
In the carriage of the carriage, Sean, who had not intended to speak any more, suddenly looked and looked in a direction.

The enemy

Sheen's "enemy sense" skill reacts, telling sheen that there is an enemy.

(the reaction is not very strong, the level should not be high, and there is only one.)

Sheen quickly made such a judgment.

However, sheen did not remind Vivian and others.

After all, at present, he is a new adventurer who has not even learned a skill, so he can speak freely to remind him that he will be doubted afterwards.

So sheen was ready to watch quietly and wait for the opportunity.

It's just that Sheen has looked down on Vivian's team.

"-- Vivian!"

In the next second, Tieer, who had been silent, suddenly raised her head and spoke in the direction of the driver's seat in a voice full of vigilance.


Wei Wei An, who was driving the carriage, immediately tightened the reins and stopped the carriage in the long hiss of the horse.

In the car, lumia and melika have already stood up and entered the alert state.

Looking at this scene, Sean was stunned and then understood.

Have you found the enemy yet

Sheen took a meaningful look around tyel, who was jumping out of the car.

I'm afraid this girl is also familiar with the enemy perception skill like sheen. Unfortunately, the skill level should not be high. It took sheen so long to realize where the enemy is.

Vivian and other people are very clear about this point. They immediately alert Tieer when they give a warning. They react quickly, which makes people feel that they are indeed adventurers of a small team and have a good understanding.

So sheen followed lumia and melika, carrying the parcel and sword, and jumped out of the car as well.

They gathered in front of the carriage and looked at Vivian, who was pacifying the anxious horse.

At this time, Vivian a face of calm, eyes cast on the body of sheen.

"Look over there, Sean."

In the direction Vivian pointed to, a rock is slowly moving, and finally it is like standing up like a huge stone statue.

"It was a magic thing named gorem. Originally, it was just a rock mixed with special magic minerals, but it was influenced by the magic flowing through it because it existed near the source of magic, and finally degenerated into the existence of magic things."

Vivian is doing this to Sean.

"Some magicians also use magic to make such magic objects. By driving them to fight and work, they may appear in any place. The higher the level is, the bigger the size is. If gorem is a secret place, his body may even contain precious minerals, so it will be coveted by many people, but it is also similar to them This mimics the rock on the side of the road, gorem who attacks when someone passes by. "

Of course, this kind of gorem's body mixed with magic minerals must be very few, the level will be very low, otherwise it will not leave the magic source of habitat and come to the roadside to attack humans.

"They are aimed at caravans carrying minerals and adventurers like us who carry weapons and equipment made of precious metal minerals. Swallowing these minerals is the best way for them to increase their strength, upgrade their level and gradually deteriorate their bodies."

Vivian looked at gorem, who was beginning to come this way, and spoke to sheen.

"Look at the size of this gorem, it should be about 15, no more than 20 at most, so it won't be a dangerous opponent for you."

This sentence, let sheen instantly understand Vivian's plan.

"It's up to you." Vivian said to sheen, "let's see how good you are."

This is the first assessment after becoming an adventurer and joining Vivian's team.

Sheen realized that not only Vivian, but also tier, lumia and melica were focusing on themselves.

Ahead, like a giant of rocks, gorem's heavy footstep is approaching.

"I see."

Sheen nodded to the crowd, then walked in the direction of gorem, pulling out his sword from his waist and holding it in his hand.

One person and one rock is so close to each other, so that the distance is shortened.

Vivienne, Tieer, lumia and melika watched quietly in the rear.

Feeling the line of sight behind his back, sheen was calculating in his heart.

(what level of strength should be put forward

Since he is a new adventurer who hasn't even learned a skill, can't he show too high fighting power?

(first of all, extreme change doesn't work, and it doesn't show resistance skills, so it can't be hit.)Unlike extreme change, which requires self-use of active skills, resident skills will take effect permanently from the moment they are acquired. They cannot choose whether to use them or not. In this case, in order not to expose these resident skills, sheen can only avoid being discovered.

Secondly, the means of fighting need to be slowed down and should not be performed too much. In order to hide the "army God" and "evasion" skills, we should also pay attention to the evasion.

As for the sword, of course, it can't be used.

(but I can't be too clumsy either.)

Otherwise, if Vivian and others think that their strength is poor and they have no potential to become adventurers, then the assessment results will not be good-looking, and ultimately lead to the failure of their purpose of becoming adventurers.

As a result, sheen needs to be able to perform well, but not to overdo it. At the same time, he has to try to hide his many skills so that he doesn't show his horse's feet.

(... I'm too hard.)

Sean was suffering in his heart.

But the demon can't understand the heart of sheen. Under the sound of heavy footsteps, it has already rushed to sheen.

"Come on."

Sheen could only get rid of all the thoughts in his heart and concentrate on gorem.

The next moment, gorem, who rushed in front of sheen, raised his heavy arm and let the rock like fist hit him.

[evasion] the skill reacts immediately, motivating Sean's body to dodge.

However, in order not to expose his skills, sheen had to restrain himself until gorem's fist hit him in front of him. Only then did he twist his body at a very close distance and deliberately dodged the blow with a rather strange movement.

All of a sudden, a strong wind was blowing from Sean.


In the roar of the sound, gorem's heavy fist rubbed Sheen's body and fell to the ground, shaking and rolling the sand and stone.

At this time, sheen, who flashed to one side, suddenly moved, and saw that gorem fell into the rigid state after the attack, and deceived him.


In the sound of percussion, the sharp sword crossed a circle and hit gorem's foot severely, which made gorem fall to his knees.

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