Wei ruoyi was pushed, and then he recovered.

However, her shit luck was not so good this time. The bear slapped the bodyguard who had just pushed away Wei ruoyi, and then roared and rushed towards Wei ruoyi again.

"Mommy!" Wei ruoyi shouted at this posture. She naturally used the footwork given to her by Xiao Jin. First, she avoided the first Palm waved by the bear towards her. The bear claws brushed her shoulder, which scared her into a cold sweat.

There were people everywhere in the warm Pavilion. Wei ruoyi wanted to run, but he had no place to run. He only hardened his head and waved to the bear with a lampstand as a long knife.

The black bear opened his mouth and rushed directly to Wei ruoyi. Wei ruoyi groaned, propped herself on the ground with the lampstand, and turned her body in the air. This move is one of the Wei family's Sabre techniques. She used it once before when she went to save her eldest brother, but last time she turned over several killers, and this time she turned over and fell directly on the bear's back.

Wei ruoyi... God sent her to be funny!

She didn't have time to think about it. She wound the lampstand in her hand and stuck it on the bear's neck with the pole of the lampstand. Then she grabbed both sides of the pole and tried to strangle the black bear's neck back.

She rode on the black bear's back and tried her best to hold the lampstand in her hand. The pole of the lampstand passed in front of the bear's neck and was locked on the bear's neck like an iron chain. Wei ruoyi used her milk strength to pull the bear back. The black bear felt suffocated and rushed and bumped like crazy, I want to get the Wei Ruo clothes off my back.

That is to say, Wei ruoyi rode on the bear. If he had been a different person, he would have been knocked down by the black bear. Wei ruoyi's strength is great. In this case, she tries her best. Not only her hands are stuck on the bear's neck, but her legs are also clamped on the bear's back. Fortunately, the black bear is the smaller one among the black bears. Almost several times, Wei ruoyi felt that he was going to be dumped by the black bear. She knew from the bottom of her heart that as long as she was dumped by the bear, she would not die and would be caught by the bear.

So if you want to be immortal, you can only fix yourself on the bear's back. Even if you relax a little, you can't imagine the end. So even if the bear with Wei Ruo clothes bumped towards the door, the seven meat and eight vegetables of Wei Ruo clothes were hit, and the eyes were full of Venus. He didn't dare to loosen his arm at all, but he was more and more dead.

If you don't let go, there is still a glimmer of hope for life.

Just when Wei ruoyi felt that she was almost unable to hold on, she actually felt that the strength of the bear seemed to be weakened.

The wild bear seems to be losing strength.

What's going on? Wei ruoyi didn't have the strength and energy to explore. He grabbed the lampstand in his hand and stuck the bear's throat!

The bear jumped twice again and rushed to the opposite wall again, trying to knock down the Wei Ruo clothes on his back, but this time he ran two steps, he seemed to have no strength, hit the opposite wall, shook his body twice, and then fell to the ground.

The bear's claws stretched forward, leaving several scratches on the wall, and then slipped to the ground.

Wei ruoyi still kept the posture of riding on the bear's back. He dared to relax for a moment and still grabbed the lampstand in his hand.

At this time, the gate of the warm pavilion was kicked from the outside, and a large number of bodyguards rushed in.

It turned out that the chaos outside alerted the forbidden guards in the palace. The forbidden guards poured in from all directions. First, some people stopped the riots outside, and at the same time, some people rushed into the warm Pavilion.

The warm pavilion was already in a mess, but as soon as I came in, the most striking thing was that a black bear fell in front of the human wall surrounded by guards. The black bear didn't know whether it was dead or dizzy. Anyway, it didn't move. The other was the wolf's body and the wounded bodyguard.

"Your Majesty, I'm late for help. I hope to make atonement." the imperial guards ordered people to cut the last two ends of the wolf, who was still fighting with the guards, and knelt down in front of the human wall on one knee.

"Lord Dutong, there is another bear here!" someone saw the big black bear in the corner and said immediately. "There is another man riding on the bear's back."

”Escort! " Liu Shi shouted. The forbidden army came up again and immediately cast a human wall in front of his majesty.

When the forbidden army was in Tongliu, please separate the crowd and rushed over to have a look. You almost didn't laugh.

The Wei Ruo clothes riding on the bear's back were already Dishevelled. The princess's crown on her head had long been unknown where it fell. Her hair was dazzling. She was red with eyes and clenched her teeth! Wait, Liu Shi, please get closer and see clearly. It turned out that the girl in the princess's dress was biting the fur on the bear's back.

Liu Shi, please

I saw Wei ruoyi at the scene, so the forbidden guards

The forbidden guard poked the bear and the bear didn't move. Then someone dared to reach out and explore the bear's nose. At this time, he was almost laughed to death. The bear's tongue was long, and the bear's eyes were round and red and congested. After touching the bear's nose, there was no breath of going in and out.

"Liu Dutong, I'm afraid the bear was strangled alive..." the forbidden army looked at the petite figure riding on the bear's back in horror. Her sleeve had been torn and exposed half of her slender and white arm. Now the green tendons on the arm were going to burst. She grabbed a column that looked like she didn't know what it was, It's probably this cylindrical thing that killed the bear.

"Your Highness?" Liu Shi asked her to hold hands. Although he could not see the appearance of Wei ruo's clothes, he recognized the style of her dress. This is the standard palace dress that the princess can wear. He tried to shout Wei ruoyi. "The bear is dead," he said softly.

Wei ruoyi

She loosened the mouth that was going to die on the bear's back, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh! There was an unspeakable smell in her mouth. Wei ruoyi immediately disliked what she disliked and was dying. What did she think just now? She was able to speak.

But just now, out of desperation, she could only open her mouth and bite the bear's back. Although she knew it might not help, it was good to have more places to fix herself.

Today, Wei ruoyi realized what rabbits can bite when they are in a hurry! not bad She's the mouth thief. Good rabbit, hurry! She bit a bear!

Please shout and call her urgent rabbit upgrade 2.0