What a arrogant "so what?"?

People stare at Lu chuchen and wonder whether this guy is too confident or not?

But more people's hearts, filled with anxious anger, after all, Lu chuchen's words, is to provoke everyone present.

However, the black fire in her palm, and the dark Qi that separates the world from the world, if there is one in her hand, declares that the world can't be hurt, let alone other people like ants.

Just for the next moment, Lu chuchen's eyes were slightly stagnant and fell on a figure caught by granny Ling.

The girl slightly side of the head, facial features are slightly covered by hair, but only one eye, Lu chuchen or feel the shock of the soul.

Her breath, her profile, the touch of blood on her

This Is it really The one who was cruelly left in the sky by her?!

Granny Ling felt Lu Chu Chen's emotional fluctuation. She picked up Lu jiuque. Her sharp claws almost pierced Lu jiuque's throat and warned him to land with her eyes.

As long as she dares to act rashly, she will pierce the blood vessel of this girl personally.

Lu chuchen immediately collected the black breath in her hands, and the dark Qi all over her body also quietly dispersed. She spread her palm upward and made a look that she would no longer resist. "OK, you win. Do you want the ghost gas in my blood? You may take it

This The guy who was arrogant just now will be arrested?

For such a sudden change, people are still a bit sluggish.

Then a shadow as misty as smoke appeared behind Lu Chu Chen. He raised his hand and hit Lu Chu Chen on the shoulder. With a voice that only two people could hear, he said: "I finally caught you..."

As the sound of the cold wind diffused, Lu chuchen suddenly went down to his waist. Under his feet, a piece of dark floating water overflowed, just like the dark ink lotus floating in the yellow spring, slowly turning with the breath of passing through reincarnation.

Under Lu Chu Chen's mask, her face was pale, and there was no blood on her lips. At the bottom of her robe, a black enchanting flower, which was killing her, was spreading along her skin.

If someone can see the situation under Lu Chu Chen's flesh and blood, he will surely find that Lu Chu Chen's breath is being swallowed up by this flower.

The man smile, ordinary face because of a smile, blooming in addition to the thrilling beauty.

He was very tall. Lu Chu Chen's slender and slender figure just reached his chest. Because of the spread of black flowers, Lu chuchen felt a little soft at his feet and leaned against the man's chest uncontrollably. She tried to resist the dizziness and gritted her teeth and said, "let your people let her go..."

The man bent down and leaned his chin on Lu chuchen's shoulder. He greedily absorbed and absorbed her breath. He murmured: "long time no see. Is that what you want to say to your old friend? First dust... "

Lu chuchen didn't pay attention to the people behind him, but kept in touch with Lu Jiuqu with his mental strength.

"Do you hear me Jiuer? "

"Jiuer Jiuer Do you hear me... "


Emperor Shifang stood on the side, quietly watching Lu Jiuqian's eyes closed and lifeless. However, the expectation in his heart was even higher

He was waiting for her, and the time finally came!

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