Ruan Shiqing took her in his arms, and while asking 09 to prepare first aid medicine, he strode into the house.

Suddenly I kicked a white tube under my feet.

Strip shape, covered with dust.

Ruan Shiqing picked it up, and after seeing it clearly, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

Although the handwriting on it is blurred, but through the remaining handwriting, he can determine that this nutritional supplement is one of the one on the windowsill that he placed.

The little fox has not eaten yet.

Ruan Shiqing couldn't tell what it was like.

He handed over the nutritional supplements to 09 for storage, and carried the little fox up to the second floor.

"Noah, help me connect with Dr. Hook's video." The little fox's identity is sensitive. Doctor Hook, treated by the little mermaid, asks for help.

The doctor's virtual image appeared in the room, Ruan Shiqing first asked 09 to clean the little fox, and he described the little fox's condition to the doctor and asked how to give first aid.

"There is no fatal injury on the body, the body is in a coma, and the vital signs are constantly weakening... There are many possibilities for such a situation." Dr. Hook said: "Without precise instruments, it is difficult for me to confirm the cause."

Ruan Shiqing frowned in embarrassment and hesitated: "Her identity is not very convenient..."

Doctor Hook immediately understood his concerns.

Situations like this are not unique on this planet.

If such a person is injured, most of them are afraid to enter the inner city hospital.

"Then you can only try the treatment cabin." Dr. Hook said: "The treatment cabin can heal most wounds, but the price is not cheap."

"The cheapest old treatment cabin on the market also costs half a million stars."

Except for a few intractable diseases, most of the pain and trauma treatment cabins can be cured. The treatment cabin is much more efficient than traditional medical and surgical treatments.

However, the purchase price of the treatment cabin is very expensive. Except for large hospitals and some rich people, very few people can afford it.

Although the hospital also provides treatment cabin services, but because the purchase price is too expensive, the price of one use is also between 5,000 and 50,000 stars.

This is a very expensive treatment option that few people choose.

500,000 stars.

This is an unattainable number for the current Ruan Shiqing.

Although the engine sold 450,000 before, the cost during this period was even more. In addition, some time ago, he spent a lot of star coins in order to buy materials for making blasters and protective systems. Now he has only one hundred thousand star coins left when he is full.

Equivalent to one fifth of a treatment cabin.

After cutting off the communication, he glanced at the unconscious little fox. After hesitating for a while, he brought his blaster gun, called the Xiong brothers, and went to the inner city.

Ruan Shiqing went to the counter where I bought Zhinao last time.

This counter is the largest counter in the entire mall, opened by an agent of Naxi Company. If you want to buy a treatment cabin, only this counter may have it.

Ruan Shiqing entered the store, but was greeted by a familiar face.

Gu Feng looked surprised: "Mr. Ruan?"

He welcomed people in: "What do you want to buy this time?"

The ancient human shopping guide Ruan Shiqing encountered when he was buying Zhinao before was Gu Feng.

But now Gu Feng has a new look from the inside out, no longer under pressure like before, but also under the pressure of being dismissed and unemployed at any time, the whole person is refreshed and in high spirits.

Ruan Shiqing noticed that the job card on his chest was "Store Manager".

"You're promoted? Congratulations."

Gu Feng smiled, a little embarrassed: "It was thanks to Mr. Ruan that I didn't get fired, and then I was lucky to negotiate a big deal, and I was promoted to a store by exception. long."

Ruan Shiqing did not take credit, Gu Feng was able to stay, relying on his own ability.

"I want to buy a treatment cabin, is it in stock?"

"The treatment cabin?" Gu Feng was slightly surprised. Then he hesitated: "There is one, but the model is very old, and it has been exhibited as a sample before. You know, few people from the B3024 star can afford the treatment cabin."

Hearing that he was in stock, Ruan Shiqing breathed a sigh of relief and asked about the price.

"This is the earliest type I blue light therapy cabin produced by Naxi Company. The original price is 600,000 star coins, but when the exhibits have been placed for too long, they are a little old. If you need it, I can apply for a preferential price, and the final price will be around 450,000."

"450,000..." Ruan Shiqing said: "Can I get a loan or mortgage?"

He told the truth: "I urgently need a treatment cabin, but the cash I can take out is only 100,000 stars. In addition, there is a two-story building in the outer city, and an explosion Guns can be used as collateral.”

Ruan Shiqing took out the blaster.

Gu Feng looked at this peculiar firearm with a stunned expression: "You opened the repair shop that was rumored in the outer city before, right?"

He thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute, I can try to fight with the above."

Recently, the repair shop called "Ruan" in the outer city is not small.

