Chapter 313 Cherished Family Members

At Hindman Manor

For the duration of Princess Xenia’s Trial, Jayra had decided to stay at the Hindman Manor with her in-laws. Currently, she was helping her mother-in-law prepare the dinner table for Chancellor Talon and Bartos’s arrival when Bella suddenly appeared.

“Looks like Princess Xenia is starting to gain the admiration of the Cordonians,” Bella offhandedly commented as she comfortably took her seat in the dining hall. “She showed great skill in passing the fireball trap today according to the news. It’s only too bad that I’m unable to witness it since the registration ate up most of the time inside the arena.”

“But there’s more to come, and I’m sure Princess Xenia will earn everyone’s respect in this journey,” Jayra proudly stated. “She worked hard during her training, aside from her prior learned skills from our kingdom, of course.”

Of course, Jayra cheered her friend on. She was able to watch her progress, and she couldn’t help but cheer loudly, not minding the other members of the Lock Heart pack who were watching the same thing with her at the sacred castle ruins where the symbol was engraved. There were also a lot of viewers from their pack who were curious to see how the Princess of Ebodia was doing inside the Element Forest.

“Hmm… Look at you. You’re like a proud sister,” Bella jokingly teased. “Will you also be proud of me if I reached the finale of the trial, Sister-in-law?”

“Of course, I will,” Jayra chuckled with a smile. “But remember your promise to yield it’s not Clara that you’ll have to face.”

Bella chuckled, only nodding at Jayra’s reminder.

“Only Clara? How about Princess Xenia?” Livia interrupted. “Won’t you yield if you have to face her?”

Jayra looked at Bella, who simply shrugged as she said, “It would be nice to experience fighting the Princess as well, but I’ll also yield.” She wondered aloud, “Maybe I should just ask the Princess for a friendly spar some other time when this is all over.”

Cheerfully talking amongst themselves, the con