
standing on the exotic street and looking at the scene, Sean finally couldn't help but utter an exclamatory voice.

There is a reason for him to do so.

By this time, sheen had entered the town, and was in the street in front of the city gate.

Surrounded by stone and wood buildings of medieval style.

The streets were full of people with carriage or luggage, dressed in retro corset and Greek style.

The ground is covered with stone bricks, and the roads are in all directions. Shops and stalls selling various commodities are all over the place, which makes people's yelling and noise fluctuate, creating a very lively market landscape, which makes Sean feel like he is back in ancient times rather than being reborn into a different world.

Except for one scene.

That is, on the street, in addition to all kinds of civilians and businessmen, there are also people who are armed, fully armed, and seem to be ferocious and have a murderous atmosphere.

Some of them were soldiers patrolling the streets and were heavily guarded.

However, among these people, most of them are people with different equipment, dusty, and bloody smell. They come in from outside the town with a heavy backpack, or are going to go out from the town. As soon as you can see, they are people who are ready to go out and kill.

The existence of these people tells sheen that this is not ancient, but a real different world.

After all, among them, there are still people who are carrying the huge corpses of demons. I don't know whether they are going to sell them or bury them.

Thanks to the existence of these people, sheen can enter the town so smoothly, otherwise, depending on his current appearance, he is likely to be stopped by the guards.

After ten days of wild life in the forest, sheen was not only in rags, but also because of his high-altitude fight with Griffins, his clothes had turned into cloth strips, which almost could not cover his body.

In this way, if it wasn't for the town's dusty and even black and white people coming in from outside, Sean would have been stopped.

In addition, it seems that you need to pay to enter the town.

Before entering the town, sheen saw businessmen and civilians hand over some money bags and money to the doorman before being allowed to enter.

At that time, sheen thought that he should not be able to enter the town without money. Who would have thought that the guard just looked at Sean and let him go.

"Adventurers don't have to pay a city entrance fee. Go in yourself."

This is the reason given by the other side.

In other words, Sean is regarded as an adventurer.

And the so-called adventurers, I'm afraid, are those people who send out a murderous atmosphere and keep going in one direction?


Sean began to jump.

It's a hot job in a different world!

Through the completion of other people's entrustment and tasks, so as to obtain remuneration to maintain a living, this is a dream career like thunder in the eyes of people with a different world dream, and sheen can not be unaware.

"So, is there a place like the adventurers' guild?"

Thinking of this, Sean could not help but step forward, following the flow of adventurers around him.

It's worth mentioning that sheen also carried a long strip-shaped package that was obviously made of animal skin.

In the package, it was Sheen's sword.

This is what sheen prepared before he entered the town.

There's no way. The sword is too conspicuous in various senses. If it is brought in like this, it will make sheen the focus of attention, and even attract the covetous and greedy of others.

So sheen wrapped his sword in the skin that was used as a blanket to keep warm at night in the wild. In this way, he took the sword with him to avoid being coveted.

In this way, sheen followed the crowd, followed by a group of apparently identical adventurers, to a building.

It's a very distinctive building.

It is located in a vast square, surrounded by no other housing. Although it looks like only four or five floors, it can cover a wide area. Its design and decoration are different from other buildings, which makes it more unique.

On the gate of the building, there is also a signboard.

On the left is a sword, on the right is a flame, as if to show the sign of "sword and magic", and in the middle is a line of words in different Esperanto - "adventurers' Guild.".

"Sure enough, there is an adventurer's Guild!"

Sean laughed first, then he was stunned.

"No, how can I understand those words?"

It's true that sheen can read the words of different worlds.

No, it's not just words. Sheen can understand the language of people in this world.Just like what the doorman said at the beginning, sheen now reacts. He actually understood at that time, and now he can understand the words of the people around him.

"I heard that some people have witnessed Griffins in the suburbs."


"Griffin? Did a griffin show up? "

"Isn't it only in the dangerous triad forest that high-level demons will appear?"

"I hope that the level of magic will not fly here."

"Yeah, I don't want to be called up against Griffin level monsters."

The adventurers around were talking like this, going in and out of the door of the adventurers' Guild.

They use a language that sheen doesn't know, but somehow sheen is able to understand and distinguish words. Even now, he has found that even his own words have become alien.

"Is this the welfare of the reincarnated brave?"

Sheen scratched his head.

However, sheen didn't think too much about it. Instead, he thought it would save him a big trouble.

"Don't worry about not being able to communicate with each other in the world, that would be great."

With this in mind, Sean walked into the adventurers' Guild in front of him.


adventurers' guild, hall on the first floor.

This is a vast hall without any spare rooms.

The hall is full of adventurers wearing all kinds of equipment. Some of them are sitting in groups beside the tables and chairs in the hall, chatting with each other. Some of them gather in front of a bulletin board, looking at the pieces of parchment on it. Some gather in front of the counters one by one, and are communicating with the people who are dressing up as staff Compared with the outside of the city street, the level of noise is also too much.

Sheen's arrival did not attract anyone's attention, only a few people turned their eyes, glanced at him, then withdrew their eyes and continued to do their own business.

Obviously, for adventurers, the ragged sheen is nothing to watch out for.

However, there are still some people who are interested in finding Sheen's anomaly.

There is no alternative.

Because it's his first time here, Sean will inevitably look around and know it's a new guy.

"Hello! The new guy over there! The counter is over there! Want to go through what procedure! Don't walk around! "

A booze man who was drinking gave an impatient roar to Sean who was passing by. His attitude was quite bad, but he pointed to the road for him.

It seems that the other party has a warm-hearted heart that is totally inconsistent with his appearance and behavior.

"Thank you."

Sheen couldn't understand this, and after smiling at each other, he headed for the counter.

When sheen came to the counter, the union staff received him immediately.

"Welcome to the lamigion adventurers Association. What can I do for you?"

The pretty girl with a rather pure appearance sat at the counter, smiling at Sean, and making inquiries like this.

This tells Sheehan one thing.

That is, this town is called lamigion.

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