First, the remodeled shuttle car "Gaia" stood out in the preliminary round of the shuttle car race and was an unpopular; then a new type of firearm was created, with amazing power... Not only the outer city, but also the The inner city has also heard about it, and I heard that many people are very interested in this ancient human repairer.

The value of Ruan Shiqing is immeasurable.

The people above thought the same as him, and it only took Gu Feng ten minutes to convince the other party.

Agree Ruan Shiqing to pay 100,000 star coins first, and at the same time the house and blaster in the outer city as collateral, if the remaining 350,000 payment is paid off within one month, it will be returned to the original owner.

However, in case it cannot be paid, the house and blaster will be repossessed.

Pay off the 350,000 arrears within a month, otherwise the house and blaster will be recovered. This condition is a bit harsh.

Gu Feng apologised: "This is the longest time I can fight for."

"Enough." He was sure to make money back in a month.

Ruan Shiqing transferred the star coins and said, "I need to take the treatment cabin away now."

Gu Feng immediately ordered someone to take the treatment cabin out of the warehouse and hand it over to the Xiong brothers.

After thanking him, Ruan Shiqing rushed home with the treatment cabin.

At home, 09 has been monitoring the vital signs of the little fox.

Her heartbeat has stopped, and her breathing is barely detectable.

Ruan Shiqing rushed back with the treatment cabin, picked up the little fox, and put it in.

The transparent door of the treatment cabin is closed, the blue light lights up, and many data are flashed on the display screen.

09 Keeping an eye on the data, she said with joy, "The trauma has begun to heal, and the heartbeat has begun to recover."

There are a lot of injuries on the little fox, but they are all skin injuries, not fatal. However, due to unknown reasons, he fell into a coma, and his vital signs began to gradually disappear.

Ruan Shiqing heard the broadcast of 09, and then he felt relieved: "It's good to be useful."

The whole family was nervously guarding the treatment cabin, paying close attention to the little fox's condition. Only the little dragon cub was too short, and he couldn't see anything after jumping around for a long time, so he simply climbed to the top of 09's head, and kept looking at his body: "Is this the new sister?"

He also remembered what Ruan Shiqing said "first come, first come".

The little fox is later, so he will be the elder brother!

The little dragon cub, who consciously rose one level, was secretly happy, and asked eagerly: "When will my sister wake up?"

He can't wait to be a big brother!

"It won't be long." Ruan Shiqing took him off 09's head and touched his little head: "Let her rest for a while, maybe she will wake up tomorrow. "

Nota lay in the treatment cabin for three days.

In the past three days, all the trauma on her body has been healed, and all the data indicators have returned to normal, but she has not woken up.

Ruan Shiqing had to seek help from Dr. Hu Ke again, but the reply he got was not optimistic.

The doctor advised him to observe for a few more days.

Go to a planet with a higher medical level.

Ruan Shiqing felt heavy, but did not give up.

He wiped the tube of nutritional supplements with blurred writing, put it in the palm of the little fox, and whispered, "Don't give up."

Because the little fox has not been able to wake up, the atmosphere at home has become a little heavy, the little mermaid and the little dragon cub no longer like to play in the pool in the yard, the two cubs often pick up The edge of the bucket, staring at the little fox in the treatment cabin.

The little dragon cub squeezed the rubber duck and said in a murmur, "I want to be a brother too."

Rong Heng on the side saw all of these.

After Ruan Shiqing went downstairs to work and the two cubs took a nap, he approached the treatment cabin.

The cub's body is too small to reach the treatment cabin. But now that the protective system is installed in the house, it is inconvenient for him to return to his human form. After a lot of work, he finally opened the treatment cabin.

Jumped into the treatment cabin, Rong Heng approached the nine-tailed fox cub, sniffed lightly, and pressed her forehead to feel her mental state.

As he guessed.

On the day he picked up the little fox, he smelled several different blood odors on the little fox.

Other people thought that the blood belonged to this nine-tailed fox cub, but he was sensitively aware that there was other people's blood on her body.

She should have experienced a fight and was the one who won.

The nine-tailed fox clan is good at illusion and can confuse people. Compared with the fighting style of Yumir and the dragon clan, their fighting style relies more on spiritual power.

However, the research on spiritual power is still in its infancy, and even the Nine-tailed Fox Clan itself has not been able to fully understand it.

What is currently known is that the pure nine-tailed fox family has been able to use illusion since birth. The purer the bloodline, the stronger the power.

So over the years, in order to ensure the strength of the race, the nine-tailed fox clan has rejected intermarriage with foreign races.

But in reality, there are exceptions to everything. Over the years, the nine-tailed fox clan has not produced a powerful mixed-race.

