————"The devil.".

This is the existence that often appears in all kinds of myths and legends.

A symbol of evil.

A pronoun for cruelty.

People who endanger the world and human beings, bring fear and disaster to many beings, and make the world into chaos.

Such a character is the devil.

In many myths and legends, in order to defeat the demon king, the gods usually look for heroes and give them many help to save the world.

What's more, the gods summoned heroes from different worlds and asked them to come and bring down the demon king. It was also a kind of development as if it had been established by convention.


"I'm the one who's been chosen?"

"You can think so."

The above dialogue appears because of this situation.

This is the center of the unknown temple.

In the temple, there is no resplendent decoration and no sacred and solemn atmosphere. It is just a pure white building.

At this moment, there are two figures in the temple.

Among them, there is a figure standing in the center of the temple as if it were eternal.

The goddess is that.

Yes, goddess.

Because, in addition to using this word to describe, there are no other words that can be used to describe each other.

She has a long silvery white hair, along the curve of the extremely attractive spine down, down to the position of the back knee, and still no wind automatic, while gently swaying, while emitting a light light light.

Her pupils are pure blue, just like a blue planet. She is wearing a holy white skirt. Her feet are as white as jade. Without any clothes, she stands on the ground so naked. With her impeccable body curve and graceful figure, she is not as beautiful as there should be in the world, which makes people feel like they are looking at the highest level that has been completed Like art works, it is full of dreaminess and illusion.

Such beauty, such holiness, such dream and illusion can only be fully described with such words as "goddess".

At least, the other figure in the temple -- floating in the air, like a ghost without substance, thinks so.

At the beginning, "he" couldn't help looking at the past.

Until the goddess said that to him.

"It's abrupt, but let me go straight to the subject."

What theme?

To sum up, it is...

"you are dead, but I want you to come to my world and knock down the demon king, so I intend to revive you and make you a brave man to go to the world of sword and Magic - [Ohmi pertanson]"

That's what happened.

Then, the first dialogue will appear.

To be honest, "he" is not very willing to believe it.


The devil?


The world of sword and magic?

These words "he" do not understand.

However, when these words turn into real events and happen to them, the "he" is really muddled, or just muddled.

"He" did not even know how long it took him to accept such a setting.

It's just, one thing "he" knows very well.

"I have no other choice at all, do I?"

If it is the same as the goddess said, "he" should have died. If he did not accept the goddess's proposal, he would just disappear?

In this way, what other options are available?

By the way, the reason why we use "should" is that "he" doesn't remember whether he is really dead.

No, it should be said that he doesn't remember anything about himself.

Why is this?

It's simple.

"No matter how you choose, it's something you don't need."

That's what the goddess said.

No way.

If "he" refuses the goddess's request, the end has already been mentioned.

If "he" decides to accept it, in order not to let the attachment of the past life affect the new life, but also to prevent the technology and knowledge of the previous life from going deep into the other world, it would be a very simple way to keep those memories.

In view of this, "he" no longer remembers his own affairs. His knowledge of the world in which he is originally located only retains the common sense part. For example, he knows the existence of the network and the functions and uses of the network, but he does not know the principle of its existence and the conditions of its formation.

It's not the goddess.

"Once a person dies, it will soon disappear with nothing left, including existence and memory. Only because I need you, will I summon the existence itself of" you "and restore the memory of common sense for you, so that you will not be unable to understand the current situation and what will happen next."The goddess looked at "he" with the bright and beautiful eyes as if the stars were bright and beautiful, and said so with a faint smile.

"Anyway, you are dead, and the memory of your previous life has nothing to do with you. Even if you choose to go to a different world, I don't want the attachment of the previous life to affect your second life, and I don't want the technology and knowledge of the world where you lived in your last life to cause excessive impact on my world."

In other words, in any case, the memory of the previous life is impossible to come back.

"He" has no complaints.

First of all, since he has forgotten those memories, "he" naturally will not have any persistence.

Second, even if we oppose it, it will only be useless.

Or that sentence, "he" is dead and should have disappeared. Since people intend to revive him and give him a second life and a second life, how can he expect more?

To be able to survive, to have a second life, a second life, is a gift.

He should be content.

"You seem to have made up your mind."

The goddess seemed to be able to see through the inner thoughts of "he". She nodded as if nothing had happened, and at the same time, she extended her flawless hand to the direction of "he".

"Then, in the name of God, give you another life as a stranger."

With the sound of solemnity as if it could ring all over the temple, in the air, the transparent figure's body bloomed with light.

The light, dazzling as the sun, as bright as stars.

In this case, an equally dazzling "sword" emerged from the transparent figure.

"From now on, you will be called sheen."

"Don't let me down."

"I have been waiting for the brave for thousands of years."

When the voice dropped, the "man" and "sword" in the air disappeared in the temple.

After all this, the goddess took back her hand.

However, the goddess's eyes are still staring at the sky, as if still looking at the figure in general, murmuring.

"It's really the first time to see such a strong light. I hope he can achieve my long cherished wish."

Leaving such a whisper, the goddess closed her eyes and let the temple return to silence.

And the story, also as a starting point, announced the beginning.

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