The order forms posted after classification and screening by the guild are not based on the amount of remuneration, but on the basis of pure difficulty and risk.

In other words, the higher the level of delegation, it means that it is more difficult to complete and more dangerous, and the remuneration will be high.

But it's not absolute.

Among the low-level commissions, there are also some highly remunerated ones.

Although there is no danger and is not difficult to complete, it takes a long time and even a lot of luck to complete. What's more, it needs specific conditions to complete.

For example, in the Commission of black iron, there is a tutor's entrustment to make weapons for children of noble families. It requires that adventurers who have reached a certain level of weapon skills can take them. Until they teach each other skills, the commission can be considered as completed. The reward is 30 gold coins, which is quite rich.

Such high reward entrustment is not classified into high-level entrustment, even if it is a first-class adventurer of black iron.

But, as I have said before, it usually takes years for the average person to learn skills.

Unless the other person is a genius, taking the commission means it will take years to complete it.

If the object of teaching is mediocre, without any talent, it is even more unable to learn no matter how many years of teaching. The final result is the failure of entrustment, which not only wastes a lot of time, but also gets no reward.

Therefore, the level of entrustment only depends on the difficulty and danger of its completion.

Based on this reason, Vivian team's last breath of three commissions, are the kind of can be completed in a short time, but some difficult type.

This kind of entrustment level is generally higher, and the remuneration is comparable to those low-level safety entrustment which takes several years to complete. However, it is also dangerous.

However, look at Vivian and other people that relaxed expression, this level of commission, for them, should not be what?

Otherwise, Vivian and others won't want to accept three commissions at one breath.

Of course, the reason why three delegates are followed in one breath is that the completion paths of the three delegates are the same.

"There is a medium-sized magic source in the Mangal mountain belt where salamanders live. The main road leading to the northern town of frecia is also the only way to the Mangal mountain belt, so these three commissions can be completed together."

Vivian explains to sheen that adventure activities of adventurers are usually like this, and will receive several commissions at a time depending on the purpose.

Originally, sheen thought that the entrustment undertaken by adventurers would be taken and completed one by one, as mentioned in most games and novels. But in fact, it seems to be the normal appearance of adventure activities to accept several commissions at one time like this.

As Vivian said, since there is a medium-sized magic source in the Mangal mountain belt where salamanders live, and the main road leading to the northern town of frecia is also the only way to the Mangal mountain belt, can these three commissions be completed together?

In view of this, when taking Commission, adventurers not only need to select the Commission with appropriate difficulty according to their own strength and conditions, but also need to think about how to complete the adventure activities better, faster and more conveniently.

In addition, the adventurer needs to know all kinds of knowledge in order to complete the entrustment.

For example, in the three commissions received by Vivian's team, such as what is the source of magic, where it usually appears, how to peel off the skin of salamander after the expedition, and how to remove the blood sucking vine. Such knowledge is required. Otherwise, even if the strength is outstanding, it is still difficult to complete the adventure.

This makes sheen realize once again that reality is reality, which is different from novels and games. Not everyone can survive as an adventurer.

Under such circumstances, Vivian team left the guild in full view of the public with three orders of entrustment.


"that's right."

After leaving the guild, Vivian suddenly looks at Sean before she can move towards the gate of lamigion.

"Don't you need to get your equipment together before you set out?"

No wonder Vivian said that.

Adventurers, however, need to enter places full of demons to carry out the Commission. They will encounter all kinds of dangerous groups. When carrying out adventure activities, the more complete the equipment, the higher the better.

Not to mention Vivian's heavy, airtight body armor, at least not without a little armor, right?

For example, lumia is equipped with light leather armor that will not have a great impact on the operation. Tieer's black robe seems to be equipped with armor such as chest, wrist and knee pads. Only melika is wearing a robe. However, this robe exudes excellent magic power fluctuation. I'm afraid it is an extraordinary magic prop.Sean, on the other hand, was dressed in casual black casual clothes except for the long strip package. He was not so much an adventurer as a passenger.

It's no wonder Vivian would suggest to go out and take risks in this way.

"If you are short of money, I can do you a little help as far as I can."

Vivian's implication is obvious, that is to borrow money to sheen to gather equipment.

Sheen hesitated.

In fact, sheen did not think about this issue.

It's just...

(not to mention the protection I get when I use the holy sword, even if I don't use the holy sword, if I have [physical resistance] and [magic resistance] skills, I can't use any armor at all.)

These two skills have been upgraded to full level by sheen, so even if it's not as foul as sabre, which can reduce 99% damage, sheen feels that it's hard to hurt himself unless he is a rather terrible big man.

In this way, what kind of armor is needed?


"regardless of armor, I really need a weapon."

Sheen said to Vivian.


At this moment, not only Vivian, but also Tieer, lumia and melika, who have been silent all the time, are a little strange.

Vivian then doubted like a voice.

"Are you armed?"

Vivian refers to the long strip package carried by sheen.

Inside, it's a weapon, right?

Sheehan, however, touched his nose.

"I don't use this weapon very well. I'd better not use it."

That's what Sean said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!