In the continuation of the millennium, the pure blood has completely controlled the voice of the nine-tailed fox. In order to maintain the status and interests of the pure blood, no one is willing to change this status quo.

Rong Heng always felt that this was a stupid act of suicide.

For example, this mixed-race cub, who has never received any guidance and education, has been able to live in the chaotic B3024 for so long, and has learned the illusion of the nine-tailed fox clan without a teacher. Although the illusion almost drained her mental strength and made her fall asleep, but if she can survive this level, she will never be inferior to any pureblood when she grows up in the future.

Not accepting this cub is the loss of the Nine-tailed Fox clan.

Rong Heng has always admired people with tough characters, even if this is just a cub in front of him.

He bowed his head slightly, touching the forehead of the nine-tailed fox cub.

In that case, let me save you again.

The vigorous vitality is continuously transmitted through the forehead.

This is one of the innate skills of the Yumir tribe.

Most people only know that Yomir has great power and is an invincible warrior, but they don't know that Yomir is actually good at healing. It's just that this kind of treatment comes at the expense of Yomir's own vitality.

It's like a bucket, they can give the water in the bucket to others, but every time they go out, they will reduce a little.

This secret has been buried in the dust of time after the number of Yomirs dwindled, and almost no one but themselves knows it.

It took five minutes to complete the treatment, Rong Heng glanced at the cub and jumped out of the treatment cabin.

As soon as she stood firm, she met a pair of big yellow eyes.

"What are you doing?" The little dragon cub stared at him curiously.

Rong Heng glanced at him, didn't answer, bypassed him and walked straight to the bedroom.

It took his vitality, he is a little tired now and needs to catch up on sleep.

The little dragon cub persevered and followed behind him: "How did you jump up? Is your sister awake?"

Newborn pups always have a lot of weird problems and amazing energy.

Rong Heng was so annoyed by him that he bit the back of the little dragon cub's neck violently, dragged him out of the bedroom, and quickly closed the bedroom door before he could react.

The source of the noise was finally isolated. His Royal Highness was very satisfied. He jumped on the bed and fell asleep curled up on the pillow.

Only the little dragon cub, who was ruthlessly driven out, was still indignant, and with his short legs upside down, he struggled to climb to the side of the wooden barrel and complained to the little mermaid: "Brother is too bad-tempered! I want to tell dad!"

The little mermaid, who knew everything but couldn't speak, touched his head and invited him into the bucket to practice the skills of freezing water with himself.

The little dragon cub spread its wings, floated on its back on the water, yawned lazily, and spat out a small flame.

He doesn't practice.

The business of the repair shop has obviously improved. It was 8 o'clock in the evening when Ruan Shiqing sent the last customer away.

Close the sign that the business is closed, Ruan Shiqing closed the door and went upstairs to take a shower and change clothes.

09 Habitually checked the data of the treatment cabin, looked at it, and suddenly exclaimed: "Sir! Sir! She is awake!"

"Awake?" Ruan Shiqing strode out of the bedroom, opened the cabin door of the treatment cabin, and saw that the little fox's eyelashes were constantly blinking, struggling to wake up.

Everyone was nervously surrounding the treatment cabin, waiting for the little fox to wake up.

Nota felt that she had just experienced a long journey, her body was weak and weak, and her mind was dizzy.

I opened my eyes in a daze, and saw a familiar and unfamiliar face.

She blinked, not sure if she was dreaming, but she lowered her eyes in a guilty conscience and apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry."

Sorry for breaking your eggs.

Ruan Shiqing certainly understood what she was talking about.

He took the little dragon cub over and put it on the edge of the treatment cabin: "Thanks to you breaking that egg, Harry can get out of the egg."

He immediately danced and murmured while lying on the side: "Although you came out of the shell earlier than me, but our family pays attention to come first, so you have to call me brother."

Little Dragon Cub always firmly believes that the cubs in the family all came out of eggs, but they are not the same as him.

Nota looked at him blankly, a little at a loss.

If this is a dream, this dream is too beautiful.

She seemed to be torn into two people, one was bubbling with joy; the other was full of disbelief and repeatedly asked, is this all true?

Little Dragon Cub was very dissatisfied with her uncooperativeness, and immediately pulled the little mermaid beside her to seek an alliance: "Well, we are all brothers, hurry up and call me brother."

He held his head up like a big brother.

Nota pursed her lips and whispered "brother".

Little Dragon Cub was very satisfied, and generously gave her his rubber duck: "This is my favorite toy."

On the day he first came, Ruan Yuebai gave him this little duck. Now he passed the little duck to Nuo Tower, who had just arrived, as if he had completed some kind of very solemn ceremony.

The happy tail of the little dragon cub was raised.

