Chapter 828: Heart tremor (second more)

Name:The Defeated Dragon Author:白雨涵
Anthony Sapphire brought a bad news to Liszt.

Liszt proposed to work with the Sapphire family to make a big wave, and was rejected by the Sapphire Grand Duke. The reason was that the Kingdom of Blastburg and the Iron Ridge Kingdom had frictions. This year's development order may not be promulgated.

"The eagle kingdom does not know how much the promise of the kingdom of the blast furnace, and successfully provokes the confrontation between the kingdom of the Blast Furnace and the Kingdom of Iron Ridge. At the border of the two countries, there are already six dragon knights. This has led to the pressure of the eagle kingdom. Suddenly weakened, you can free your hands to defend the coastal hinterland."

"It's a pity." Liszt did not force.

The Sapphire Grand Duchy is known as the maritime hegemon, but in fact it is just a Grand Duchy. When you see the inorganics, you can retire.

As for Liszt, the situation is unclear, and he is not stupid enough to go to the eagle kingdom to plunder.

No matter whether he is a small fire dragon, invisible Longbad, it takes time to grow. The light emerald dragon Yisen has not recovered completely. This kind of combat power bully ordinary knights can also be a little lack of confidence in the battle against the dragon knight, so still concentrate on the development of the flame island.

He showed up to Anthony: "The serf trade sapphire family has more snacks, the news of the Flame Islands you should have already learned, I am working on development, will leave the sapphire at any time."

Anthony nodded. "Yes, we already know the news. You and the Knights of the Marquis of Marsh have not been disguised."

"With regard to the development of the Flame Islands, I have not been able to fully investigate it for the time being, so the migration of the founding of the country will be pushed back a few years. In the past few years, I hope that Dagong can continue to support it."

"Please rest assured that your sapphire family will support the flame family to build the country."

"So good, you have to come to Dark Island for a while, just stay for a few days and enjoy the food on the island."


Waiting for Anthony to eat and leave the oil.

Liszt also left the dark horse island with Azhe, and took the third batch of large ships to sail to the vortex islands. After the goods were transported to the town of the fire, he called for the invisible Longbad, and spent the whole day studying the magical transmission array with A.

The reason why I am so passionate.

It is because of the new smoke mission.

"Task: The whirlpool magic transmission array has been gradually studied under the study of the Kraken Agra, and it is possible to start experiments. This is related to major scientific research projects in the future. Why not work with the invisible dragon to help A-Carto and complete the first experiment. Reward: A deep understanding of the magic net."

This task means that A-Chao's research has entered a new stage.

The reward content is also very interesting, similar to the one that preceded the Great Whirlpool. That was a deep understanding of the magic transfer matrix, this time is a reward for the deep understanding of the magic net.

There is no doubt that this reward is firmly attracted to him.

He has tried many times on the magic net, and he has asked about Acha more than once. But apart from knowing that the magic net is a special kind of similar field and net that covers the whole world, there is no knowledge of the ability to dissociate between matter and magic, possess high-energy magic and have the ability to interfere with reality.

But there is no doubt that the magic net is an important part of the world. If he wants to go beyond the dragon knight cultivation system, he must definitely start with the magic net.

So this reward should not be missed.

"A moment, can the experiment begin? Is there any omission?" At the mouth of the whirlpool of the whirlpool, Liszt looked at the moments that constantly commanded the knight and the magician to arrange the experimental device, and could not help but ask a little nervous.

"Brother, A-Chun has repeatedly demonstrated the operation steps of the "Material-Magic Node Observation Experiment". With the help of Bud, there should be no accidents."


Time rushed into the heat of August.

Arranged for a week in a row, around the vortex hole, countless magic arrays set by A-Qin have finally been completed, completely covering the hole in the scope of the magic array. When all the knights and magicians were evacuated from the vortex hole, only Acha, Liszt and Invisible Longbad were left here.


Bud can't wait, it uses his ability to provide information for experiments at all times, and also through Liszt's communication, understand the content and purpose of this "material-magic node observation experiment" - the purpose is to create observational materials for it. Opportunities for the world's "boundary".

Only by observing the boundaries of the material world can you tear the border, look for the left side, and open the magical transmission array.

"Brother, let's get started!"

A nodded moment.

Liszt throws away all the mixed emotions, jumps on the invisible Longbad back to the dragon's tooth table, and quickly rides into the dragon riding mode. And Achao constantly started the complex magic array of the hole, these magic arrays gradually flashed complex magic light, and countless magic began to gather at the hole.


Liszt felt that his body began to swell. It was precisely that Bud’s body began to swell, and the magic of the magical array guided it to help its power in a short period of time.

But the magic is too noisy and needs to be refined.

Bud himself does not have this ability. Liszt has used the dragon fighting spirit to fuse the space magic of the invisible dragon, and quickly combines these magic powers into high-speed movement. With his "switch" as a magic power, the invisible dragon can calmly accept the stimulation of magic, and the power is skyrocketing.


Its body shape began to grow. It was originally only 15 meters long and 15 meters wingspan. It directly rose to a length of 20 meters and a wingspan of 20 meters. This is about the shape of its adulthood.

Adult invisible dragon!

The crystal white vision is also constantly changing. From the rough crystal structure world to the fine crystal structure world, and the Liszt running crystal white track, the world is more strange, as if every material and every magic is Decomposed into the finest crystal structure.

The magic array is still activating, more magic is filled with vortex holes, Liszt indulging in the invisible dragon's power and novelty, and suddenly hears the clear engraving: "Brother, began to guide the magic for high-frequency resonance, stripping Material, find the node of the material boundary!"


Liszt suddenly became awake from power, and the dragon's fighting spirit, the space magic of the invisible dragon quickly integrated into the surrounding environment, began to show its power to dominate the space.

The wings flapped and the magic surged.

The interior space of the vortex cave is like a wave of water, and as the power of the invisible dragon continues to linger, the boundary of the material that is invisible to the naked eye is gradually stripped, revealing the scene outside the boundary. At the same time, a looming wormhole space began to show up.

"Try harder, Bud!"

Liszt screamed and violently ran the dragon with the invisible dragon. The power of space constantly rips off the material boundary, and finally the material boundary is smashed and cracked.

The wormhole space red fruit is exposed in the crystal white track.

next moment.

One person and one dragon have shaken their wings and flew into the wormhole space. The magic array behind the vortex hole seems to be unable to withstand the tears of the magic tide, and it is annihilated. But at this time the magic array has no effect, Liszt directly into the wormhole space, as an adult invisible dragon knight.

The crystal white trajectory keeps running, and the wormhole space is not under the gaze of his eyes.

The huge, deep magic net wraps the straw-like wormhole space, but when Liszt's gaze casts deeper into the magic net, it slams into the hole.

Uncontrollable tremors are emitted from the bottom of my heart.

"Terror is so good!"