The child is really talkative. Is this hoping for something?

Although there was nothing wrong with this, why did Wei ruoyi always feel sour in his ears.

"I'm a little lucky, but I'm just hurt." Wei ruoyi said with a smile.

Wei Huayi saw that she didn't stimulate Wei ruoyi. She still had a comfortable smile on her face, and the corners of her mouth turned slightly. It seems true that she hurt her brain outside. Otherwise, with her original eye above the top, she would have looked at herself through her nostrils.

Wei Huayi's eyes fell on the rouge powder placed on the table. With the things of avant-garde Ruo clothes, they dare not move, but now she's out of her mind?

Wei Huayi's eyes slipped, raised his eyes and said to Wei ruoyi with a smile, "elder sister, your boxes are so beautiful!"

"Do you like it?" Wei Ruo Yi asked without much thought.

"Yes, elder sister, can you send some of these to me?" Wei Huayi asked tentatively.

In line with the idea that they are all their own sisters and can have a good relationship, Wei ruoyi nodded almost without thinking, "if you like it, take it all. Anyway, it's just delivered and hasn't even moved."

This is a pie falling from the sky!

The proud and stingy Wei Ruo clothes are so generous?

Wei Huayi took a deep look at Wei ruoyi. It seems that this man's brain is really bad!

"Really?" Wei Huayi refused, "This is specially made for the eldest sister! Isn't she going to attend the red leaf conference the day after tomorrow? Don't use these things to dress up? Eldest sister, you don't know. When you didn't come back, everyone said that it was the third sister who went to the red leaf Conference. The third sister made new clothes and made new jewelry early. She was stupid as soon as you came back!"

Wei ruoyi

Does the girl really have solid eyes or is she stirring up discord?

It's hard to make any comments. Wei ruoyi can only smile to cover up. In fact, she robbed Wei Lanyi's post. If she had just pushed it, the person who went would still be Wei Lanyi.

She just wanted to use this thing to test the water and explore the way. She didn't expect to really find some water flowers.

"Isn't she going to be angry with me?" Wei Ruo Yi covered his lips with a little surprise.

"If she wants to be angry, she will go. Who cares about her?" Wei Huayi's mouth is like wiping honey. "Who doesn't know that the most beautiful person in our Wei house is the eldest sister. She has the title of county head. This kind of party is the most suitable for eldest sister."

Wei ruoyi smiled again.

If Wei ruoyi was replaced by the original one, it would be very useful to hear this, but Wei ruoyi, who has been rolling in the workplace for so many years, thinks that since this girl can belittle Wei Huayi in front of her, she can belittle her in front of Wei Huayi.

You can't listen to her.

When Wei ruoyi got his things, Wei Huayi happily asked his servant girl to come and collect them, and exchanged greetings with Wei ruoyi. Then he left contentedly.

Wei ruoyi was relieved.

Oh, my God, why does she feel that returning home is more tired than going to work in the company?

Wei ruoyi let green calyx and green pistil close the door, and he fell on his bed in a big font.

"County leader, what would you like to eat in the evening?" Lvrui asked. "Just now, the old ancestor sent someone to send a message that the county leader must be very tired just after he came back from outside, so he doesn't have to go to have dinner with her."

"Eat pig brain!" Wei ruoyi said gnashing his teeth.

Green pistil

"That thing..." the green calyx carefully replied, "it's disgusting. Can we have something else to eat?"

"Make up for the shape with the shape!" Wei ruoyi said with a hate voice biting his teeth. "My brain is not enough now!"

Green calyx and green pistil looked at each other. They didn't know what Wei ruoyi was talking about... They often didn't understand what the county Lord said after he hit his head.

Seeing his two maidens standing foolishly, Wei ruoyi vented his anger, "come on, eat tofu! Just eat it as pig brain!"

It's scary to stew pig brain