At the invitation of Anxi, except for the Knights of the order, all the people present moved to the guest room of the Royal Palace and took their seats there.

Lumia and melika felt quite uneasy about this. They were all tensed up all the time, and their faces were full of nervousness. They sat there, not to mention talking, but afraid to breathe more in the atmosphere.

Sean and Vivian sat down, facing Anxi and Roxie. Behind them, alidia, a strong knight, stood like a king of benevolence and stood beside them. The expression on his face was as firm as a rock from the beginning to the end. It gave people the feeling that it was like a weapon specially guarding the Royal family, but the sense of existence was absolutely not Low.

Under such circumstances, Tieer did not sit with the crowd, but, as if he wanted to stay away from the circle, leaned against the wall in the corner of the reception room, holding his arms in his arms, as if he were not allowed to enter.

At this time, Roxie has already explained the general process to the public.

Anxi also nodded thoughtfully.

"That is to say, because of Vivian's introduction, Roxie got to know Sean Ching and knew that he was extraordinary, so she was so pleased with her hunting that she just invited her to practice in the palace arena?"

Anxi confirmed the whole story.

"That's it."

Roxie nodded, the beauty of the suffocating face is awe inspiring and cold, is completely into the princess mode.

The presence of Roxie on the scene is equally amazing, even more amazing than alidia. Even Anxi, who is the king, has been crushed in the past, which makes people unable to help looking at it.

In fact, from the very beginning, lumia and melika have been secretly looking at Roxie from time to time, their pretty faces are slightly red, their eyes are full of worship, and they are obviously powdered up.

In front of the outsider, Roxie will always be as perfect as she is now.


"because I didn't expect to meet such a strong opponent of the same age, I was a little bit ahead and brought so much trouble to everyone. I'm really sorry."

Roxie was deeply sorry for this, so she had been apologizing from the beginning.

"I'll have to apologize to sheen, and let you accompany me to this point."

Roxie bowed her head to sheen and surprised everyone present.

Only sheen, no matter what kind of angry white Roxie one eye, as if to see Roxie hands folded to her crying appearance.

Although the rest of the people could not see the appearance of Roxie, they all tolerated Roxie's apology.

"Nothing would be better." Anxi looked at Roxie with doting eyes, as if looking at the treasure of her life. She said, "if you can pay an arena for the heirs of the sword that my royal family has been looking forward to for thousands of years, I believe that all the people in the whole kingdom will not feel distressed, but will feel that they have taken a great advantage?"

Rather than really let Roxie encounter an attack, the kingdom would rather pay 10, 100 or even 1000 such arenas as as a price of danger, in exchange for Roxie's safety.

Anxi revealed such a willingness, let the side of Vivian and alidia and other people agreed to silence.

From this, we can see how much attention and love the Kingdom has for Roxie.

It is estimated that alidia is also like this. He will attack sheen without saying a word in the arena?

Because, at that time, Sean was probably an attacker.

As the so-called concern is chaotic, seeing people who can threaten Roxie like that appear, whether Anxi or alidia, will immediately be anxious, and then take measures to protect Roxie.

"Thank you."

Roxie understood this and turned to thank the crowd.

only, Shane can see a trace of helplessness from his princess's eyes.

After all, it is this concern that has just become the cage for Roxie to show her nature.

To be valued to this point, in the end should feel happy or helpless, this is the matter of different people's opinions.

Maybe it is because of this that Roxie has to restrain her behavior more and not to let herself become too willful?

Otherwise, for her little wish, all the people in the kingdom are likely to do some irrational things, leading to tragedy.

Roxie's status is too special and her influence is too strong.

If she is so willful, I'm afraid that many people will be affected and affected, and the end may be very miserable.

Sheen also understood why Roxie wanted to show her excellent and perfect side in front of others, instead of her real appearance.

Just because of the circumstances around her, if Roxie doesn't restrain herself, no one can restrain her.

Thinking of this, Sean cast a sympathetic look at Roxie.Roxie seems to receive, the helpless eyes become more intense.

If it wasn't for outsiders, sheen believes that Roxie would have complained directly about her birth.

but now, Luo Si can only sit in peace and quiet, try to be a good princess.

The rest of them have focused on sheen.

"I really didn't think that there were still young people in the world who were not equal to Roxie."

Anxi marveled at this and showed a kind expression to sheen.

"You're a member of Vivian's adventurers team. You should be a child of lamigion origin?"

The beginning of Anxi's identity.

Sean really wanted to say that he was from the sea of stars.

Unfortunately, that kind of teasing words can be used as a joke, but it can't work if you want to fish in troubled waters with the head of a country.

For now, sheen just nodded, trying to be aloof.

Of course, Sheen's anger was almost gone, and he could not continue to be angry with the king.

But because they are kings, sheen thinks it's better to avoid talking too much when talking to those who are in charge of politics.

As the saying goes, one must lose one's words. One's identity has been concealed well before, and the result is that he has been seen through many times.

In order to avoid the same thing happening, sheen tried to keep himself quiet and create an image of indifference.

Anxi didn't care much about this either.

"It's a miracle." Anxi just sighed: "originally, the birth of Roxie has been a miracle for the Kingdom and even for the whole human world, but she can still achieve the present because she is a descendant of the brave. I really didn't expect that the genius of chamberlosi was born in the human race. This kind of genius should attract the attention of the protoss at the moment of birth In the end, as everyone knows, it's really surprising to be born like this. "

The implication of Anxi's words is very simple, that is, he is still surprised and puzzled by the existence of sheen.

It's just that Sheen has decided not to respond.

(just marvel and try.)

Anyway, I won't say a word. How can you see through my identity this time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!