The little mermaid watched from the side, thought for a while, clenched her hands into fists, and stretched it out in front of Nota, motioning her to reach out.

Harry sent the duckling, and he could never send the same again.

Nota stretched out his hand hesitantly, palm up.

The little mermaid smiled shyly, spread out her five fingers, and a crystal clear little star fell from her palm. Nota opened her eyes wide in surprise, staring intently at the stars in her palm.

When she used to wander outside alone, she used to look at the stars at night.

Those stars are so bright and dazzling, but they are separated from her by the distance of the entire Milky Way, which is impossible to see.

But now, she holds two stars.

The little fox lowered his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

She has never been so happy.

Rong Heng, who was woken up, came out of the bedroom, just in time to see this scene. His eyes were fixed on the little mermaid, and after a while, he moved away as if nothing had happened.

One or two of these cubs is not a worry.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was not very happy, and thought of a way to solve the identity problem of these cubs.

In a short period of time, we may be able to live in peace. But after a long time, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be coveted by others and cause trouble.

It is better to solve it as soon as possible.


The little fox stayed.

Her trauma has been completely healed under the treatment of the treatment cabin, and there is not even a single scar left.

Just because of her special status, she can only stay on the second floor during the day. Only after the business is suspended will she go for a walk in the yard.

The two cubs took great care of her, and they took the initiative to stay on the second floor to play for fear that one of her cubs would be bored.

Ruan Shiqing began to wonder, how to realize the existing technology as soon as possible, exchange it for star coins, and quickly repay the debt.

The easiest way is to make more blasters and sell them publicly. However, although the blaster gun is powerful, it is really sold, and the price should not be too outrageous. A maximum of five thousand star coins, otherwise the price is too high, and not many people can afford it.

But in this way, the payment cycle is stretched too long, and he has less than a month left.

Arrears of 350,000, excluding cost, at least 70 blasters must be sold. And with his own strength, even if he rushes to work day and night, it may not be enough time.

With the production capacity of one person alone, blaster guns cannot make a lot of money.

Ruan Shiqing pondered that he should probably find someone to cooperate with, if there is a professional production line for production, and then shipped to other planets for sale, the profit will be immeasurable.

But who to go to is debatable.

This time, Shen Wuzhuo brought Marin's invitation.

"Invite me to the banquet?" Ruan Shiqing flipped through the bronzing invitation and raised his brows.

He had nothing to do with Marin, so he suddenly invited him to the banquet, mostly out of conspiracy.

Shen Wuzhuo said frankly: "Marin wants to know you, he is very interested in the blaster gun you made."

It happened that he was also an ancient human, so he was sent as a messenger.

If I really want to doze off, someone will send a pillow. Ruan Shiqing pondered for a while before accepting the invitation: "I will attend on time."

The task was completed, Shen Wuzhuo didn't stay long, and left after drinking a cup of tea.

It was Ruan Shiqing who fell into contemplation for the invitation.

Marin set up a grand banquet. Although he chose to attend the banquet, he could not be unprepared.

If you have chips in your hand, you are qualified to negotiate with the dealer.

The weight of the blaster is obviously not enough.

Ruan Shiqing pondered for a long time and called 09 over...

Two days later, Ruan Shiqing went to the banquet as scheduled.

He deliberately changed into a formal suit, and all the broken hair hanging down on his forehead was covered with hairspray, revealing a full and smooth forehead, as well as sharp eyebrows below it.

After these time of recuperation, his body has been raised by a few centimeters, and his height has gradually approached his original height.

The sallow caused by malnutrition subsides and the skin glows with a healthy glow.

At first glance, Ruan Shiqing is already a handsome young man.

Only the face is slightly rounded, and it also reveals a bit of youthful tenderness.

Ruan Shiqing had no means of transportation, so Marin specially arranged for Shen Wuzhuo to pick him up.

He was not pretentious, and took 09 into the car calmly.

Because of the banquet, the little robot 09 also wore a formal suit. This was the first time he attended a banquet in his life. 09 was actually a little nervous.

But he thought that he could not embarrass the master, so he imitated Ruan Shiqing and sat upright.

Shen Wuzhuo glanced at him and said, "This robot of yours looks smarter than many robots."

Ruan Shiqing made every effort: "09 has always been very good."

There was nothing to say after that.

The speed of the landboat was very fast, and ten minutes later, they arrived at the banquet scene.

In the backward and poor outer city, this extravagant banquet is so out of place.

The waiters on the left and right bent down and welcomed Ruan Shiqing in unison.

"I can only accompany you here." Shen Wuzhuo said in a low voice.

Ruan Shiqing smiled at him and took 09 into the banquet hall.