She picked up a lamp post, weighed it in her hand, and then retreated a long way. There was a start move of ghost sword technique, and then the ghost sword technique was waved out of her hand.

The weight of the lamp post is sufficient. When it dances, it is very lively. When it flies up and down, you can see the speed and ruthlessness of the ghost sword technique at a glance.

Today, Wei Ruo Yi was willing to show her face under your majesty, so she didn't dare to neglect it at all. She has practiced this Sabre technique perfectly.

HengDi first came to watch with a feeling of watching children play. He didn't know that Wei ruoyi was stopped immediately.

He also practiced martial arts when he was young, but he didn't have time after he became king, so his martial arts was abandoned. Although he doesn't practice now, he is an expert after all. Others only watch Wei ruoyi for fun, but in his opinion, when Wei Yi was as big as Wei ruoyi, he used this set of sabre technique, which is just as good as the current Wei ruoyi!

When did the girl learn this knife technique.

The sword technique of the Wei family is invincible, and it is unfavourable on the battlefield. Even the Murong family's gun technique is not necessarily better than the ghost sword technique. The Murong family has the name of the God of war of the Qi Dynasty.

The Wei family has successors! No wonder Wei Yi only recognizes Wei ruoyi as his legitimate daughter. It can be seen that this girl really has something special about her.

After a set of sabre technique was performed, Wei ruo's face was not red, and he was not panting. This made Heng Di even more frightened at the bottom of his heart. How strong was the girl!

"Have you ever read the book of war?" emperor Heng asked.

"Yes," Wei ruoyi said with a fist, "My courtier is really mischievous. My eldest brother forced my courtier to read. Your majesty knows what's strange. He knows me, but I don't know it. He has to go to bed as soon as he reads it. It's hard to try. Later, my eldest brother brought the military book to my courtier. Guess what, your majesty? My courtier doesn't know the strange, but she knows the platoon cloth Array... Elder brother, in order to make the courtiers accept their temper, he simply moved all the military books at home to the courtiers. The courtiers can't remember, but can remember these. "

"Really?" emperor Heng's eyes lit up. "You can really remember the contents of the book of war. Do you know that it's a crime to deceive the king to talk big in front of me."

"I dare not. Please test your majesty." Wei ruoyi nodded and said.

"OK!" emperor Heng patted his hand and asked the eunuch to find some books of war. "Have you ever read these books?"

Wei ruoyi looked at it, then nodded, "these books are available in the women's homes and have been read. They are already familiar in the chest."

"Well, I'll test you. If you can say it, I'll give you a great reward." emperor Heng took one out of those books, opened it casually, and took a paragraph from the middle to read. "What's behind this paragraph?"

Wei ruoyi almost recited it calmly without much thought. Not only emperor Heng, but also Xiao Youcheng took Wei ruoyi seriously.

Xiao Youcheng has always heard that Wei ruoyi is nothing more than what Chong'an is arrogant and shameless. There is no good word, but now Xiao Youcheng is really surprised by the performance of Wei ruoyi. He now vaguely understood why Xiao Wu asked himself to help Wei Ruo Yi.

Emperor Heng took the test several times in a row, and Wei ruoyi answered it like a stream. Emperor Heng was surprised and changed a Book casually. The test results were still the same.

Emperor Heng put down the book, then smiled at Wei ruoyi and said, "it's really a tiger girl! The ancients sincerely didn't deceive me. Say, what reward do you want?"

Wei ruoyi's heart jumped wildly. She waited so long to wait for this moment.

She straightened her skirt, then knelt down respectfully in front of her majesty, and gave emperor Heng three very pious kowtows, which made him confused.

Emperor Heng owed a body, "Chong'an, what do you mean?"

"Your Majesty." Wei ruoyi straightened up his body and said to Emperor Heng, "I don't want any other reward. I just ask your majesty to give my daughter a chance to work for your majesty and protect the country together with my father. Your majesty, I really have selfishness to ask for this."

"Oh?" emperor Heng was interested. "How about your selfishness? Tell me."

"My father has been fighting for your majesty for many years. How long can my father fight? My daughter used to be young and ignorant. She acted recklessly by her father's love for her daughter. But one day, my daughter suddenly understood that the reason why my daughter can be so reckless is all due to my father's great military achievements, your Majesty's trust and magnanimous grace in my father. Since my daughter is not talented, she is The daughter of the Wei family should be like her father. The Wei family's success depends on her Majesty's grace, but one day her father can't go to the battlefield again. What should the Wei family do? Your majesty, please fulfill your little selfishness. My father gave my daughter a carefree youth, and my daughter also wanted to give my father an environment and conditions to enjoy her old age. "Wei ruoyi said, Just crawl on the ground and bury your head between your arms, "Pray for your Majesty's success. Your courtiers are willing to serve the country, loyal to the king and patriotic. If your majesty really wants to reward you, then give your courtiers a chance to repay your father's upbringing and your Majesty's magnanimous grace. Your courtiers know they can't reach your father's level, but your courtiers are sincere in repaying their kindness. Your courtiers are still young, you can see and learn. Your courtiers are not afraid of hardship. Just ask for one chance Already. "

After listening to the emperor for a long time, Wei ruoyi was worried. Would she take too big a step? But if she doesn't take risks, she never knows when she will have a better chance than now.

After so many years in the workplace, Wei ruoyi knows a truth very well. Sometimes it's right to take risks. Because only when you have ambition and show your ambition appropriately, others will weigh and give you a chance to show it.

But the degree of ambition is really difficult to grasp.

If you show well, you will get twice the result with half the effort. If you don't show well, you will be on the verge of success.

She gambled several times in a row today, but don't drop the chain at this last step.

Wei ruoyi waited quietly and was very calm. Xiao Youcheng looked a little angry and raised his eyes to his father.

What Wei ruoyi just said is small selfishness. It is clearly great ambition!

When the Wei family came to the Wei Yi generation, it could be said that there were no successors. Seeing that Wei Yirong retired, no one could inherit the sword technique of the Wei family, but now a Wei Ruo clothes jumped out.

On the one hand, Xiao Youcheng hopes that someone in the Wei family can shoulder the heavy responsibility. After all, the Wei family is the most capable general of fighting. On the other hand, Xiao Youcheng doesn't want the Wei family to be dominant.