the capital.

The reason is simple.

They have agents.

They were met in Wangdu.

And this man, in the royal capital of high status.

That man is the girl's mother.

"What do you say?"

Hearn was stunned to hear tier's words.

There was only a moment of indifference to this.

"You heard me right." Tieer said faintly: "it is this mother who took over those people from the slayer faction."

"Why?" Sheen still had some doubts: "is she a spy of the demon clan?"

"Of course not." While denying, Tieer said calmly: "you are clear about the status of the elbaines family, and the identity of the next wife of this family who will be the Lord will not be simple. How can it be the spy of the demon clan under normal circumstances?"

Since the status is high enough, there is no reason to be a dog for the old demons?

Unless they are threatened, or there are other interests to seek.

The mother thierre mentioned was for the latter.

"Do you know why the mother never looked at her daughter with the eyes of her own daughter, but looked at an unexpected product that should not have appeared?" Tieer said to himself, "because that mother is not willing to marry at all, but the aristocrats of neighboring countries will marry her to put a chess piece in the palace."

"Neighboring countries?"

Sheen froze.

"That's right." Tieer said coldly, "she is the daughter of the aristocrats of the northern Laguna empire."

The ragna empire is a neighboring country bordering on the territory of Mithra kingdom.

In the past, there have been wars and wars between the two countries.

Although, in the end, the two sides concluded a non aggression treaty with each other and stopped the war, as the saying goes, the war never disappeared, it just did not appear on the stage.

There are still some people in that country who covet the Kingdom, so they will marry their noble daughters. On the surface, they claim that they are married by marriage, but in fact they are making the other party a spy, collecting intelligence and secrets from neighboring countries, and waiting for the opportunity to act.

In other words, the mother never cared about her family, but her neighbor, Laguna empire.

For such a girl, the existence of a girl is nothing more than a "thing" that results from the sacrifice made in order to complete the task, rather than a family member who should be entrusted with feelings.

Not to mention, the daughter has the blood of the aristocrats of the enemy country, and her mother is more unlikely to admit her.

In this way, her mother, a spy from a neighboring country, received an order from the Empire to secretly put the [Slayer faction] into the capital in order to create chaos in the capital and weaken the strength of the enemy country.

And this matter was finally discovered by the girl's father.

As a result, the father chose to exterminate his mother's head in front of the girl.

After being regarded as a sinner, the girl was hated by other nobles, and was more thoroughly excluded by the clan, and finally left the family.

This is the story of the girl, tiel elbein. , the fastest update of the webnovel!